Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

LOL Wolfsister77 Enjoy the game and drink a glass for me. I still can't drink and have about 6 weeks left on the one med which I can't drink on. ;/ Just you all wait till I'm off all my meds and I come in her posting after not having a glass of wine for nearly 10 months.

Mayhem, pure mayhem!
what would you guys think if I put moonglow in one of the slots? I'm not sure which one just something I'm going through in my mind

Moon is a tough cookie. I don't know what to think of him.

Anyone else?

Moon would you vote to pass our mission?
Sure...We can only find out by missions and since we need to determine mathematically who to send since one scum is know, We could use process of elimination by either newbies on a team or by a matter of dropping one from an old team...

What made you read Avatar as scum with your first real post in the game, where you skipped him overe? And do you still feel weird about Shai suggesting you for my mission?


Why did you suggest Moonglow and Wake for my mission and would you still suggest them to Avatar now? And did you vote to pass Grandma's mission "honestly"?
what would you guys think if I put moonglow in one of the slots? I'm not sure which one just something I'm going through in my mind

I've had wine so if this doesn't make sense, take that into account but tipsy Wolf says:

Go yourself, send Moonglow, send Cafe, send FA.

Why? You will likely get enough votes to pass and we can analyze these players better.

Cafe is probtown which increases the chance of mission success.

myself, Aye, Josh, Shaitra, and Grandma are being scumread by too many people to risk it

Alternatively, you can add Arden into FA's spot since she was on the failed mission and we can better analyze her since she's the next mission leader and needs two fails on that one.

I will likely reject any mission that has Grandma on it and frankly, I'm likely to reject Josh as well. Other possible scum reads are Wake-sorry Aye but he has baggage, and either Arden or Shaitra for the 4th with an outside chance of it being FA which is why I want either FA or Arden on this mission so I can figure out a 4th scumread. Shatira's already been on one.

You know what pushed Avi into likely town for me? His answers telling me I should be used to disappointment and he's not going to repeat himself if I don't like the answer or won't listen. That's pretty town-like to me. Feisty even.

So likely town-Cafe and Avi. Moonglow and FA probably are. Arden is more likely than Shaitra but these two I need to sort still. But basically ISOing everyone, I found the least scumminess in the ones I have as likely town here and more in Wake's, Josh's, and Grandma's.
that's the group I've been contemplating. I'll have a final group recommendation tomorrow at some point
what would you guys think if I put moonglow in one of the slots? I'm not sure which one just something I'm going through in my mind

My biggest concern is Josh recommended both Wake and Moon for my mission. I don't know what to make of it. I have no read on moon, just a leaning scum read on Wake given his constant discussion of setup and little other input except his post about FA.
what would you guys think if I put moonglow in one of the slots? I'm not sure which one just something I'm going through in my mind
I am okay with this considering that I have scum reads on more than the possible scum. By process of elimination I think Moon is likely town. The problem is that it is really hard to read moon with his sparse participation and rather random posting style (almost no scum hunting at all and that is not indicative of scum for moon).
Lots of fail in that post.

"There is suspicion that there is at least one scum in this group:

Suspicion based on what? Paranoia isn't good enough. Yeah, I'm paranoid too, but we really need evidence.
You know full well and good what it is based on. It has been discussed in a dozen posts already. Ignoring that just continues to make you look more like scum.

I would not that you even posted about that possibility in
"having two scum on mission one certainly would make it more difficult for scum to fail the mission given there were only 3 players in that group. If they both failed it, the players on that mission would have been totally excluded from any further missions and our win would have almost been assured."

Not with 2 more Scum in the pool.

"How that might have played out in mission 2, I am less sure. We only have one confirmed scum there but 2 suspicious players. How would they have coordinated their votes? I have not seen anything to indicate a coordinated effort or a crumb trail that would indicate how they were going to vote. That becomes even less workable if there were more than 2 scum on that team. Of course, as grandma picked the team the other scum might have voted to pass relying on her to fail the mission while they voted to pass.... :\"

Too much WIFOM. Too little looking at all the probabilities.
And you are providing what exactly?

All I see is you bashing others reads (because you are too busy OMGUSing) and not really doing anything to hunt scum.

If you think my reads are wrong and you really are town then provide us with better reads that have better logic. That is something that is townish. Stating mine are too WIFOM (I don't think anyone even remotely understands that term because that my statements are not WIFOM) without going into why others are better options is not townish. That is combative and only serves to distract town from pressing on.

Give us some good solid reads on a scum team grandma
"Of course I was reading Wake as scum and I still hold that to be true until Aye's posting shows otherwise. I don't think that Aye should be going on the mission either.

Possible scum -
1. Grandma
2. Shaitra
3. Josh_B
4. Wolfster/Aye

I get town from Arden, Avatar, and Cafe. Moonglow is kind of a wildcard considering there really is no way of 'reading' moonglow."

Could you elaborate on those reads?
I have. Arden has read town since the beginning because she was one of the few posting actual plans and ideas. Logical plans. Arden has somewhat fallen off the ma lately though and randomly went against her own plan without telling us why. That makes me wonder but does not make her scummier than any of the other players that I have scum reads on. Avatar and Cafe have been actively scum hunting and Cafe has posted a lot of good logic behind her reads. That is very protown. Moon should be obvious.

