Official State of the Union Thread

The Democtats write their own memes for us. LOL
Trump's SOTU speech included a long list of lies and misrepresentations, and every fact checking source is busy sorting through them and presenting the facts to show just how wrong he was. I was particularly irked by his claim that El Paso was a very dangerous place, and that fence quickly turned it into one of the safest places in the US. El Paso was a very safe place long before any fence.

What do you think his biggest lies were?

State of the Union: Trump invites bullied 11-year-old called Joshua Trump to annual address

So who is Joshua Trump? It is a boy in public school that is in no way related to Trump, but who has been bullied to the point to where he tried to change his last name.

But that is life in Leftist run education. They teach hatred to any person other than someone with a "D" by their name.

I am not going to watch the state of the union, it will be full of Trump and how great he is, I can't stand fake boasters of how they are the greatest of all.
I bet you watch every Hollywood awards show tho.

I watched the State of the Union, and of course he was boastful and sprouted a lot of falsehoods as though they were facts. (just like I knew he would)
Trump's SOTU speech included a long list of lies and misrepresentations, and every fact checking source is busy sorting through them and presenting the facts to show just how wrong he was. I was particularly irked by his claim that El Paso was a very dangerous place, and that fence quickly turned it into one of the safest places in the US. El Paso was a very safe place long before any fence.

What do you think his biggest lies were?

That's a matter of opinion.
You stated a long list of lies, but only mentioned one.
I think you're lying about his lies because of this lie you liar. :iagree:
Most of Trump's speech was the expected exaggerations , pompus ego , misleading facts.....and downright lies..>>>>

State of the Union Fact Check: What Trump Got Right and Wrong


Yep, but our righty friends saw the greatest speech by the greatest president ever. The jury is out on whether the speech itself, or their reaction to it, would constitute the clearest evidence for the currently festering American Disease.


“The border city of El Paso, Tex., used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the entire country, and considered one of our nation’s most dangerous cities. Now, immediately upon its building, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of the safest cities in our country.”
This is false.

El Paso was never one of the most dangerous cities in the United States, and crime has been declining in cities across the country — not just El Paso — for reasons that have nothing to do with border fencing. In 2008, before border barriers had been completed in El Paso, the city had the second-lowest violent crime rate among more than 20 similarly sized cities. In 2010, after the fencing went up, it held that place.​

The pompous, megalomaniac buffoon's mendacity, and his mean-spirited nativist hate fest, in all its putrid glory, and no amount of disingenuous sophistry will make that claim acceptable. Well, except for the xenophobes, nativists and racists who make up most of Trump's "base". They do love the things they... "see".
I wonder if the White Nags have any idea how small, petulant and whiny they looked, refusing to clap for African-American or Hispanic low unemployment, etc. But clapping and cheering for their OWN pathetic employment. It was a poor political choice that they decided to all dress the same--White Nags--so they were so easily identified. Fascinating that you could watch Nancy see the poor choice work out in real time.

Great speech. When Americans know and understand Democrat policies, their response is anywhere from dislike to hate. That's clear too. If Trump can cut through the MSM and social media noise, he will win in 2020.

The President hit a Grand Slam.

Best speech of his I have ever seen.

Best SOTU I have ever seen.
Yea, if it's not true, then it can be totally fantastic.

If you are going to lie then this is a really good time. When the ignorant are listening in.

You consume a news product designed to feed you with the idea that the President is bad, incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist,
misogynist and any other bad thing they can make you believe.

Your challenge is to prove you are not simply a parrot of the Leftists and other ists, but someone who could watch the speech and see the truth.


incompetent, a dotard, a bigot, a thief, a liar, a traitor, a racist, misogynist

he's exactly that, and a WORLD CLASS LIAR.

F Trump, and his horse.


This is the Democrat Platform. This is what they have. Tantrums. That's it.
Nobody cares what the fringe left thought about the speech......what matters is what the whole country thought.
Ah. So this matters then?

Trump routinely says things that aren’t
true. Few Americans believe him.
[...] Fewer than 3 in 10 Americans — including fewer than 4 in 10 Republicans — believe these or several other prominent claims by the president, according to the poll.

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