Official State of the Union Thread

:huh1: I didn't watch the speech in full just yet being I was also on my PC during the speech, but when I saw some of the playbacks, I couldn't help but notice that Queen Pelosi looked like she was munching on a chocolate bar or snack.
Does anyone here know what she was eating for the 70/80 minutes President Trump was speaking?

Probably nicotine gum.. She smokes and drinks hourly or she goes berserk....

Really? Where's your proof? You wouldn't be lying, would you?

Pelosi, of smoke-free California, is known to detest the tobacco habit. Ever since her ascension as top Democrat with authority over the lobby and most other space in the House, smokers have been bracing for the moment when they'd be ordered to extinguish their butts.

A Smoking Tradition Snuffed Out By Pelosi - Washington Post

I suspect pot and some toot is okay with fuhrer Pelosi .. but ciggy smoke and vape .. Das ist verboten... :whipg:


The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.


incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist, misogynist

he's exactly that, and a WORLD CLASS LIAR.

F Trump, and his horse.


This thread will open and then float in Politics forum beginning around 6PM EST Feb 5th.. All comments, opinion, analysis belong in here on this topic. Other threads in all other forums risk closure or merging. This thread will be the focus until 6PM EST Wednesday. Afterwards, any breaking related events/news with NEW information, may open in Politics..

Know the topic.. Severely off-topic, all personal or derailing posts will be deleted and/or warned..
She’s the “first black woman to give State of Union rebuttal.” Boy that’s fucking important.
Stacey Abrams: Democratic response offers tough rebuke of Trump, GOP leadership - CNNPolitics

The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.


incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist, misogynist

he's exactly that, and a WORLD CLASS LIAR.

F Trump, and his horse.


Dr. Lumpy says ... "worst case of TDS I've seen all day" ..umm .. "except for Nancy and her mangy lap dog, Chuck"..
This thread will open and then float in Politics forum beginning around 6PM EST Feb 5th.. All comments, opinion, analysis belong in here on this topic. Other threads in all other forums risk closure or merging. This thread will be the focus until 6PM EST Wednesday. Afterwards, any breaking related events/news with NEW information, may open in Politics..

Know the topic.. Severely off-topic, all personal or derailing posts will be deleted and/or warned..
She’s the “first black woman to give State of Union rebuttal.” Boy that’s fucking important.
Stacey Abrams: Democratic response offers tough rebuke of Trump, GOP leadership - CNNPolitics

She played the downtrodden victim very well, throw in some slim-flam lefty propaganda about Trump and back to the sob story of her overly fed life.. eh .. totally unimpressed.
I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?

No one should wear white after Labor Day... but never mind.

Tiffany Trump also wore all white. So either she is protesting her father's policies or she has the worst sense of fashion timing every.

Abrams read / recited pre-written talking points the Democrats wanted to get out and did not really address anything specific in the President's speech.

With the exception of the bullied youth, a moment I can not speak of because I missed seeing it, I thought the guests he had and introduced were amazing individuals who represented some of what is truly great about this country.

In light of the massive move to the extreme Left and towards Socialism going on right now - despite the powerful lesson regarding the history of Socialism we are being reminded of through what is going on in Venezuela, I thought the President's re-commitment to freedom, liberty, and Democracy on which our Founding Fathers built this country was powerful. When he declared the United States would never become a Socialist country there were even Democrats who stood and applauded. Socialist Bernie Sanders, however, was shown sitting with a scowl on his face, an expression on his face as if someone had just kicked him in his tiny, shriveled-up, socialist jewels.

This speech, I thought, was a deviation from the typical type of speech this President usually gives, which is good.

If you were able to leave your 'extreme' partisanship - both left and right - at the door and just LISTEN to the speech as an AMERICAN, not Democrat or Republican, it was not a bad speech...IMHO.
I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?

No one should wear white after Labor Day... but never mind.

Tiffany Trump also wore all white. So either she is protesting her father's policies or she has the worst sense of fashion timing every.

View attachment 244396
Serial Mom?

The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.


incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist, misogynist

he's exactly that, and a WORLD CLASS LIAR.

F Trump, and his horse.



Triggered indeed

And wait until the perpetually miserable wake up and see the CBS poll that 73% approved of the speech. Oy......words sprawled across the top of the page on DRUDGE!

I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?

No one should wear white after Labor Day... but never mind.

Tiffany Trump also wore all white. So either she is protesting her father's policies or she has the worst sense of fashion timing every.

View attachment 244396
Serial Mom?

Tiffiney is the Trump kid you don't hear much about, mostly because she is estranged from her father.
I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?

A message to dotard world. We are taking over. Deal with it.
"The bold statement, initiated by the House Democratic Women's Working Group, saw dozens of lawmakers coordinate their attire as a show of solidarity among women. Democrats taking part included newly-elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York,"

Seems pretty harmless to me.

Looks like the OP wants to try and paint this as some kind of deep state demonstration orchestrated by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her "Friends" to associate these women with the KKK and lynching. Now, talk about bizarre.
I think it looked kind of like a KKK meeting just before they put their hoods on, then go out and lynch somebody. That was some bizarre shit there. WTF?

No one should wear white after Labor Day... but never mind.

Tiffany Trump also wore all white. So either she is protesting her father's policies or she has the worst sense of fashion timing every.

View attachment 244396
Serial Mom?

Tiffiney is the Trump kid you don't hear much about, mostly because she is estranged from her father.
Right, I know. I thought you were making a reference to the movie Serial Mom. Anyway.

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