The scum reads I have plainly laid out. The short of it was Wake's unusual posting right out the gate. It was quite fishy as well as all the discussion about game setup and playing the noob. Wake's play style is still an enigma but he his posts gave me some strong scum vibes. Cafe has placed a good argument up for Josh and Shai, it speaks for itself. I happen to agree with much of it and expanded on the outcomes of the 2 missions that we have hard data on. Let me expand on you though as no one else seems to be taking up this mantle:

Your reads have mostly been outright declarations without any logic or reasoning behind them. A good way for scum to hide and look like they are hunting without actually hunting.

Posts: 92, 393, 599, 604, 611 all are blanket read lists without a single reason why.

Then you have been OMGUS ALL over the place (after claiming you rarely do such a thing in post 603):

Posts: 184, 245 OMGUS Avatar
Post: 590 OMGUS Cafe
Post: 641 OMGUS Wolf

Almost all your posts claiming someone is scum have come after the player put you on their scum list. Most of your activity came after your failed mission put you on many players scum lists. All reactionary play. That reads scummy to me - only 'scum hunting' when there is suspicion on you for being scum. Pretty much your entire scum list is straight up OMGUS. When pressed by Cafe as to your reasoning you have essentially evaded. Post 613 you place Avi "high on your list" without any reason at all. The only reason that I have seen you give anywhere in this thread so far is Avatar placed you on his scum list.

Then post 604 is a town list without any reasoning why that I can tell.

Post 642 finally gives some sort of reasoning for one of your possible scum reads (Aye, though you seem to have failed to include Aye on any actual scum read list) that is an entire sentence long. 1 sentence. Then you hard read scum for Shaitra based off a single post - the post that advocates for an idea that Arden originally put fourth. Might I remind you that is the same Arden that you stated LEANED TOWN in post 604.

Why is it hard scum for Shaitra and yet you lean town for Arden earlier in the thread?

Basically Grandma, the short of it is that I don't think of you as the OMGUS and inconsistent player that you are being in this game. I think that is a clear scum case for you.
Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
Maybe you don't recall that the first mission went through with a 100% unanimous vote, which means there is likely scum on it. The second mission failed by one with you on it. I think Grandma is likely town due to the way she answered my loaded question, and my suspicion of Arden was based on me ignorantly assuming the more common mafia set-up (7/3). So, for me, the suspicion falls on you.
I didn't "know" there were scum on it but I suspected as much. I believe due to Shai's posts, it is Josh, and visa versa, Josh implicates Shai as scum by clearing her and all of a sudden declaring her plan suddenly makes sense because of 3 scum v 4. And possibly Grandma as well.

Misrep. It wasn't Shai's plan. It was Arden's. What's your read on Arden. Prior to the mission you seemed pretty suspicious of Arden and Grandma. Now post mission, I'm on your chopping block? Where's your consistency?
let me ask a few questions

what would you think if I swapped grandma with café or FA in my four?

what is it wad aye?.

what if it was both?

Do you think your predecessors posts read scummy?

I went back and read over Wake's posts. I can see where some of you thought his actions were scummy at the time before anyone knew the hours he was working. Knowing that now, no, his posts don't come off that way. I saw his posts as playing catch-up and trying to make sense of the game to himself. He was posting as he was reading, which was pages behind the rest of you, and that's where I saw some of you getting irritated at him. I don't see scum as trying to make much of an attempt to get caught up in a game; it's easier for them to pop in, read a few posts, say something on those, then leave for a while. Wake was trying to catch up with the rest of you. When someone does that (putting forth an effort), it's really not wise for others to say things like what I read where he was being ridiculed for going over something someone else may have said. I don't blame him at all for wanting to replace out. Why stay in a game where anything you say is going to have others saying 'we already went over that'. Maybe some of you went over that, but not all are on here at the same time discussing the same thing. Wake was town, and I'm town. Take from what I put in this post whatever you may.
let me ask a few questions

what would you think if I swapped grandma with café or FA in my four?

what is it wad aye?.

what if it was both?

I will not approve any group with Grandma on it. She's playing like she does when she's scum. FA I'd feel ok with. Cafe is coming across as town. Avi, you come off as town. I don't care either way if I'm in a group or not.
I think the person who should be cleared is Cafe. .
Already stated WIFOM.

I didn't "know" there were scum on it but I suspected as much. I believe due to Shai's posts, it is Josh, and visa versa, Josh implicates Shai as scum by clearing her and all of a sudden declaring her plan suddenly makes sense because of 3 scum v 4. And possibly Grandma as well.

I took this stance since the first mission people I choose was 100 percent passed. So those that read as scum were either Grandma or Shai, possibly both. Grandma not picking Shai for this mission and Shai implicating me as scum ( I even questioned Grandma over this) told me I was being set up by scum to take the fall when the mission failed. That's the way I see it.
Arden's plan, not Shia's. Didn't know it was going to pass, but sure seemed to know he was being set up. I see it as pre-emptive paranoia.

how do you figure?

