Official State of the Union Thread

Corpse Pelusi had that fake grin the first 15 minutes, which morphed into weird jaw movements as she apparently had a piece of food caught under her dentures for the next hour or so. Then a glazed look like Sandy Alex Cortez, and then shuffling through the pieces of cardboard as her meds wore off. What an embarrassment to the country that POS is.

As even one or two TDS folks here admit, President Trump's speech was historically epic, an oratory masterpiece. I just checked out fake news MSNBC and wow, it is almost like November 2016 again. :p The butthurtness of fake news broadcasters on MSNBC, CNN, etc., and most TDS victims is epic and hilarious. Fortunately some CVS stores are open 24/7 and are stocked up on Prep H. :p
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The Holocaust survivor, who also survived a synagogue shooting, and it was his birthday too!!! And then one of the liberators in the American Army was sitting near him!!! It was all too much and I broke down crying.
Democrats, unlike their uber-partisan and unAmerican counterparts on the right, are able to clap, and clap wholeheartedly for things the President with another letter behind his name than is behind their names.

So much so that even ze Trumpenfuher himself had to exclaim, "You weren't supposed to clap!"

You know why? Because they love America more than they love their party.

Yes, and they show their love for us every single day they fight the wall. Speaking of which......

Trump said we need to put Coyotes, drug smugglers and human traffickers out of business. Republicans stood up and applauded while Democrats just sat there. Gee, I wonder which side they are on? I guess my signature pretty much spells it out.

And what was Nancy doing with those big cards anyway? Looked like the bimbo was at a Bingo game for senior citizens. Did they have pictures for her to understand what was going on?
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....
To be honest, I wouldn't even have watched the SOTU except that my father came over to watch it. But I'm sure glad I did!!! Trump avoided mistakes he has made in the past and made an epic speech very reminiscent of the kind of speeches Ronald Reagan used to make. His use of the guests was extremely skillful. Also, he even got the Democrats clapping and cheering when he said there were more women in Congress than ever before. The whole speech was masterful.
To be honest, I wouldn't even have watched the SOTU except that my father came over to watch it. But I'm sure glad I did!!! Trump avoided mistakes he has made in the past and made an epic speech very reminiscent of the kind of speeches Ronald Reagan used to make. His use of the guests was extremely skillful. Also, he even got the Democrats clapping and cheering when he said there were more women in Congress than ever before. The whole speech was masterful.
It was a master dud.

Not to mention chuck-full of lies, but that's par for the coarse w/this lying bastard we have in Office.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.
Don't be silly.

There's a factual number of the TOTAL drugs in possession, correct?

That means there's a hard and factual number of the amount that came in the way he said they did.

That's how you can know.

Anything else, on your part, is speculation.
Joshua Trump, a sixth grader from Wilmington, Delaware, who the White House said has been bulliied over the last name he shares with the president ― and who The New York Times reported is not related to him ― will also attend as a guest. The first lady’s “Be Best” campaign has advocated against bullying.

Trump's State Of The Union Guests Include Bullied Boy, Synagogue Shooting Survivors

Bullied boy? This is hilariously ironic - since Melania is married to the most despicable bully in the world. Her so-called "Be Best" campaign is a joke. She is probably the most worthless First Lady in history.
so, how has Trump bullied you?

Show us on the doll where he touched you.

Ask the kids at the border.
He bully kids at the border in what specific way? In addition to that response, tell us specifically how he has bullied you.

Cages and separation from their parents. Anyone who doesn't think Trump is a bully - is probably a bully.
So what do you think should be done with people who drag their kids with them when the illegally cross the border?
To be honest, I wouldn't even have watched the SOTU except that my father came over to watch it. But I'm sure glad I did!!! Trump avoided mistakes he has made in the past and made an epic speech very reminiscent of the kind of speeches Ronald Reagan used to make. His use of the guests was extremely skillful. Also, he even got the Democrats clapping and cheering when he said there were more women in Congress than ever before. The whole speech was masterful.
It was a master dud.

Not to mention chuck-full of lies, but that's par for the coarse w/this lying bastard we have in Office.
You lie.
It's a bad day for America when Democrats can't get behind a President who is trying to stop drug smugglers, human traffickers and street gang murderers.
Democrats, unlike their uber-partisan and unAmerican counterparts on the right, are able to clap, and clap wholeheartedly for things the President with another letter behind his name than is behind their names.

So much so that even ze Trumpenfuher himself had to exclaim, "You weren't supposed to clap!"

You know why? Because they love America more than they love their party.

Yes, and they show their love for us every single day they fight the wall. Speaking of which......

Trump said we need to put Coyotes, drug smugglers and human traffickers out of business. Republicans stood up and applauded while Democrats just sat there. Gee, I wonder which side they are on? I guess my signature pretty much spells it out.

And what was Nancy doing with those big cards anyway? Looked like the bimbo was at a Bingo game for senior citizens. Did they have pictures for her to understand what was going on?
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!
To be honest, I wouldn't even have watched the SOTU except that my father came over to watch it. But I'm sure glad I did!!! Trump avoided mistakes he has made in the past and made an epic speech very reminiscent of the kind of speeches Ronald Reagan used to make. His use of the guests was extremely skillful. Also, he even got the Democrats clapping and cheering when he said there were more women in Congress than ever before. The whole speech was masterful.
It was a master dud.

