Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
There may be no law preventing Barr from releasing it, but common decency does. There is a lot of information in there that could prove embarrassing or damaging to innocent people if released. I fully realized that Trump Hating morons like you don't give a fuck who you screw over in the process of getting Trump, but decent people do.

So Barr is lying & you don't care. I get it.

Try learning a few things. NO collusion. NO obstruction. NO arrest. Grand jury information can NOT be released by law. Any person named who is not being indicted may NOT have that information released by law. Barr quoted Mueller's OWN WORDS in that memo. We get it, the butthurt is strong with you and every leftie on this board. Your "savior" failed you. Consider the crying a preview of the Dems after Trump wins re-election in 2020.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.


Barr said at his confirmation hearing that he would release as much as possible. Transparent was his word

If it is an exhonoration of Trump, why can’t we see it

Trumps taxes all over
It is the LAW and even if they release some of it it has to be redacted there are a lot of innocent people in that report, but then you don't care do you?
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?

Proud Stalinists like Bri don't learn. They actually think that if they just scream hatred at democracy hard enough, they can get away with political persecutions and kangaroo courts.

So, we're seeing how all of the Trump cultists want Trump's testimony hidden, just as predicted. They know he's guilty. And just yesterday, they were saying how Trump wourld release everything, and that would be great. Then DearLeader commanded them to flipflop, and the Stalinist minions jumped. They seek out opportunities to display hypocrisy, since that demonstrates how they're willing to abandon all morality on behalf of TheParty.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.


Barr said at his confirmation hearing that he would release as much as possible. Transparent was his word

If it is an exhonoration of Trump, why can’t we see it

Trumps taxes all over
It is the LAW and even if they release some of it it has to be redacted there are a lot of innocent people in that report, but then you don't care do you?
I have no problem redacting classified information

I do have a problem with redacting information that a President may find unflattering
This long national nightmare is over. The President has been vindicated to an extraordinary degree. There are no additional indictments, there has never been any collusion. In many ways, this report is 2 years late
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
There may be no law preventing Barr from releasing it, but common decency does. There is a lot of information in there that could prove embarrassing or damaging to innocent people if released. I fully realized that Trump Hating morons like you don't give a fuck who you screw over in the process of getting Trump, but decent people do.
Grand Jury testimony can NOT be released thus he can not release it until it is completely redacted.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
Will you expect Trump to testify under oath in such an investigation?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Because he occupies the center of the most corrupt US administration since Warren Harding's.

Everyone Who’s Been Charged in Investigations Related to the 2016 Election
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and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
There may be no law preventing Barr from releasing it, but common decency does. There is a lot of information in there that could prove embarrassing or damaging to innocent people if released. I fully realized that Trump Hating morons like you don't give a fuck who you screw over in the process of getting Trump, but decent people do.

So Barr is lying & you don't care. I get it.
Where did Barr say he wasn't going to redact it and release what he can?
‪How do you spell Schadenfreude? ‬From now on:‬ M U E L L E R‬

Could have used that $25 million to BUILD THE WALL!
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?

Proud Stalinists like Bri don't learn. They actually think that if they just scream hatred at democracy hard enough, they can get away with political persecutions and kangaroo courts.

So, we're seeing how all of the Trump cultists want Trump's testimony hidden, just as predicted. They know he's guilty. And just yesterday, they were saying how Trump wourld release everything, and that would be great. Then DearLeader commanded them to flipflop, and the Stalinist minions jumped. They seek out opportunities to display hypocrisy, since that demonstrates how they're willing to abandon all morality on behalf of TheParty.
I'm a "Stalinist?" Who has been screaming "collusion" [witch] for the last three years and demanding the head of everyone in the Trump administration on a platter? I never said Trump would release everything, nor did I endorse it.

It's hilarious watching one of the major hypocrites in the forum accusing others of being hypocrites.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
Will you expect Trump to testify under oath in such an investigation?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Because he occupies the center of the most corrupt US administration since Warren Harding's.

Everyone Who’s Been Charged in Investigations Related to the 2016 Election
Flynn is the only one on your list who was actually in the administration, and that was only for a few weeks.

Trump haters just can't help lying to advance their bogus narrative.
Why would the Russians father colluding with these idiots? Works great just as it was, wrecked Hillary's campaign in the end.... So why didn't the trumps ever report the Russians to law enforcement? Hmmmmmmm? All Republicans care about is winning and cutting taxes on themselves and of course duping the chumps....
"i do have a relationship with Putin. i hope he comes to the Miss Universe Paegant in Moscow. Putin has put himself as the most important leader of a country in the world" - Trump in 2013

"i dont know who Putin is" - Trump in 2016
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?
Went? What law says the DOJ can't open an investigation into what these people did to overthrow the President?
Please investigate
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?
Went? What law says the DOJ can't open an investigation into what these people did to overthrow the President?
Please investigate
You investigate. Then report back.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
Will you expect Trump to testify under oath in such an investigation?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Why would Trump testify? Was he supporting a coup against himself?
Because he occupies the center of the most corrupt US administration since Warren Harding's.

Everyone Who’s Been Charged in Investigations Related to the 2016 Election
Flynn is the only one on your list who was actually in the administration, and that was only for a few weeks.

Trump haters just can't help lying to advance their bogus narrative.
Flynn is the only one on your list who was actually in the administration, and that was only for a few weeks.
Manafort was Trump's campaign chairman when he provided internal polling data to a Russian intelligence asset.
I will repeat the Mueller report says CLEARLY that there was NO COLLUSION NONE NADA ZIPPO, so now one of you BRAIN DEAD lefties explain how or why Trump obstructed Justice when he did NOTHING wrong to begin with. I will REPEAT for AMAZINGLY STUPID a Sitting President may fire a director of the FBI at ANY TIME for ANY REASON or NO reason at all. Further he fired him on the recommendation of the Assistant Attorney General.
ask mueller about NO EXONERATION you fn dumb trump ah

PFC Eddiew
He STATED No Collusion and no verifiable proof of Obstruction either dumb ass. So answer the question.... If Trump did NOT COLLUDE why would he have obstructed an investigation that would clear him again? Further be specific and tell us how Comey being fired did ANYTHING to the investigation.....
Trump being Putin’s useful idiot is just as scary as him willfully colluding with Russia: Ex-FBI agent Clint Watts

Well, if anyone would know about Useful Idiocy, it'd be the Left, who have been repeating Soviet propaganda for decades.
So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
The big losers today:

TDS afflicted Democrats

TDS afflicted press

Both have lost their credibility big time.

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