I figure it implicates you or Arden
How do you figure?
Shai passes a mission, doesn't get picked for a failed mission. Nobody complains. Every one else calls her scum, distracting from the fact that there actually is a scum on the second mission.

Possible scum -
1. Grandma
2. Shaitra
3. Josh_B
4. Wolfster/Aye

I get town from Arden, Avatar, and Cafe. Moonglow is kind of a wildcard considering there really is no way of 'reading' moonglow.
I hate it that you are scum reading Grandma. Please don't get caught up in the hype. I have a slightly mechanic town read on you ATM but with the high likelyhood of Cafe being scum. I'm thinking it's wrong.

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.
You are describing Wake. It may just be that he had to work, but that's gone now. There's another post of yours that I'm going to respond to. But I'm getting bad vibes.

I think the person who should be cleared is Cafe.

I disagree. What better way to clear yourself than by voting against the mission you are on if you are scum?

You mean, if you are on a mission and you vote against it, that's a good scum move if you are scum? Or you mean Cafe voting against a mission that ends up failing looks good if she is scum because she knows it will fail?

Yes to the second one. If Cafe is scum, and then votes against the mission personnel because she thinks there is scum on the team, she looks good when the mission fails because she has the choice to vote against it as scum. She then can say I told you there was scum on the mission, but it wasn't me.

We started on that plan. Avatar suggested it and well as Arden. Pick the next leader for your mission
Arden's plan, or Shiatra's plan? now it's Avatar's plan? you seem to be assigning the plan to multiple people at different times to fit your agenda.

"Town" approving scum reads for mission we need to pass screams scum to me, especially given how you set it up by scum reading me and town reading Grandma and Josh. So, again I believe you did this to pass scum on Grandma mission while hiding who scum was by painting me as scum.
More evidence of self conscious behavior. You aren't saying it wasn't you, just that other people are trying to make it look like you.

WTH is an "honest vote" and why wouldn’t it have been honest to begin with Josh_B ?
I felt like the first mission was going to pass. player list was inconsequential. Second mission, I was hoping that Grandma picked two scum. that would have to bus. Second mission, I voted to pass the plan, not the players. I think I have a pretty good Idea of scum now.

Why did you suggest Moonglow and Wake for my mission and would you still suggest them to Avatar now? And did you vote to pass Grandma's mission "honestly"?
With the new information from the mission fail, I'm not sure. -and I'll tell you why.. in a new post, this one is too long.

Scum team. Bank.

Without a private thread to speak in, it makes it pretty obvious that Cafe and Avatar are scum together. This whole Grandma dibachle is garbage. Avatar was calling grandma scum in the beginning, Cafe picked her as town and the mission passed. With the second mission, Grandma picks Cafe and the Cafe/Arden FoS on grandma seems to go in and out erratically depending on how bad their WIFOMing between me and Aden. They're going after 4 of the 5 players that went on the first two missions. I had FA_Q2 as town based on the fact that Cafe picked him and then dropped him off the list. Nobody cared. Like is wasn't even a topic. But with Cafe as scum, it makes the most sense that he picked a buddy and then dropped him so he would have a chance to go on future missions. Guess who's bringing up FA again. Avatar. Which leads me to Aye.
Did Aye really say he doesn't care if he goes on this mission? There are 6 towns and 20 mission slots. Minus the 7 that we've already used, it is imperative that town takes multiple turns in those slots. The only way I can imagine anyone saying "they don't care" is scum knowing that scum is already on a mission.

The rest of us should be going all Isiah 6:8 like "Here I am send me"

With these four people on the mission, I'm going to reject it, unless something happens that suggests other wise.

Scum team. Bank.

Without a private thread to speak in, it makes it pretty obvious that Cafe and Avatar are scum together. This whole Grandma dibachle is garbage. Avatar was calling grandma scum in the beginning, Cafe picked her as town and the mission passed. With the second mission, Grandma picks Cafe and the Cafe/Arden FoS on grandma seems to go in and out erratically depending on how bad their WIFOMing between me and Aden. They're going after 4 of the 5 players that went on the first two missions. I had FA_Q2 as town based on the fact that Cafe picked him and then dropped him off the list. Nobody cared. Like is wasn't even a topic. But with Cafe as scum, it makes the most sense that he picked a buddy and then dropped him so he would have a chance to go on future missions. Guess who's bringing up FA again. Avatar. Which leads me to Aye.
Did Aye really say he doesn't care if he goes on this mission? There are 6 towns and 20 mission slots. Minus the 7 that we've already used, it is imperative that town takes multiple turns in those slots. The only way I can imagine anyone saying "they don't care" is scum knowing that scum is already on a mission.

The rest of us should be going all Isiah 6:8 like "Here I am send me"

With these four people on the mission, I'm going to reject it, unless something happens that suggests other wise.

I'm a she, not a he. Yes, I said I don't care if I go on one or not, since most of ya'll had already claimed Wake was scum before I subbed in. I know I'm town, and the only thing I can do to use that is to vote down any team I do not agree on that I believe has scum on it. I fully intend to do that. If that's a problem for you, too bad.

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