Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
The DNC sold Bernie out.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Israel is an apartheid state populated by numerous psychotic hired killers

Why do you guys support those who kill children for money, MAGA?

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.
I hate people who steal land and other resources while pretending to be the victims of their racist colonization of Palestine.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

"The Impact of the Conflict on Children
2,175 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

What's your Stormfront name, Skinhead George?

[I'm a "Stalinist?" Who has been screaming "collusion" [witch] for the last three years

Well, you, mostly. You've just been lying about what we supposed said, a standard Stalinist tactic.

You have to understand that you lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites, it makes you a liar.

Oh, good to see you say that you want the information hidden. That's essentially your admission that you know DearLeader is guilty as sin.
[I'm a "Stalinist?" Who has been screaming "collusion" [witch] for the last three years

Well, you, mostly. You've just been lying about what we supposed said, a standard Stalinist tactic.

You have to understand that you lying about us doesn't make us hypocrites, it makes you a liar.
You INSISTED Trump colluded with Russia, over and over. You were wrong accept it and move on.
You INSISTED Trump colluded with Russia, over and over. You were wrong accept it and move on.

But it's unlikely I'm wrong, as there's no evidence saying I'm wrong.

For inexplicable reasons, the Trump cultists have decided a brief speech by Baghdad Barr represents reality. Given Barr was appointed solely to shield Trump, that's every bit as dumb as believing Baghdad Bob.
You INSISTED Trump colluded with Russia, over and over. You were wrong accept it and move on.

But it's unlikely I'm wrong, as there's no evidence saying I'm wrong.

For inexplicable reasons, the Trump cultists have decided a brief speech by Baghdad Barr represents reality. Given Barr was appointed solely to shield Trump, that's every bit as dumb as believing Baghdad Bob.
You have been proven wrong, shit for brains. You have been proven as wrong as anyone can be proven wrong. 2800 subpoenas and 500 witnesses. How much wronger can you be?
You INSISTED Trump colluded with Russia, over and over. You were wrong accept it and move on.

But it's unlikely I'm wrong, as there's no evidence saying I'm wrong.

For inexplicable reasons, the Trump cultists have decided a brief speech by Baghdad Barr represents reality. Given Barr was appointed solely to shield Trump, that's every bit as dumb as believing Baghdad Bob.
He quoted Mueller dumb ass NO COLLUSION.
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?

Proud Stalinists like Bri don't learn. They actually think that if they just scream hatred at democracy hard enough, they can get away with political persecutions and kangaroo courts.

So, we're seeing how all of the Trump cultists want Trump's testimony hidden, just as predicted. They know he's guilty. And just yesterday, they were saying how Trump wourld release everything, and that would be great. Then DearLeader commanded them to flipflop, and the Stalinist minions jumped. They seek out opportunities to display hypocrisy, since that demonstrates how they're willing to abandon all morality on behalf of TheParty.
Why do you keep accusing conservatives of doing liberal things?
"You. Have. Been. Exposed. Stop the charade. There was no collusion. You used your unique position on the Intel Cmte to convince the American people that you had access to evidence of collusion. You lied and misled in order to pursue your political agenda. Move on." - Dastardly Dan Crenshaw to Adam Schiff
We have 3 categories of crooks: media, Dems lying to their voters & previous admin spying on our own citizens. Ed Rollins: FBI is responsible for driving some of this investigation. I hope the new director & AG clean house
The DNC sold Bernie out.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Israel is an apartheid state populated by numerous psychotic hired killers

Why do you guys support those who kill children for money, MAGA?

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.
I hate people who steal land and other resources while pretending to be the victims of their racist colonization of Palestine.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

"The Impact of the Conflict on Children
2,175 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

What's your Stormfront name, Skinhead George?

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