Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

Are you accusing Mueller of intentionally not doing his job?

Yes, he is.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?

Because intelligent people understand that if you try to investigate an absurd conspiracy theory that you are not going to find anything to support it

An intelligent person sees a man who is a proven fraud & business cheat lie Russian ties and knows there is a reason to investigate.

A dumbass sees it & thinks it is meaningless.
CNN now reporting that the Justice Department has received the Mueller report.

A Department of Justice official says the department let the White House know it had the report at roughly 4:35 p.m. ET.

The report was delivered earlier this afternoon, per a Justice official. It was delivered to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's office and, within minutes, to Attorney General William Barr.

The official described the report as “comprehensive."


HuffPost: The Mueller Report Is Complete
Marxist Democratic Party won’t let it go. They are delusional. They will keep obstructing progress for partisan reasons.
That’s the problem with Republicans. They don’t believe in science but they do believe in propaganda. They’re such a sad and pitiful people.

I used to be a democrat until I realized democrats make up their own science of lies.
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?

Because intelligent people understand that if you try to investigate an absurd conspiracy theory that you are not going to find anything to support it

An intelligent person sees a man who is a proven fraud & business cheat lie Russian ties and knows there is a reason to investigate.

A dumbass sees it & thinks it is meaningless.
For you:

If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
You were certain for over a year that Trump would be crushed. NO MORE INDICTMENTS! It’s over. Give it up.
Any day now. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
No. The senior DOJ official only said there would be no further indictments. That other stuff is just hopeful thinking by right wingers. Hopefully, the main conclusions might be released this weekend, but not yet.

Sorry, but the policy is no information will be released on any subject not under other words, the dirt you're looking for, if any, will never be exposed. Also a close watch and warning by Barr to the committee chairmen is don't leak...if you do, you're looking at a felony indictment. Barr is by-the-book, unlike the slimeballs in the Obama DOJ.

That's my point. A previous poster claimed it was reported on several networks that the report said no collusion and no obstruction. That has not been reported.
I think We as American Citizens should have mass protests in The Streets if it is found out that Robert Mueller refused
to interview Julian Assange and also refused to address the funding of The Dossier, who paid for it, the financial trail of the money from Clinton and Obama and eventually to Russian Agents who helped to deliver The Dossier, straight from The Kremlin right in to The Obama FBI and DOJ’s hands and fraudulently leveraged that in FISA to spy on a rival presidential candidate!
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Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
Or it might be that Mueller correctly understands that it is the role and responsibility of the American people to rid the county of Trump via the pollical process by voting Trump out of office next year.

The authority of the American people is absolute, comprehensive, and undeniable in the context of the political process.
If Chuck Schumer is demanding the report be released, can we demand that every government official that participated in and orchestrated this Russia Collusion Witch hunt, be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! They can start with Crooked Hillary....

the rats are coming out!

What Schumer is doing is, SPIN, at its highest level. He's asking for information that DOJ rules forbid to be disclosed. He already knows Barr will not
and can not release that info. Then they can sit and whine about it.

Same with Adam Shitt threatening to subpoena Mueller. He already knows that Mueller cannot mention anything about the details of the report.
Only the facts of the cases tried, and none of those dealt with Trump, Collusion or Obstruction. He cannot give opinions or details on anything
or anybody not indicted. His public testimony would be very short. "I am not allowed to disclose that information."

The Dems would be better served to just take their lumps now and move on.

They won't.
They are seditious sorts!
"there are 3 ways of influencing Trump. blackmail, vodka, and the threat of murder. he is our useful idiot" - Vladimir Putin

Hmmm. Google returns this when searching for that quote:

There are no results for +"There are 3 ways of influencing Trump"

google is not God, bro! he did say it, i just read it in a book!

Google has an infallible ability to find anything you're searching for, if you phrase it right and use the plus sign before the quotes.

Maybe you'd like to provide a link to your quote?
here is the article with the Putin quote. it was later revealed that Putin was talking about Trump
Russian Diplomats Are Eating America's Lunch

"Borovik died in 2000 in a still-unsolved Moscow plane accident days after producing a scathing article about an ascendant Russian politician, Vladimir Putin, who was about to become president. Borovik quoted Putin in an article as saying, “There are three ways to influence people: blackmail, vodka, and the threat to kill.”"
This is even before the new information was provided by Cohen.

"The foundation agreed to dissolve under the supervision of a judge. Underwood's office will supervise the disbursement of the foundation's remaining assets to charities. The New York attorney general's office will continue its lawsuit against the foundation and is seeking millions in restitution and penalties, and it also seeks to bar Trump and his children from serving on the boards of other New York charities."

Trump Foundation To Dissolve Amid New York Attorney General's Investigation
Mueller has filed his report to USAG Barr - seemingly ending his investigation - without announcing any new indictments. None. Nada. Zippo.

Is it possible he found no collusion? That the purpose of appointing a Special Counsel was just a bogus, swamp inspired, partisan political witch-hunt from the start?
"there are 3 ways of influencing Trump. blackmail, vodka, and the threat of murder. he is our useful idiot" - Vladimir Putin

Hmmm. Google returns this when searching for that quote:

There are no results for +"There are 3 ways of influencing Trump"

google is not God, bro! he did say it, i just read it in a book!

Google has an infallible ability to find anything you're searching for, if you phrase it right and use the plus sign before the quotes.

Maybe you'd like to provide a link to your quote?
How about this. Putin told Megyn Kelly in March 2018 : " i think Trump is an experienced person, who treats me with respect. this is a pragmatic approach"

this is what he says in public. i've already told you what he says in private!

Treating your adversaries with respect and trying to normalize relations with them is far better than engaging them in a global thermonuclear war.

We might disagree with them for being tyrannical commie shitheads, but we don't want everyone else in the world to die because of our differences. Call us "old fashioned", but that's just how we are.
Meanwhile we have a drug epidemic and an illegal alien Crisis that these lying Putin cock sucking DemNazis did nothing about!

Well, as far as we know; no reported leaps off bridges or throwing themselves in front of speeding trains so far.....of course there's still the weekend when they're stuck in their hovels, alone and without hope. :crying:


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