Official State of the Union Thread

Dumbo was begging...."Nancy please don't investigate all the crimes that my regime and family commited."

So when the GOP launched years of investigations on Hillary....was that also a show of unity? Nothing....except a stage for GOP House members...most of who are gone.

Sorry...Donnie....Nancy will not give your orange balls will be hanging from them soon.

You silly willy.

The President sent a message for the loyal citizens to send Congress the message, stop the bull crap investigations that we all know are a waste of energy, time and money and let's work together or the people will vote you out of office.
:huh1: I didn't watch the speech in full just yet being I was also on my PC during the speech, but when I saw some of the playbacks, I couldn't help but notice that Queen Pelosi looked like she was munching on a chocolate bar or snack.
Does anyone here know what she was eating for the 70/80 minutes President Trump was speaking?

Probably nicotine gum.. She smokes and drinks hourly or she goes berserk....

Really? Where's your proof? You wouldn't be lying, would you?

Pelosi, of smoke-free California, is known to detest the tobacco habit. Ever since her ascension as top Democrat with authority over the lobby and most other space in the House, smokers have been bracing for the moment when they'd be ordered to extinguish their butts.

A Smoking Tradition Snuffed Out By Pelosi - Washington Post
Hollywierd takes to Twitter...

Alyssa Milano talks about...
unity is not creating or enforcing laws
which separate children from their parents
at the border, illegally trying to enter the country

Umm, fuck you

I do not advocate separating families,
I support enforcing our laws

There are thousands of children
removed or separated from their families
because their parent/s are in jail

Why doesn’t she go off on,
the parent/s putting their family in that situation?

How many children are shipped off alone?
WTF...nothing to say about that?

Why are these people breeding
if they can barely provide for themselves
and know the reality of their life, their situation?

I mean, 1 kid is bad enough,
but, 2, 3, 4...come on already!

How does anyone question
the compassions and ethics of others,
without first questioning those
who subjected these children to a life of
hunger, need, squalor, poverty, sadness and desperation?

I am sick and tired of others irresponsiblity
being everyone else’s responsibility!

Then you have Debra Messing tweeting....
unity does not ban immigrants based on their religion

Bitch, STFU

It’s not ok to force people to do something
that goes against their religious beliefs either

But, you support laws which would do just that
You favor denying someone their convictions
so someone could force compliance of their convictions

Fuck you idiots...
The only reason I favor the AOC 70% wealth tax,
is so fucks like you are forced to pay for what you advocate

Kylie Jenner has a net worth of 900 million dollars,
This money is attributed to her cosmetics line
which she launched in 2015...

We just entered 2019, so, one can assume,
she will make as much, if not more, over the next 3 years

She would be taxed 63 million dollars
on 900 million in earnings

See, haven’t heard a peep from those
this wealth tax would get its money from...

but, believe me when I say,
If you honestly think, she would be delighted
to have to give the government 63 million dollars
so everyone can have health insurance
go to college and have a house...


That’s why you haven’t heard a peep...
Too many hypocrites would expose themselves

The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.


The media couldn't hide their disappointment that the President's speech was so effective.

Why It Doesn’t Feel Good When Someone Else Succeeds

Redirect Notice
Who said Trump isn't a bully? Anyone...?

I couldn't watch the whole thing. Did Trump mention Ginsberg?

I think he said she's having an abortion.

She sure is.

A-list gay couple ‘married’ by Justice Ginsburg arrested for rape of male student

"The young man blacked out after taking just a few sips of the drink he had been offered.

Schultz said that the next thing he remembers is waking the following day, “in a bed alone, completely naked,” and “bleeding from my rectum.”

When Daniels and Walters returned to their apartment, Daniels allegedly said, “‘Don’t worry about the BB thing, I’m totally negative.’ BB in this case meant bareback, otherwise known as raping me without a condom.”


The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.



The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.


incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist, misogynist

he's exactly that, and a WORLD CLASS LIAR.

F Trump, and his horse.

I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?
What was the point? What message, precisely, did they mean to spend?

Is it a chastity thing?

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