Official U.S. Government data suggests fully vaccinated Americans are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

An honest American, seeking honest answers, regarding the potential health threats from the jab, is at an extreme disadvantage. Our normal means of research have been hi-jacked, censored, blocked, ridiculed, scorned and metaphorically spit upon. Make no mistake..If the MSM wanted us to hate, and reject the vaccine, it could accomplish that in one week.... using the exact knowledge that it hides from us now.
When you get the DNC's KoolAid jab......SOMETHING is going to happen, since it's been proven it damages cell structure, which can cause anything to happen to your body.
This thread begs the question...Did I harm my health by getting jabbed three times? The answer is...Quite possibly.... Far too many examples can be shown of healthy people that were harmed from the jab, and, as time goes by, more legitimate concerns regarding longterm problems are emerging. It is an unpleasant thought, but damn it people!!!, We should not be jabbing our kids or expectant mothers. It is time to step back and re-evaluate the "vaccines".

These are trusted sites by those who aren’t in fantasy land—-

I would at least check them out because on here , listen to these jokes and they put serious information in conspiracies that’s the same as CNN and all the MSM who have been hiding information from the public.
They will fall victim to the Nuremberg code when this law suite kicks off.

They is an experimental jab, it is not allowed to be given to the public and never was allowed but because the public was purp. Mislead by msm ………millions have died and millions more are going to die because this gene therapy jab is destroying their immune systems.



And don’t believe the bs lies they tell you about VAERS there is a reason that bs is being spread too.
All Americans will be forced to acknowledge the "harmful side effects" that these experimental drugs are causing. We can debate the "benefit vs risk" forever, but eventually we will need to come to terms regarding the illnesses caused by the "vaccines". However slight or however profound. Disinformation?? Count on it.

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