Official U.S. Government data suggests fully vaccinated Americans are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The sort of good thing about antivaxxer retardation is that it's self-correcting.

A particular round of COVID may not get them, but antivaxxers are essentially playing Russian roulette over and over. It's just a matter of when.
Be sure to get your 319th booster, sucker.

This thread begs the question...Did I harm my health by getting jabbed three times? The answer is...Quite possibly.... Far too many examples can be shown of healthy people that were harmed from the jab, and, as time goes by, more legitimate concerns regarding longterm problems are emerging. It is an unpleasant thought, but damn it people!!!, We should not be jabbing our kids or expectant mothers. It is time to step back and re-evaluate the "vaccines".
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My above post may not reflect my appreciation of the "vaccines". I believe that they saved countless lives of our elderly, sick and obese. However, I also believe that our nation is being lead down a very reckless and dangerous path regarding these experimental drugs.
My above post may not reflect my appreciation of the "vaccines". I believe that they saved countless lives of our elderly, sick and obese. However, I also believe that our nation is being lead down a very reckless and dangerous path regarding these experimental drugs.

Especially when the government tries to mandate expirmental drugs
For me, at this point, it is about the kids. Adults get jabbed or they don't. Now let's discuss the five year old, or the six month old or the 12 year old etc.. All of these kids have no logical reason to overly fear Covid. Yet , to "protect old folks" they are being jabbed..How messed up is that? Especially when we are seeing so much evidence indicating how unsafe these drugs might be? IMHO, If YOU inject an infant (or child) with an experimental drug YOU better have a damned good reason for doing it.
Tinfoil Hat Quackery….


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