Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

And the coverup begins.

Trump's personal attorney says he doesn't want Trump's written responses to Mueller to be released - CNNPolitics
Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said Monday he does not want the written answers the President submitted to special counsel Robert Mueller to be released, describing them as "confidential."

So much for the openness.

Naturally, the Trump cultists will now all fall in line, and say that's a great idea, even if they just said the opposite about wanting everything released.
God I love this!! It's so much fun!!!
The utter stupidity and gullibility of Trump haters is an awesome spectacle, isn't it?
It is fun, ain't it?
Yet you're silent when Democrats do the same thing.

Face it, George. ORANGE MAN BAD.

That's all you've got. That's all you are. That's all you're capable of.
et you're silent when Democrats do the same thing.

Face it, George. ORANGE MAN BAD.

That's all you've got. That's all you are. That's all you're capable of.
Face this.
I wasn't ignorant enough to vote for either Clinton or Trump.
Were you?

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"Similarly, Mr. Giuliani’s longtime friend James Kallstrom, a former head of the New York F.B.I. office, was channeling on TV what he said was the F.B.I.’s anti-Clinton preference.

"Mr. Kallstrom, who founded a nonprofit that received more than $1.3 million in donations from Mr. Trump, told Megyn Kelly, 'The agents are furious.'

"In one radio interview, Mr. Kallstrom even called the Clintons a 'crime family' akin to the New York Mafia: 'It’s like organized crime,' he said, and “the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.'

"In those final days, F.B.I. leaders appeared to be caught in a whirlwind of anti-Clinton rumors and speculation. In his report, Mr. Horowitz acknowledges the role that the threat of leaks played in the F.B.I. leadership’s decision to make the news about Mr. Weiner’s laptop public.

"Numerous agents and officials confirmed it: Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page, an F.B.I. lawyer at the time; James Rybicki, then the F.B.I. chief of staff; James Baker, then the F.B.I. general counsel; and Sally Yates, then deputy attorney general.

"The discussion was somebody in New York will leak this,' Mr. Baker said. 'If we don’t put something out, somebody will leak it.'"

It'$ the $ame crime family.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
The DNC sold Bernie out.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Israel is an apartheid state populated by numerous psychotic hired killers

Why do you guys support those who kill children for money, MAGA?

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.
They already released information that was damaging to Trump even though they didn't indict him on it. Furthermore, Grand Jury testimony is legally required to remain confidential. I don't see how any of it can be released.
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
There may be no law preventing Barr from releasing it, but common decency does. There is a lot of information in there that could prove embarrassing or damaging to innocent people if released. I fully realized that Trump Hating morons like you don't give a fuck who you screw over in the process of getting Trump, but decent people do.
And the coverup begins.

Trump's personal attorney says he doesn't want Trump's written responses to Mueller to be released - CNNPolitics
Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said Monday he does not want the written answers the President submitted to special counsel Robert Mueller to be released, describing them as "confidential."

So much for the openness.

Naturally, the Trump cultists will now all fall in line, and say that's a great idea, even if they just said the opposite about wanting everything released.
God I love this!! It's so much fun!!!
The utter stupidity and gullibility of Trump haters is an awesome spectacle, isn't it?
It is fun, ain't it?
It sure is. They spent two years spouting one idiotic lie after another, and after they were all proved irrefutably and profoundly wrong, they continue to insert their foot in their mouth.
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If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right?
You are confused Moon Bat.

The EC is actually slanted towards "acreage". Trump knew that. That idiot Crooked Hillary didn't know that, even though she claimed she graduated from law school. You didn't vote for that idiot did you? Because if you did that would make you an idiot too, wouldn't you agree?

You are talking states. Your map isn't about states.

I am glad there are stupid Moon Bats like you that don't understand the electoral process here in the US.

You didn't answer my question Moon Bat. Why did you vote for an idiot that didn't understand that the EC picks the Presidential candidate? That was really stupid of you to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary, wasn't it?

Let me guess you also voted for that worthless asshole affirmative action Muslim piece of shit, Obama, didn't you?

