Official Thread - The Mueller Report is Announced... USE THIS thread til at least end of Saturday.

"there are 3 ways of influencing Trump. blackmail, vodka, and the threat of murder. he is our useful idiot" - Vladimir Putin

Hmmm. Google returns this when searching for that quote:

There are no results for +"There are 3 ways of influencing Trump"

google is not God, bro! he did say it, i just read it in a book!

Google has an infallible ability to find anything you're searching for, if you phrase it right and use the plus sign before the quotes.

Maybe you'd like to provide a link to your quote?
i'm busy...i'll DM you when i stop being busy
The media will go crazy trying to figure out what’s in the report and drive us crazy

The media will try to spin the report and twist it into something that still leaves an amount of suspicion. Otherwise, people are going to lose their trust for them. They will go on for at least the next two year doing this, possibly throughout Trump's second term.

It will join the 2000 SoreLoserman election, and the 2016 "no tiara" for hiLIARy as one of the perpetual whingefest topics of the Progs.
Does anybody know what's in it yet?

this is in it!

I think so, too from reports I've seen. Unfortunately if the present reflects the past, she will say "I forget." when someone puts her feet to the fire. Kind of like accidentally cleaning the computer with Clorox and not knowing it would wipe out thousands of emails in question.
"there are 3 ways of influencing Trump. blackmail, vodka, and the threat of murder. he is our useful idiot" - Vladimir Putin

Hmmm. Google returns this when searching for that quote:

There are no results for +"There are 3 ways of influencing Trump"

google is not God, bro! he did say it, i just read it in a book!

Google has an infallible ability to find anything you're searching for, if you phrase it right and use the plus sign before the quotes.

Maybe you'd like to provide a link to your quote?
How about this. Putin told Megyn Kelly in March 2018 : " i think Trump is an experienced person, who treats me with respect. this is a pragmatic approach"

this is what he says in public. i've already told you what he says in private!
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Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Chances are at some point in your life YOU have worked for someone who broke a law, any law. Does that then make you a co conspirator? Guilty by association? Don't be such a fucking tard. Everyone close to Trump that was indicted was indicted for shit that had nothing to do with Trump or Russian collusion.

I once contracted for a company who's CEO was busted for embezzlement. Does not infringe on me in any fashion.
I have also had EMPLOYEES who had been convicted of criminal conduct and yet it had nothing to do with me.

Just give it up tard. You guys had your shot at a coup and you failed. Game is over.
It is now time for you to BE SMART and focus on a 2020 platform that can appeal to a wide array of Americans. As it stands now your party is in complete disarray and you ain't got a lot of time to sort it out, ditch the stupid bullshit and bring something of SUBSTANCE before the people
How many of all those good people who turned out to be scumbags before you finally get Trump is a scumbag just like them??
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Chances are at some point in your life YOU have worked for someone who broke a law, any law. Does that then make you a co conspirator? Guilty by association? Don't be such a fucking tard. Everyone close to Trump that was indicted was indicted for shit that had nothing to do with Trump or Russian collusion.

I once contracted for a company who's CEO was busted for embezzlement. Does not infringe on me in any fashion.
I have also had EMPLOYEES who had been convicted of criminal conduct and yet it had nothing to do with me.

Just give it up tard. You guys had your shot at a coup and you failed. Game is over.
It is now time for you to BE SMART and focus on a 2020 platform that can appeal to a wide array of Americans. As it stands now your party is in complete disarray and you ain't got a lot of time to sort it out, ditch the stupid bullshit and bring something of SUBSTANCE before the people
How many of all those good people who turned out to be scumbags before you finally get Trump is a scumbag just like them??
Maybe Mueller understands that there is no reason to indict Don Jr., Ivanka, or some others because it would be a federal crime that Trump can just pardon, and instead he is leaving it up to the state of New York to charge them on other charges like the Trump Foundation that is a state crime that Trump can not pardon.
If the report clears Trump it will be released by tomorrow. If there is a long delay......................
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?

By the recent activity of dems.
They're preparing you dweebs for the nothing burger in hopes of keeping the suicide numbers down.
Please, There may well be some who are emotionally invested in the Mueller report, hoping against hope, praying, that it is exactly what they want. They are called Trump supporters.
Its Over... The final report has been delivered. No Further indictments are recommended..

Imagine that NO COLLISION, No Obstruction or criminal connections to Trump.. That's going to leave a mark.
MORON Mueller caught plenty of witches ,,all working for the crook Trump And the SDNY will find more
Fuck New York State.
And NYState will say FU and then we'll see how many of your scum get fuked
CNN now reporting that the Justice Department has received the Mueller report.

A Department of Justice official says the department let the White House know it had the report at roughly 4:35 p.m. ET.

The report was delivered earlier this afternoon, per a Justice official. It was delivered to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's office and, within minutes, to Attorney General William Barr.

The official described the report as “comprehensive."


HuffPost: The Mueller Report Is Complete
Marxist Democratic Party won’t let it go. They are delusional. They will keep obstructing progress for partisan reasons.
That’s the problem with Republicans. They don’t believe in science but they do believe in propaganda. They’re such a sad and pitiful people.
If Chuck Schumer is demanding the report be released, can we demand that every government official that participated in and orchestrated this Russia Collusion Witch hunt, be prosecuted to the full extent of the law! They can start with Crooked Hillary....

the rats are coming out!
Well, as far as we know; no reported leaps off bridges or throwing themselves in front of speeding trains so far.....of course there's still the weekend when they're stuck in their hovels, alone and without hope. :crying:

After being proven to be the biggest fools and lairs of all time, wait for it.

Indeed. Right now they are immobilized with shock. But rest assured, they will expode with outrage once their receive their talking points and genuine preprinted and color coordinated "grass roots" protest signs.
No delay. Was a nothing burger from beginning.
Do you have a source of information in the AGs office? You know nothing for sure just like the rest of us. The Mueller report will be leaked directly to the president by his pet AG. His reaction will be instructive.
I know this’s over and no criminal activity found with regards to Trump. Over. You lose bitch! The Republic is the better for it. :itsok: It will be awight whittle Democrats. Lol
Why are you acting certain about something you haven't seen yet?
Because if there was anything to this witch hunt the report would have been released Monday so you traitors, along with the traitor media, could hammer on it all week. Instead all it will prove and that your kind are the biggest pack of fools of all time.
Whatever, If it says Trump didn't collude with Russia you will totally believe it. If ut says he did collude you will not believe a word of it. I am willing to accept the results whatever it says.

You've already proven yourself as a dimwit nobody, so who cares?

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