Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

So if Jussie Smollett is facing years in prison for falsely accusing someone of a crime... What is the penalty for falsely accusing a President of treason?
There is a difference between accusing someone because you have reason to believe that a crime was committed- and making shit up and paying people to stage a crime. Give me a fucking break with your false equivalency logical fallacy
Isn't that exactly what Comey, McCage, Strozk, Yates, Hillary, Ohr and McCabe did?
NO OBSTRUCTION , NO COLLUSION. Mr President have two scoops tonight

Mostly wrong, cupcake. No Collusion but it didn't rule out obstruction. Collusion is not against the law. It's not even in any law books. Trump can collude until he's blue in the face and it doesn't matter. I just hope he has at least 2 ply toilet paper when he does it if he is to shake hands afterwards.

But it did not preclude Obstruction. That is far and above anything the Justice Department can deal with. It's not their job and they can't find the President guilty of it. But they can turn over evidence to Congress who has that power. We are all sitting back and waiting. Well, at least the sane people are. The rest of you, just keep messing up the bandwidth with your nonsense one way or the other.
"LOL -- the Russia Today and conservative media news this morning that I **wept** -- I cried and cried -- through the show last night. LOLololol." - Maddow

she did cry for a little bit! twitter had to censor it they were so embarrassed!
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Also take your maga clown hat off for a moment and read this latest from the DOJ, and I hope you unAmerican Russian/tRump puppets pour a river of sweat and anxiety attacks: Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Of course they will. The democrap Party is as un American as you can get. They are globalists, and a strong America weakens their positions. That's why they will continue to fling poo until the election hoping that some will stick and prevent a trump reelection.

This is all about politics. Nothing more.

""The democrap Party is as un American as you can get" "This is all about politics."

Irony ^^^

"Lock her up" Is that all about justice?

You and the rest of the tumpanzess are as Un-American as can be.

She committed real crimes. The obummer DOJ told the FBI to stand down. THAT is obstruction of justice.

Why do you feel the rich and powerful should be above the law?
Exactly, and there has been a two year investigation on trump perpetrated by a phony dossier.
Let's do a 2 year investigation on Hillary and see if we can find the skeletons in her closets
"why did Trump & Sessions lie about their ties to Russia"

Martha Stewart lied to the FBI...Maybe they were embarrassed...maybe they were scared...but everyone's lied at some point!
The left is nothing but a bunch of anti-American lunatics.
Pat noted how many people on the left were actually disappointed that the president of the United States wasn't colluding with Russia. "They were rooting for the president to actually be a traitor," he said.
It’s unbelievable that the left is disappointed that the President of the United States wasn’t working with Russia to defraud U.S. elections.

'Vindicated': MSM's surprising reaction to Mueller report finding no collusion
The Democrat party is not an american party. they lost the election, they want to destroy the president!

they bring in Mexicans to kill & replace americans!

this country doesnt belong to Naddler and Schiff and Pelosi. this is will noted in history what a bunch of loathesome idiots you are!
"Pretty much everything Avenatti did was a disaster for Democrats politically, especially including completely fucking up on Kavanaugh, but he's done them a solid by completely stealing the news cycle by being charged with so many crimes the day after Trump got good news for once." - Nerdy Nate Silver

Who do you think gave Avenatti a platform in the first place? If it wasn’t for Democrats and the news media, nobody would know who Avenatti is
Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday So I gots a question. --- Who the fuck died and appointed YOU the "official" USMB arbiter handing out orders? Hm?
i did not make the thread title, one of the mods did. you really need to get a life
I’m dying reading this. Poor Pogo just isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. :lmao:
The left and the so-called “mainstream” media has zero credibility. Zero.
Brennan said that the president is "treasonous," "imbecilic," and "wholly in the pocket of Putin."
The devout leftist was adamant that President Trump was guilty of Russian “collusion”. For years he would go on any show that would have him to convince the American people that President Trump was conspiring with Vladimir Putin. But after the report from the Mueller investigation?
I think I suspected there was more than there actually was
So let me get this accused the President of the United States of treason, collusion, and voter fraud based on your thoughts and what you suspected? Brennan just openly admitted he had no facts or evidence whatsoever when he made his outrageous accusations.

Former CIA head John Brennan—who called Pres. Trump 'treasonous'—attempts to explain how he got it so wrong on Russia
Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday So I gots a question. --- Who the fuck died and appointed YOU the "official" USMB arbiter handing out orders? Hm?
i did not make the thread title, one of the mods did. you really need to get a life
I’m dying reading this. Pogo is such a dumb shit that even after 10 years, he doesn’t understand how USMB works. :lmao:
Here's what we know for sure: Comey, and many others in the Obama Administration, falsely swore out a FISA warrant against a US Citizen and illegally ran Orwellian surveillance on him in a Failed attempt at a coup. Mueller has proven that there was absolutely no reasonable basis upon which the FISA warrants should have been asked for or granted in the first place.