You have a terrible record of voting, don't you? You voted for the worst President this country ever had and the most corrupt. Let me take another guess, you also voted for Slick Willy and Al "Nutcase" Gore? LOL!

Didn't vote for Bill Clinton. Voted for McCain in the primary. I guaran-fucking-tee I would never ever vote for a piece of shit like Donald Trump.

Lets see where Trump lands on the list of rest Presidents compared to Obama.
Yet you voted for true pieces of shit like Obama and Clinton. Hummmmmm I suppose that makes you a connisuer of shit. Just not the right shit or good shit, just plain old crap.
The real scumbags are Trump his family and ass holes like you who support the scum
How so? Mueller certainly didn't produce any evidence to that effect.
Coming over the wires right now, there was no collusion or conspiracy, Trump is clean
Read: Justice Department summary of Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Also take your maga clown hat off for a moment and read this latest from the DOJ, and I hope you unAmerican Russian/tRump puppets pour a river of sweat and anxiety attacks: Investigations will continue despite submission of the Mueller report - CNNPolitics

Of course they will. The democrap Party is as un American as you can get. They are globalists, and a strong America weakens their positions. That's why they will continue to fling poo until the election hoping that some will stick and prevent a trump reelection.

This is all about politics. Nothing more.

""The democrap Party is as un American as you can get" "This is all about politics."

Irony ^^^

"Lock her up" Is that all about justice?

You and the rest of the tumpanzess are as Un-American as can be.
I agree, if by "America" you mean "The Soviet Socialist States of Amerika" like you leftists want.
Oh I sure do. That was right after the Democratic Party created the Klan so it would have candidates to run against. :thup:

You do know the Klan was created by Democrats to terrorize black Republicans out of Congress, no?

A lot of people voted for the Republican black guys. They got elected and were doing good, until the Democrat KKK.

That ↑ was a joke that flew right over your hood.

Inasmuch as the Klan was founded 12/24/1865, before there was any "Republicans" or "voting" for anything or "political parties" in a place that was not even part of the United States, the punch line to that joke is "linear time'.

Everybody knows that. Well except maybe Joe McCarthy. But you go ahead and have fun spinning your myths, I got plenty of mock to go around.

Ku Klux Klan A Terrorist Group Murdering Republican Blacks And Whites Was Started By Democrats

"The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English “circle”; “Klan” was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867."

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History

STFU and stop spreading misinformation, Pogo-ass.

A blog called "wall builders live". Be still, my history book.

Sorry, recorded history calls bullshit. Maj. James Crowe, Calvin Jones, Capt John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, Maj. Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed. 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski, 1865 not '66. Recorded history, nothing your fake blogs can do about it. No political affiliations for any of them, and Tennessee had no political parties anyway. Number one it wasn't part of the United States having seceded in 1861, and number two while it was part of the CSA that country deliberately HAD NO political parties.


Again, nuttin' you can do about that.

I shouldn't have posted a joke that readers are too goddam stupid to understand. Lesson learned.

"Wall Builders Live". Holy SHIT.

History book says 1866 as well in Pulaski, Tenn., Pogo.

View attachment 252146
And Democrats still attack uppity Negroes.
Not sure who lives on the 50th floor of Trump Tower, but their neighbors are a guy convicted for running a high-stakes gambling ring and a guy who committed bank fraud

“In 2013, federal prosecutors indicted Russian mob boss Tokhtakhounov on charges related to gambling ring at Trump Tower condos that allegedly laundered $100M. A few months later, Tokhtakhounov was on red carpet at Trump’s Miss Universe pageant in Moscow”



Meet the notorious characters who call Trump Tower home
Pure media BS.
"AOC has not tweeted since AG William Barr's letter was released yesterday which showed Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia."
Was it Mueller or the kiss trumps ass Barr?
What is it that determines whether he kisses Trump's ass? Does being declared in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents make you an ass kisser?
You can't leak to the President of the United States
But that doesnt mean it should always happen. And why woild trump be sneaky about it? Because even that moron knows it was unethical. Not that he cares.
How was Trump sneaky about it? Who decides when it should happen, only people who hate the President?