Not to mention chuck-full of lies, but that's par for the coarse w/this lying bastard we have in Office.
How so? Obama was in no way representative of what this country stands for. Even though he received the best this country had to offer such as Affirmative Action and winning the presidency, he still had a deeply-seated resentment for this country and everything it stands for.


Let me show you how this works JG.....

In step, Trump is seen as in no way representative of what this country stands for ,even though his elite white priveldge bought himself into office, his deep seated resentment for anything middle class is on the air, evident for anyone to witness>>>


Hey now. We did run a black man in 2016 too. His name is Ben Carson. He just didn't have a good plan to restore this country, as did Donald Trump.

Yes, and they show their love for us every single day they fight the wall. Speaking of which......

Trump said we need to put Coyotes, drug smugglers and human traffickers out of business. Republicans stood up and applauded while Democrats just sat there. Gee, I wonder which side they are on? I guess my signature pretty much spells it out.

And what was Nancy doing with those big cards anyway? Looked like the bimbo was at a Bingo game for senior citizens. Did they have pictures for her to understand what was going on?
Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!

After watching Obama pretend to be an American, Christian and a president for 8 years I can understand why you would feel that way.
To be honest, I wouldn't even have watched the SOTU except that my father came over to watch it. But I'm sure glad I did!!! Trump avoided mistakes he has made in the past and made an epic speech very reminiscent of the kind of speeches Ronald Reagan used to make. His use of the guests was extremely skillful. Also, he even got the Democrats clapping and cheering when he said there were more women in Congress than ever before. The whole speech was masterful.
It was a master dud.

Not to mention chuck-full of lies, but that's par for the coarse w/this lying bastard we have in Office.

Master dud with a 76% approval.

POLL STUNNERS: Both CBS and CNN Polls: 76 Percent of Viewers Approve President Trump's State of the Union Speech; CBS: 72 Percent Approve His Immigration Ideas
:huh1: I didn't watch the speech in full just yet being I was also on my PC during the speech, but when I saw some of the playbacks, I couldn't help but notice that Queen Pelosi looked like she was munching on a chocolate bar or snack.
Does anyone here know what she was eating for the 70/80 minutes President Trump was speaking?
How so? Obama was in no way representative of what this country stands for. Even though he received the best this country had to offer such as Affirmative Action and winning the presidency, he still had a deeply-seated resentment for this country and everything it stands for.


Let me show you how this works JG.....

In step, Trump is seen as in no way representative of what this country stands for ,even though his elite white priveldge bought himself into office, his deep seated resentment for anything middle class is on the air, evident for anyone to witness>>>


Hey now. We did run a black man in 2016 too. His name is Ben Carson. He just didn't have a good plan to restore this country, as did Donald Trump.

Most drugs come in at checkpoints inside legal items.

Everyone knows that.
How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!

After watching Obama pretend to be an American, Christian and a president for 8 years I can understand why you would feel that way.

Well, by god, you win! I will never vote for Obama again. I want my Christian presidents to be successful pussy grabbers!
:huh1: I didn't watch the speech in full just yet being I was also on my PC during the speech, but when I saw some of the playbacks, I couldn't help but notice that Queen Pelosi looked like she was munching on a chocolate bar or snack.
Does anyone here know what she was eating for the 70/80 minutes President Trump was speaking?

I think she was chewing her cud.
How so? Obama was in no way representative of what this country stands for. Even though he received the best this country had to offer such as Affirmative Action and winning the presidency, he still had a deeply-seated resentment for this country and everything it stands for.


Let me show you how this works JG.....

In step, Trump is seen as in no way representative of what this country stands for ,even though his elite white priveldge bought himself into office, his deep seated resentment for anything middle class is on the air, evident for anyone to witness>>>


Hey now. We did run a black man in 2016 too. His name is Ben Carson. He just didn't have a good plan to restore this country, as did Donald Trump.

How do you know that? If they come over the fence, under the fence, around the fence and aren't caught,
how can you quantify that?
You should say that most drugs are confiscated at the checkpoints.

Let's visualize this together:

"Hey, Pedro! Please put these 100 pounds of heroin under your clothes, and cross the border with it. When you get to Tucson, call this number, and meet Jose. Give the bags to him. In the meantime, don't drop them in the desert while walking the 100 miles to Tucson. Don't use the drugs yourself, or sell them for $100,000 and keep the money. In appreciation, Jose will buy you lunch at Taco Bell."

Happens 100 times a day.. The CBP folks can show the tapes.. Ever watch the show "Border Wars"? Like a recruiting program for CBP... But you'd probably think that everything they show is propaganda -- rightt???

Chasing Pedro with horses, helicopters, atvs and on foot is what happens when you don't have a border....

That's odd. I live down here by the border, and I have not had any experience with undocumented aliens crossing the border with drugs, in spite of the fact that, as a member of the Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers,(SAV), I am privy to pretty much everything that goes on down here, regarding law enforcement. On the other hand, at the Nogales border portal, there are major drug busts almost every week.

As for your TV show, I would not know. I don't have cable, and if I did, I would not watch "reality" shows. My god, I might end up watching Trump pretend to be running our country!

After watching Obama pretend to be an American, Christian and a president for 8 years I can understand why you would feel that way.

Well, by god, you win! I will never vote for Obama again. I want my Christian presidents to be successful pussy grabbers!

I'm just curious why you voted for him the first time. Based on what experience exactly? Or was it because it was the in thing, to vote for the black dude?

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