Before it's over, 2019 will go down as big a year in American history as 1776

Sorry, I saw that OJ lawyer Dershowitz say "Let it go" today. He says enough with the tit for tat. Let Killary roam the woods and travel on Taxpayer funds.
They'd like to. Literally. They're violently unhinged.

Dave, are you still upset about being unable to jail climate scientists for thoughtcrimes against TheParty? Frustrated Stalinists are funny, so you're funny.

It is fascinating, the alternate reality that the Trumptards here have constructed. They were always a little crazy, but now they've gone totally off-the-rails.

Mueller says "“While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

As a result, every Trumptard screams "Mueller exonerated Trump!".

At this stage, the Trumptards are only interesting as examples of cult psychology.
indictments are coming, stand by to be demolished. Nothing in that book has been proven untrue. the Clinton crime family is Arkansas pond slime.
I just proved the money was donated long before any Russians had any control of Uranium One and that the guy who donated the money NEVER owned Uranium One, and yet you STILL mindlessly parrot the same Russian scripted lies. The Tramp Crime Family are Russian pond slime, and so are you!

Yes, the payment was made to secure the deal, bribes paid in advance are the norm.

I have been to Russia but am not Russian. I think the same is true of Trump. Your hate and desperation is making you look like more of a fool than you usually do.
Thank you for proving you can NEVER admit the truth!

Why would someone who NEVER owned Uranium One pay a bribe 4 years in advance of the sale of a company he NEVER owned??? :cuckoo:
Surely even a complete fool like you can see the utter STUPIDITY of your rationalization for mindlessly parroting your GOP Hate Radio lie!

If that's what happened it would not make sense, but that's not what happened. But since you are such an expert, tell us what the Russians expected in return for the 145 million that they gave to the Clinton foundation, tell us what Putin expected in return for the 450K that he paid bubba for a speech in Moscow, then you can tell us why Russia would have preferred Trump over Hillary who they owned and could control via blackmail.
Well there you go again, repeating your same GOP Hate Radio lies again. I already proved to you your Russian masters did NOT donate $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. That money was donated in 2006 by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman who sold his Canadian mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One in 2007. At that time the Russians didn't own any of Uranium One and Giustra NEVER owned Uranium One. The Russians didn't control 51% of Uranium One until 2010, so the Russians had nothing to do with Canadian Giustra's multi million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. All your other lies are built on that lie so they are also disproven.

I already explained this to you in this very thread, complete with links, and I predicted you would continue to lie in the face of the truth, and you haven't let me down.
Thank you.

then the Clintons and Obama should have no objection to an investigation of the entire incident. In fact, they should call for one to shut this down for good. Do you support that?

Now that the Mueller report is out, why have we not heard anything from Obama, Clinton, Lynch, McCabe, et. al. Are they afraid that the investigation that is coming on them will do them in? Rest assured, it is coming. ALL of the truth will be brought out.
They'd like to. Literally. They're violently unhinged.

Dave, are you still upset about being unable to jail climate scientists for thoughtcrimes against TheParty? Frustrated Stalinists are funny, so you're funny.

It is fascinating, the alternate reality that the Trumptards here have constructed. They were always a little crazy, but now they've gone totally off-the-rails.

Mueller says "“While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

As a result, every Trumptard screams "Mueller exonerated Trump!".

At this stage, the Trumptards are only interesting as examples of cult psychology.

Mueller is not the person who could exonerate anyone, he was charged to investigate and indict if he found criminality. He found none. His "does not exonerate" statement means nothing.
indictments are coming, stand by to be demolished. Nothing in that book has been proven untrue. the Clinton crime family is Arkansas pond slime.
I just proved the money was donated long before any Russians had any control of Uranium One and that the guy who donated the money NEVER owned Uranium One, and yet you STILL mindlessly parrot the same Russian scripted lies. The Tramp Crime Family are Russian pond slime, and so are you!

Yes, the payment was made to secure the deal, bribes paid in advance are the norm.

I have been to Russia but am not Russian. I think the same is true of Trump. Your hate and desperation is making you look like more of a fool than you usually do.
Thank you for proving you can NEVER admit the truth!

Why would someone who NEVER owned Uranium One pay a bribe 4 years in advance of the sale of a company he NEVER owned??? :cuckoo:
Surely even a complete fool like you can see the utter STUPIDITY of your rationalization for mindlessly parroting your GOP Hate Radio lie!

If that's what happened it would not make sense, but that's not what happened. But since you are such an expert, tell us what the Russians expected in return for the 145 million that they gave to the Clinton foundation, tell us what Putin expected in return for the 450K that he paid bubba for a speech in Moscow, then you can tell us why Russia would have preferred Trump over Hillary who they owned and could control via blackmail.
Well there you go again, repeating your same GOP Hate Radio lies again. I already proved to you your Russian masters did NOT donate $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. That money was donated in 2006 by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman who sold his Canadian mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One in 2007. At that time the Russians didn't own any of Uranium One and Giustra NEVER owned Uranium One. The Russians didn't control 51% of Uranium One until 2010, so the Russians had nothing to do with Canadian Giustra's multi million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. All your other lies are built on that lie so they are also disproven.

