OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I sure hope people don't just listen to this on the radio.

They only said once that it happened in 1983 and she sounds like she is 15.

People with think this happened last week.
So far, Ford is looking & sounding pretty credible

She appears credible until you take into account all the contradictions of her story. If you don’t know anything about the charges she alleges I agree she looks credible.

get over it; Kavanaugh is toast

So you agree if you know nothing about the allegations she appears credible? I have nothing to “get over.” I don’t care if he’s confirmed or not but I think the Dems are playing with fire.
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor

Dr Ford seems credible

Why do you think she seems credible?
If so, what were the results of those rape accusations?

President Clinton never denied the charges, he was never sanctioned in the least, and indeed was hailed as a hero by the Far Left.

The women on the other hand were attacked as bimbos.
Notice how the Dems keep pushing for an FBI investigation? That seems to be the only thing they really care about. Wonder why that is? :9:
Like Trump, Kavanaugh is afraid of the FBI actually looking into things


Sure looks guilty fo something. The fear is thick in the air
Snowflakes are stuck on the FBI like they were with Trump's taxes.

The FBI already said they will NOT do it because it is not their jurisdiction, that it is a local police matter.
- No report filed. She didn't even tell her own parents / family.
- She did not want this to come out.
- She did not want to be identified.

The 'If Kavanaugh does not demand an FBI investigation then he is guilty' crap is just more snowflake BS being thrown out due to a lack of evidence.
What a nut!

She has obsessed over this alleged attack for 36 years to the point where it caused problems in her marriage. She must be the prototype for today's overly sensitive Special Snowflakes.
I think Republicans have to be very careful about how they treat a professed sexual assault survivor
Dr Ford seems credible

My prediction: Collins, Flake, Corker, and Murkowski won't promote to Kavanaugh to the SC.

If Kavanaugh doesn't remove his candidacy, more shit is going to hit the fan. A cascade of witnesses and new accusations.
"My attacker is going to be on The Supreme Court some day"

I thought she told that to her husband years ago during remodeling, wanting TWO front doors to "keep Brett out", but either way, an amazing bit prescience to remember a kid who groped and fondled her through her clothes decades earlier (apparently the only one) might someday be a SC judge!

Apparently she was OK with his being a US Circuit Judge most of his life though. If every guy who ever groped a girl was suddenly fired from his job, we would have a real crisis on our hands. As if every girl who ever got felt up carried it through her entire life wanting to destroy the guy 40 years later!
Wow. You are actually schizophrenic!

In another topic, you just validated Original Tree's claim!

Anyone with training can pass a lie detector. She's a trained liar.

WHO in the fuck after being "nearly raped" according to her....actually allegedly held down and a boy tried to kiss her......says:

"My Rapist is going to be a Supreme Court Justice." Who in the fuck says that at 15?
Stop making a fool of yourself. She did not say that.

Hey Jackass, I just WATCHED HER SAY IT on the live senate feed.
Oh wow, she finally landed a blow...

Asking Ford about her telling her husband about the sexual assault, she asked "did you mention any names?"

Ford replied "No"

Holy crap.
RIGHT HERE we can see Dr. Ford the PsychoMaster as she very carefully chooses her answer about her fears of flying. She has flown around the world. Big smiles on her part again.
So she can get a grip on her fear of flying for vacations. Got it. Her self-control is very self-directed. So it's clear she is self-indulging this 36 year old obsession.

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