Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trumptards, you all agree the entire Mueller report, minus a few redactions, should be made public, right?

I certainly hope so. If you don't, that's like admitting guilt.

And Trumptards, you do understand that the FBI doesn't indict people, right?

Just don't add to the scar-tissue already on your wrists tonight... :eusa_hand:
‪Rod Rosenstein and Barack Obama cronies just spent $30 Million of YOUR money to put Manafort in prison for mortgage fraud. ‬
‪Congrats Bob “Whitey Bulger” Mueller and the rest of the demented and un-American Collusion Truthers!
Time to declassify The 33,000 emails Clinton tried to destroy.

What did Obama know And when did he know it?

Time to Declassify The FBI’s interviews of everyone targeted in Mueller’s Investigation.

Time to Declassify all materials regarding discussions of unmasking US Citizens.

Time to Declassify all matters relating to Loretta Lynches secret tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton.

Time to Declassify all the discussions in The FBI & DOJ about The FISA Proceedings and Declassify All matters regarding the FISA Surveillance Warrants.

All of it should be unredacted. All of it should be released including The Mueller Report. Including closed door interviews regarding all investigations regarding this hoax, including information about the costs of all investigations combined.
110% Full Transparency!
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Does anybody know what's in it yet?
According to the DOJ spokesman; "No sealed indictments, No further indictments, No Obstruction, No Collusion or other crimes involving Trump"

I heard no further indictments, but the rest is news to me. What channel did you hear that on, so I can look it up?

No. The senior DOJ official only said there would be no further indictments. That other stuff is just hopeful thinking by right wingers. Hopefully, the main conclusions might be released this weekend, but not yet.
Sorry.. DOJ noted no sealed indictments..

The letter from the Special Counsels office stated that there would be a skeleton crew for 2 weeks before the office would be closed permanently. Cory Lewendousky and FOX correctly assume that this indicates that there will be no sealed indictments as there will be no special prosecutoral staff remaining as it would require if there were sealed indictments.

Its Over.. Have a nice Day!

Nothing burger...
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.

I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
I'm pretty sure Trump's lawyers either supplied the answers to Mueller's written questions directly, or they carefully edited the president's responses; Trump would have found the process much more stressful if he had to sit down and answer questions spontaneously.

I think they've already found there was one thing he lied about in his questions, but I'm not sure where the leak came from. Though it seems a lot of the leaks from Trump's White House have turned out to be true, like his schedule for "executive time."
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.

Stop repeatedly poking your naval with your thumb.
You'll cause an infection.
how can y'all be commenting about this when we havent seen the report yet?
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.
The only person it's fatal to testify against is Hillary.
The only person it's fatal to testify against is Hillary
Hillary lost, remember?
Congress received over 80,000 documents relating to investigations into her conduct. How likely is it Trump will do likewise?

Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) - Wikipedia

"White House attorneys expect to preview whatever findings Barr decides to provide to Congress and the public, in order to consider asserting executive privilege to withhold the release of information gleaned from internal documents and interviews with White House officials.[58]

"Todd Gaziano, a legal scholar associated with The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation[59][60]— organizations instrumental in forming Trump administration policies[61][62] — has asserted that United States v. Nixon 'held that executive privilege cannot be invoked at all if the purpose is to shield wrongdoing.'[63]

"John Bies, who served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Counsel in the Obama Administration, wrote in the influential Lawfare blog, 'the Department of Justice’s longstanding position has been that the privilege cannot be asserted to conceal evidence of wrongdoing or conduct by executive officers that is criminal or unlawful.'[64][speculation?][neutrality is disputed]"
If Chuck Schumer is demanding the report be released, can we demand that every government official that participated in and orchestrated this Russia Collusion Witch hunt, be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! They can start with Crooked Hillary....

the rats are coming out!

What Schumer is doing is, SPIN, at its highest level. He's asking for information that DOJ rules forbid to be disclosed. He already knows Barr will not
and can not release that info. Then they can sit and whine about it.

Same with Adam Shitt threatening to subpoena Mueller. He already knows that Mueller cannot mention anything about the details of the report.
Only the facts of the cases tried, and none of those dealt with Trump, Collusion or Obstruction. He cannot give opinions or details on anything
or anybody not indicted. His public testimony would be very short. "I am not allowed to disclose that information."

The Dems would be better served to just take their lumps now and move on.

They won't.
They are seditious sorts!

They're fucking stupid if they drag this on any longer. They'll lose every Independent voter in the country.
the media told us Mueller is like Batman, putting together The Flash, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman to create the Obstruction of Justice League

how far he has fallen!
I am loving it…

The Tards and their lying media have just been proven fools once again….

The Witch Hunt is over…..

The leftards have done a great disservice to this country…

Now it’s time to investigate the investigators,

the DOJ, the FBI and all those involved with trying to

Frame Trump and Protect hillary and obama’s deep state…..

Lock them all up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fluck each and every one of you Tards….:fu:

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