I already explained this to you in this very thread, complete with links, and I predicted you would continue to lie in the face of the truth, and you haven't let me down.
Thank you.

not everyone buys your version of the story

so it seems that a special prosecutor should be assigned to find out what really happened, if its as you say why would the Clintons or Obama object? Why would any of you lefties object? We just spent over 2 years on a witch hunt of Trump, Why should we ignore possible illegality here?
The Trumpettes are saying the Mueller Report says no collusion.

First, until we or the Congress see the entire Mueller Report & not the Trump's administration version, it is all meaningless.

The fact is the report only said there was not sufficient evidence of collusion. What would be considered proof?
A series of e-mails between the Trump campaign & the Russians detailing what they wanted done & where?

Donald Trump has been a crook all his life. He is good at being a crook.

For example, he never directly told his lawyer to pay off Daniels yet his lawyer knew he wanted it done. No trail. Probably learned this from years dealing with the Mafia in NYC.

There is nothing to prove or disprove that Trump, in one of his private meetings with Putin, did not agree to accept Russian help or even request Russian help un less we wait for Putin to say it. As long as Trump plays ball, he won't.

Maybe Trump will testify under oath? Yea right.

So the collusion is not provable.

We do know Trump lies about two key Russian details:
1) He lied about his campaign's contacts with the Russians.
2) He lied about doing business in Russia.

So, either the Mueller Report said Trump did not collude or it said that Trump was just not caught colluding.

It says no collusion, it says no obstruction, its over. We wasted 25 million dollars and are still screaming at each other thanks to the corrupt biased lying media. Are you too stupid to see what is really going on here? the deep state socialists are trying to destroy this country by dividing it, and they are succeeding because of morons like you, Nadler, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and the entire left wing media. Wake the fuck up America, its almost too late.
I just proved the money was donated long before any Russians had any control of Uranium One and that the guy who donated the money NEVER owned Uranium One, and yet you STILL mindlessly parrot the same Russian scripted lies. The Tramp Crime Family are Russian pond slime, and so are you!

Yes, the payment was made to secure the deal, bribes paid in advance are the norm.

I have been to Russia but am not Russian. I think the same is true of Trump. Your hate and desperation is making you look like more of a fool than you usually do.
Thank you for proving you can NEVER admit the truth!

Why would someone who NEVER owned Uranium One pay a bribe 4 years in advance of the sale of a company he NEVER owned??? :cuckoo:
Surely even a complete fool like you can see the utter STUPIDITY of your rationalization for mindlessly parroting your GOP Hate Radio lie!

If that's what happened it would not make sense, but that's not what happened. But since you are such an expert, tell us what the Russians expected in return for the 145 million that they gave to the Clinton foundation, tell us what Putin expected in return for the 450K that he paid bubba for a speech in Moscow, then you can tell us why Russia would have preferred Trump over Hillary who they owned and could control via blackmail.
Well there you go again, repeating your same GOP Hate Radio lies again. I already proved to you your Russian masters did NOT donate $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. That money was donated in 2006 by Frank Giustra, a Canadian businessman who sold his Canadian mining company, UrAsia, to a large Canadian uranium-mining firm called Uranium One in 2007. At that time the Russians didn't own any of Uranium One and Giustra NEVER owned Uranium One. The Russians didn't control 51% of Uranium One until 2010, so the Russians had nothing to do with Canadian Giustra's multi million dollar donation to the Clinton Foundation in 2006. All your other lies are built on that lie so they are also disproven.

I already explained this to you in this very thread, complete with links, and I predicted you would continue to lie in the face of the truth, and you haven't let me down.
Thank you.

then the Clintons and Obama should have no objection to an investigation of the entire incident. In fact, they should call for one to shut this down for good. Do you support that?

Now that the Mueller report is out, why have we not heard anything from Obama, Clinton, Lynch, McCabe, et. al. Are they afraid that the investigation that is coming on them will do them in? Rest assured, it is coming. ALL of the truth will be brought out.
You just can't admit that your Russian masters made a lying SUCKER out of you, so you desperately try to change the subject.

The dates of the donation to the Clinton Foundation and the sale of UrAsia to Uranium One as well as when the Russians started to buy Uranium One are a matter of public record and need no further investigation to prove that Russia Limbaugh and the rest of GOP Hate Radio lied to SUCKERS like you. Why aren't you insisting on an investigation into the Uranium One lie and your MessiahRushie?

BTW, the Mueller report is NOT out, SUCKER, only the BARR report, which is worthless!!!

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