Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Now The Donald should appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Democratic Party, to investigate who they have Colluded with in their POLITICAL WITCH HUNT to destroy him AND his ENTIRE family, who they have Colluded with to CRAP on America's Electoral Process in their pursuit to OVERTURN the result of that Electoral Process by wanting to throw him out of the Office he was elected to BECAUSE they could NEVER accept that The Donald BEAT Hillary.
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.

Go and shit in some threads with Non-American Leftists who TRASH America and tell them to STFU you Passive-Aggressive Leftist Partisan Bitch.

Don't hold back! Tell us how you REALLY feel!
Go make political noise in your own country, Lucy. All this investigating is just ripping us apart.

Fuck off, you NEVER say that to Non-Americans who are Leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome ilk, so GTFO and STFU already. NOBODY gives a CRAP what you think and I have a RIGHT to post what I want about ANYTHING I want so deal with it or fuck off.

Oosie I notice that when you're angry your English gets much better. :)

Just an observation.

I've noticed that when you get angry and are losing, you get all nonsensical and things. :abgg2q.jpg:

No it's true. Oosie's English has been suffering lately. I noticed but didn't make an issue of it, her being a young whippersnapper and all. But here suddenly it's much improved. I like the way she says "fuck off".

It's just a linguistic curiosity.

It's also a curiosity the way you go out on a far-out unrelated branch when losing.

I'm just an observer. :dunno:

Seem me "lose" anything lately?
2 +Years, Millions of US Tax Dollars RESULTS:





Thank God it's back to much more important things like the NCAA tourney. I was angry when they interrupted my game. Priorities.

Just stop for a moment and think of all the poor liberals tonight spending it on suicide watch at their local mental health facility.
Go to hell, Admiral. You and your fantasies.

Get off your high horse, these Leftist pieces of shit have been crowing and gloating for two years about this shit.
High horse? You must be pretty far down in the mud, there, SON
Fuck off, you NEVER say that to Non-Americans who are Leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome ilk, so GTFO and STFU already. NOBODY gives a CRAP what you think and I have a RIGHT to post what I want about ANYTHING I want so deal with it or fuck off.

Oosie I notice that when you're angry your English gets much better. :)

Just an observation.

I've noticed that when you get angry and are losing, you get all nonsensical and things. :abgg2q.jpg:

No it's true. Oosie's English has been suffering lately. I noticed but didn't make an issue of it, her being a young whippersnapper and all. But here suddenly it's much improved. I like the way she says "fuck off".

It's just a linguistic curiosity.

I get the fuck off thing from other threads I am NOT stupid OR not educated I can get these things and as a sponge take them in.

And you do it well. But your grammar has grown proportionately to your vitriol.

It's kinda .... sexy. :th_yourecute:

Libs know there fucked. They ran on this for 2 years, hoping anything would come out of it. Now it’s too late and their gonna beat it like a worn drum until 2020 because they have nothing
Left to go on
"Also unknown: the whereabouts of a Russia-linked professor from Malta who told the Trump-campaign adviser George Papadopoulos in April 2016—before the Russian hacks were made public—that Russia had “dirt” on Clinton in the “form of thousands of emails,” according to a criminal information filed by Mueller against Papadopoulos in October 2017. It is still not clear how the professor, Joseph Mifsud, seemed to know in advance that Russia sought to compromise Clinton’s candidacy, and he has virtually disappeared since his name was made public in 2017."

Mueller needs to re-open his investigation when this Mifsud character is found!
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"
"..... deliver us from EVIL"

Racist fuck.

I can understand how you would construe that as being "racist", because you see racism in everything you look at. Like they say: "What you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail to you."

But personally, I don't see anything racist about the picture. Are there black people in it being unfairly treated? Are there any Mexicans in it?
Oh please. Are you this stupid or just a liar?

Pepe the frog is a symbol for white supremacy. Why else would it be in that post.

You can live out the rest of your life being a hillbilly if you want to. Personally I don't really care. Good for you, hillbilly. Just because the anti-defamation league didn't like the Pepe meme and deemed it "racist", you get triggered every time you see it?

"The Anti-Defamation League added certain incarnations of Pepe the Frog to their database of hate symbols in 2016, adding that not all Pepe memes are racist."

Pepe the Frog - Wikipedia

Thank God it's back to much more important things like the NCAA tourney. I was angry when they interrupted my game. Priorities.

Just stop for a moment and think of all the poor liberals tonight spending it on suicide watch at their local mental health facility.
Go to hell, Admiral. You and your fantasies.

