Official State of the Union Thread

I'm crying.

That WW2 part of the speech was strong. One man saved, the man beside him, barely able to stand was one of the men who saved him.

America must never be socialist. Defend your nation and beat up on Communist China too!
Fear that a non-politician will show them up, that's the reason they will not help Trump succeed in fixing anything
What ELSE hath thine crystal ball revealed to thee oh great and mighty Svengali!?!??
Folks that was the greatest SOTU speech and delivery probably in history, totally epic.
Translation, Trump is kicking the living shit out of Democrats and they have no choice but applaud because they would be seen as the anti-American losers they have proven to be.
Truly a partisan hack of the lowest order. Even in agreement you must have contention.

Like a whiney little bitch on her period.


Just admit it like a man, Trump kicked your Socialist ass. And take the pussy hat off, you're embarrassing your mother.
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Fact, or Fiction?

My opinion. But one that is so obvious.


Discussion in 'Politics'

Shut your antisemitic mouth Deantard. Your conspiracy theories make you look like a dope, old man.
That's who Republicans want to see the House.

They show us what they want in a government.

And Trump leads.
Take a look Rdean. It's DEMOCRATS dressed in Klan white tonight. Sitting there stone faced at the thought of live babies and imprisoned sex traffickers.
I know. That's what your kind wants in the House and in the Senate.
How many thousands of children did Trump strip from their mothers and put in cages.
True story.

F U deantard. For someone whose father lost 90% of his family to WWII and the Holocaust you and your antisemite party can jump in a frozen white ass lake.
What are you talking about?

You are insane.

Besides, talking about saving whites from Europe but teargassing mothers and babies on our border is the height of hypocrisy.

See? I pointed that out without calling you stupid.

Asshole he honored WW2 vets who saved Jews from concentration camps and your party didn’t clap. Are you deaf as well as stupid?
Trump is lying.

Putin told him to end that treaty so Putin can look like the good guy and build up his nuclear arsonal out in the open.

You don't do everything to help the guy and then break a treaty. Trump was ordered.

Putin told him to end that treaty so Putin can look like the good guy and build up his nuclear arsonal out in the open.

Fact, or Fiction?

My opinion. But one that is so obvious.


Discussion in 'Politics'

Shut your antisemitic mouth Deantard. Your conspiracy theories make you look like a dope, old man.
That's who Republicans want to see the House.

They show us what they want in a government.

And Trump leads.
Take a look Rdean. It's DEMOCRATS dressed in Klan white tonight. Sitting there stone faced at the thought of live babies and imprisoned sex traffickers.
I know. That's what your kind wants in the House and in the Senate.
How many thousands of children did Trump strip from their mothers and put in cages.
True story.
The only pictures I saw of kids in cages were taken in 2014. Hmmm.. who was the president then? OMG.. it was OBAMA!!! And puleeze, don't even pretend to care about children if you're willing to leave that border open and encourage people to put their children on a thousand mile hike filled with drug cartels and sex traffickers. Cry to me about separating kids from families when you worry about American kids in our endless foster care system.
Stay away from GOP Kool Aid and learn to read newspapers.

But not ones like this:

If his handlers keep him under control from here on out, we might actually have a normal government.

Unfortunately, it's just a matter of time before he gets to his Twitter.

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