Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

Trumptards, you all agree the entire Mueller report, minus a few redactions, should be made public, right?

I certainly hope so. If you don't, that's like admitting guilt.

And Trumptards, you do understand that the FBI doesn't indict people, right?
this is like watching a dream being put on CPR.

keep going, dude.
Wishing......and hoping, lol. NY has nothing either. You guys are a laugh riot. Maybe an elephant will fly out of the moon.
"there needs to be an investigation by Bill Barr of how this all went down. the FISA Warrants etc...this cannot happen to another president, Democrat or can CNN stay on the air...they're working for the deep state and the elite state or whatever you wanna call it" - Tucker & Ingraham
The OIC finished it's report. The WH is still being investigated by the House. Next episode in a continuing saga.
This is really a big nothingburger for the TDSers. Especially since Mueller stacked his investigation with never-Trumpers. Sweet victory. Now it's time to give Obama and Hillary the same anal exam. Where the true collusion exists.
far from through with trumps colonoscopy
And since the 2018 letter, that is the base of the article, there have been indictments.
As I have stated multiple times. No one knows what Mueller is up to, because he doesn’t allow leaks.
And again, easyt uses nothing but pure conjecture. What a loser.
Bottom line:

No Russian/Trump collusion.



in Russia, the lines blur between politics, crime, and business just like they do in Trumpworld. Russia's organized crime seeks to compliment the state, unlike terrorists who seek to destroy it. Russia's political culture is very much that of opportunism. Putin saw the mafia as an asset that can help him, and the mafia saw Putin as someone who can help them, one of the foremost experts on the Russian mafia, Rob Sacamano, told me!
This is really a big nothingburger for the TDSers. Especially since Mueller stacked his investigation with never-Trumpers. Sweet victory. Now it's time to give Obama and Hillary the same anal exam. Where the true collusion exists.
far from through with trumps colonoscopy

Why? No collusion was found between Trump and Russia. However there is plenty of evidence of DNC-Hillary-Russian collusion. Obama's DOJ and Obama need to be investigated for using opposition research as fact to trick the FISA court.
So Mueller found that Trump and Putin colluded to steal the 2016 POTUS election from HIllary Clinton, right?

That’s what this whole thing was about, right? Trump is Putin’s puppet.

How’s that evidence looking?
None of the Democrat leaders actually thought that the TrumPutin conspiracy theory was real. They just made it up to distract attention away the fact that the DNC stole the election from Bernie.

The only people who believe that ridiculous conspiracy theory are their useful idiots like all of the LWNJs on this forum.
No. The senior DOJ official only said there would be no further indictments. That other stuff is just hopeful thinking by right wingers. Hopefully, the main conclusions might be released this weekend, but not yet.

Sorry, but the policy is no information will be released on any subject not under other words, the dirt you're looking for, if any, will never be exposed. Also a close watch and warning by Barr to the committee chairmen is don't leak...if you do, you're looking at a felony indictment. Barr is by-the-book, unlike the slimeballs in the Obama DOJ.

That's my point. A previous poster claimed it was reported on several networks that the report said no collusion and no obstruction. That has not been reported.
Fake news troll.
Mueller conducted himself as one should have expected, protect the status quo at any expense.
he has *not* done much with the media and public info as far as we know and that's the most sane people could hope for.
Trump has claimed that there was no collusion (conspiracy) between his campaign and Russia.

He said the phrase “no collusion” hundreds of times.

Will the Mueller report confirm that claim?
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

Are you accusing Mueller of intentionally not doing his job?

Nope, he is just seeing that there is no reason to waste federal time and dollars to do a lengthy trial for people that Trump will just pardon. He's passed off information to several different places to take care of the investigations and trials.

That's not his job. His job was to investigate for Russian collusion and/or obstruction of justice.

You liberal scum are too much.
Trumptards, you all agree the entire Mueller report, minus a few redactions, should be made public, right? I certainly hope so. If you don't, that's like admitting guilt. And Trumptards, you do understand that the FBI doesn't indict people, right?
You do understand that Mueller does and has indicted but NO NEW INDICTMENTS accompanied the report. None. Nada. Zippo.

It's O-V-E-R. :D
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It's official.

There was never any evidence of Russian Collusion.



It s always s lie. Always Fake News.

Always. Period.

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