Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

The talking heads on MSDNC are grasping at straws to find something on Trump. Too fucking bad. Now Barr gets to do his investigation into the deep state coup.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Huh? Nobody said "no criminal activity".
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

Maybe it was a witch hunt
He's just looking for a way to justify his two years of seething hatred.

Anything said by anyone on this is just spin until we get the details on Sunday or Monday.

What we do know is that Trump did not collude with Russa to alter the election. Everything else will be speculation until the report is released.
Does anybody know what's in it yet?
According to the DOJ spokesman; "No sealed indictments, No further indictments, No Obstruction, No Collusion or other crimes involving Trump"

I heard no further indictments, but the rest is news to me. What channel did you hear that on, so I can look it up?

No. The senior DOJ official only said there would be no further indictments. That other stuff is just hopeful thinking by right wingers. Hopefully, the main conclusions might be released this weekend, but not yet.
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

Are you accusing Mueller of intentionally not doing his job?
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Fuck New York State.
And NYState will say FU and then we'll see how many of your scum get fuked

NY State ain't going to do shit.

The Dems have already taken a massive beating. Any continuation of witch hunts are gonna be seriously punished by the electorate
of this Country.

You can take this to the bank.
But Democraps won't agree. They've just found another way to continue losing.
They will not accept the results of the 2016 election. And they will not accept the results of the Muellar report. Derangement anyone?
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Fuck New York State.
And NY State will say FU and then we'll see how many of your scum get fuked

New york city was finished over a decade ago
and im a proud son born on metropolitan av.
only sex in the city fan white girls from Minnesota live there now

fuck new york its idiots like you that have destroyed what used to be an economic and cultural powerhouse
fuckin assholes

New York state started going to pieces in the 60's and their was no turning back
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
Or maybe it's Muellers way of trying to stay out of Gitmo?
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.

Are you accusing Mueller of intentionally not doing his job?

Nope, he is just seeing that there is no reason to waste federal time and dollars to do a lengthy trial for people that Trump will just pardon. He's passed off information to several different places to take care of the investigations and trials.
Your OP theory sounds reasonable regarding a lack of indictments of Don, Jr, and any other family members, but I wonder if Mueller made a fatal mistake by not requiring the POTUS to answer questions under oath in person? Sure, he would likely have invoked his Fifth Amendment right, but it would have provided evidence of his criminal tendencies.

I'm pretty sure he was considered under oath when he filled out Mueller's written questions. If he lied on that, he would be held just as liable as if he lied in an interview.
No. The senior DOJ official only said there would be no further indictments. That other stuff is just hopeful thinking by right wingers. Hopefully, the main conclusions might be released this weekend, but not yet.

Sorry, but the policy is no information will be released on any subject not under other words, the dirt you're looking for, if any, will never be exposed. Also a close watch and warning by Barr to the committee chairmen is don't leak...if you do, you're looking at a felony indictment. Barr is by-the-book, unlike the slimeballs in the Obama DOJ.
If Chuck Schumer is demanding the report be released, can we demand that every government official that participated in and orchestrated this Russia Collusion Witch hunt, be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! They can start with Crooked Hillary....

the rats are coming out!

What Schumer is doing is, SPIN, at its highest level. He's asking for information that DOJ rules forbid to be disclosed. He already knows Barr will not
and can not release that info. Then they can sit and whine about it.

Same with Adam Shitt threatening to subpoena Mueller. He already knows that Mueller cannot mention anything about the details of the report.
Only the facts of the cases tried, and none of those dealt with Trump, Collusion or Obstruction. He cannot give opinions or details on anything
or anybody not indicted. His public testimony would be very short. "I am not allowed to disclose that information."

The Dems would be better served to just take their lumps now and move on.
Should Trump and his base be happy that there are reportedly no more indictments forthcoming? I don't think so...

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