What was "unethical" about it? When a bunch of Dim scumbags are facilitating a coup against a lawfully elected President, don't you believe he's entitled to know about it?
If the Trump Admin is sure of its innocence, it has no excuse not to be 100% transparent.
So then, no problem with starting an investigation into Comey, Strozk, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, Page, Yates, Lynch, McCabe and about a dozen other coup plotters, right? know some of that already came and went, right?
Went? What law says the DOJ can't open an investigation into what these people did to overthrow the President?
Face this.
I wasn't ignorant enough to vote for either Clinton or Trump.
Were you?

Opinion | The Real F.B.I. Election Culprit

"Similarly, Mr. Giuliani’s longtime friend James Kallstrom, a former head of the New York F.B.I. office, was channeling on TV what he said was the F.B.I.’s anti-Clinton preference.

"Mr. Kallstrom, who founded a nonprofit that received more than $1.3 million in donations from Mr. Trump, told Megyn Kelly, 'The agents are furious.'

"In one radio interview, Mr. Kallstrom even called the Clintons a 'crime family' akin to the New York Mafia: 'It’s like organized crime,' he said, and “the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool.'

"In those final days, F.B.I. leaders appeared to be caught in a whirlwind of anti-Clinton rumors and speculation. In his report, Mr. Horowitz acknowledges the role that the threat of leaks played in the F.B.I. leadership’s decision to make the news about Mr. Weiner’s laptop public.

"Numerous agents and officials confirmed it: Mr. Strzok and Lisa Page, an F.B.I. lawyer at the time; James Rybicki, then the F.B.I. chief of staff; James Baker, then the F.B.I. general counsel; and Sally Yates, then deputy attorney general.

"The discussion was somebody in New York will leak this,' Mr. Baker said. 'If we don’t put something out, somebody will leak it.'"

It'$ the $ame crime family.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
Lemme were a Bern Victim, weren't you?

He sold you out.
The DNC sold Bernie out.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Oh, gosh, yet another liberal who wants Israel destroyed.

Man, you guys sure do hate Jews.
Israel is an apartheid state populated by numerous psychotic hired killers

Why do you guys support those who kill children for money, MAGA?

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.

I don't. Why do you support those who kill Jews for ideology?

Rhetorical question. It's because you hate Jews, too.
I hate people who steal land and other resources while pretending to be the victims of their racist colonization of Palestine.

Palestinian and Israeli Children Killed

"The Impact of the Conflict on Children
2,175 Palestinian children and 134 Israeli children
have been killed since September 29, 2000."
I suppose you're too dumb to see how Nunes leaked information to Trump a while ago.

William Barr can read all of it and has constant access to it.
and did you know the WH can see it before Congress sees it? do you know that? just curious what you know.
What do they have to hide?
The LAW forbids them from publishing it you MORON.
Neal Katyal, who helped draft the special counsel rules as a Justice Department lawyer in the late 1990s, said Friday that Attorney General William Barr can and should release special counsel Robert Mueller's final report.

Katyal, in an op-ed in The Washington Post, wrote that there are no regulations preventing Barr from publicizing Mueller’s findings, which were delivered to Barr late Friday afternoon.

“The public has every right to see Robert S. Mueller III's conclusions. Absolutely nothing in the law or the regulations prevents the report from becoming public. Indeed, the relevant sources of law give Attorney General P. William Barr all the latitude in the world to make it public,” Katyal wrote. "

Lawyer who helped write special counsel rules says Mueller report can be released

Now whart? Has Barr already lied?
There may be no law preventing Barr from releasing it, but common decency does. There is a lot of information in there that could prove embarrassing or damaging to innocent people if released. I fully realized that Trump Hating morons like you don't give a fuck who you screw over in the process of getting Trump, but decent people do.

So Barr is lying & you don't care. I get it.

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