Get off your high horse, these Leftist pieces of shit have been crowing and gloating for two years about this shit.
High horse? You must be pretty far down in the mud, there, SON

Yup, high horse. Honey, you simply don't have a say in anything that anyone else says. Mind your own damn bidness.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.

Yep. But even if Trump accepted the help, as long as it wasn't financial it wouldn't be a crime.
I beg to differ any help from a foreign country in our elections is definitely a crime
So, how far will Barr go???? Will he lie & deliberately hide key items in the Mueller report. Did Mueller set a trap?

So we know Russia kept offering Trump their help. (That should be scary enough)

Putin: Hey Donnie, you want us to help you out?

Donnie "well you know I would greatly appreciate it & be forever in your debt but, gee whiz, I can't because my lawyer says it is illegal. But if you just do it & I don't know it, who is to say..."

Putin: "Message received"

Here we go, "BARR LIED"!!!!!!!
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.

Yep. But even if Trump accepted the help, as long as it wasn't financial it wouldn't be a crime.
I beg to differ any help from a foreign country in our elections is definitely a crime

Did you feel that way when we interfered in Israel's elections?
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Is it finally over? No more RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA? I am sad, the leftists will have nothing to talk about, what will happen to their butthurt now?

Still multiple investigations ongoing into the Blob as is the Stone trial.

Stay tuned.
Well of course there is, darling....all from the butthurt left. Sheesh

Its the Benghazi standard.

I don’t think Stone’s upcoming trial is coming from the left, small one.
Stone, who? The thread is about Trump and conspiracy/collusion/obstruction/Russia/Mueller darlin, try and keep up.
Fuck off, you NEVER say that to Non-Americans who are Leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome ilk, so GTFO and STFU already. NOBODY gives a CRAP what you think and I have a RIGHT to post what I want about ANYTHING I want so deal with it or fuck off.

Oosie I notice that when you're angry your English gets much better. :)

Just an observation.

I've noticed that when you get angry and are losing, you get all nonsensical and things. :abgg2q.jpg:

No it's true. Oosie's English has been suffering lately. I noticed but didn't make an issue of it, her being a young whippersnapper and all. But here suddenly it's much improved. I like the way she says "fuck off".

It's just a linguistic curiosity.

It's also a curiosity the way you go out on a far-out unrelated branch when losing.

I'm just an observer. :dunno:

Seem me "lose" anything lately?

Ayep, and you went spinning right on into the Twilight Zone, why do you think I mentioned it? Derp! It was in the past day or two. Call me bluff if you wanna, because I will post for all to see.
Mueller even stated that there was evidence of Russia willing to help Trump during the campaign and was turned away.
Honesty at the highest level and I'm disappointed that my liberal friends won't acknowledge that.

Yep. But even if Trump accepted the help, as long as it wasn't financial it wouldn't be a crime.
I beg to differ any help from a foreign country in our elections is definitely a crime

Would it have also been a "crime" when Obama attempted to sway the outcome of the Israeli election like he did?
Oosie I notice that when you're angry your English gets much better. :)

Just an observation.

I've noticed that when you get angry and are losing, you get all nonsensical and things. :abgg2q.jpg:

ALL Leftists can go and DIE for all I care. I would allow my dog to piss on their corpses. Leftists are human scum. Period.
Lucy I wouldn't piss on your grave or trumps if you were on fire
bad day, eddie?
Not good but not so bad Trumps pos did what trumps pos was supposed to do
and you are doing what you do.

blinded by hate. looks like it sucks to live that way from here.
"..... deliver us from EVIL"

Racist fuck.

I can understand how you would construe that as being "racist", because you see racism in everything you look at. Like they say: "What you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail to you."

But personally, I don't see anything racist about the picture. Are there black people in it being unfairly treated? Are there any Mexicans in it?
Oh please. Are you this stupid or just a liar?

Pepe the frog is a symbol for white supremacy. Why else would it be in that post.

You can live out the rest of your life being a hillbilly if you want to. Personally I don't really care. Good for you, hillbilly. Just because the anti-defamation league didn't like the Pepe meme and deemed it "racist", you get triggered every time you see it?

"The Anti-Defamation League added certain incarnations of Pepe the Frog to their database of hate symbols in 2016, adding that not all Pepe memes are racist."

Pepe the Frog - Wikipedia


Another defender of racist fucks. Why is it there? What does it Represent if not white supremacy. Are you denying Pepe was ever used by white supremacists. Please I want to know why you defend this piece of shit.

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