Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

...I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

^ ^ ^ This - is why I suspect you, Wolf. I've been in the game as much as anyone, more so than some.
If it helps, my MS game is in a 72-hour night phase right now, so I have a few spare minutes.
Way back in whatever game it was I said that real life was all about the neighborhood soap opera. 5 nights per week I have uninterrupted computer time between 2am and 5am eastern. I'm not exactly functioning at my peak right then. The rest of my day is hopelessly intermittent. And the entire weekend.
Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

Fine. It'll give me more internet time elsewhere if I'm not on a mission.

Oh, Wolf, did you not notice Aye's post was standard info that we knew already?

She fluffposts as scum. Just a little fyi.
I'm probably going to reject this mission no matter what. With how many scum there are in this game, I'm fairly sure I'm right about my read there.

Who is it you are reading as scum? I don't see a whole lot of reads from anyone. Just silence until its time to vote on who to send on a mission...
I forgot to ask, your post 607, what is it you saw which makes you lean hard Shai is scum in her post?

From her post #58:
Avi's got an interesting idea about nominating the leaders for the remaining mission. That should help us get a handle on who is town by how the missions turn out.

That's a damn risky idea.

Honestly Grandma, I think you just pulled that out of thin air since you changed you read on her so quickly from town to scum.

We started on that plan. Avatar suggested it and well as Arden. Pick the next leader for your mission. In fact I questioned Arden over her insistence we use it and you had nothing to say back then to Avatar and or Arden. So it seems to me this is a bunk reason to move Shai from town to scum, seems appeasy to me or fake. I still believe Shai to be scum for different reasons which I have already laid out.
OK, Why am I in the group of scum again? Grandma sure was quick to put me in there after I accused her. In fact, she hardly does anything all game, then suddenly wants to put me in the scum camp without even giving me a chance to defend myself from what she is accusing me of. It's pretty ridiculous. I re-read that quote several times and there was no slip. I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.
...I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

^ ^ ^ This - is why I suspect you, Wolf. I've been in the game as much as anyone, more so than some.
If it helps, my MS game is in a 72-hour night phase right now, so I have a few spare minutes.
Way back in whatever game it was I said that real life was all about the neighborhood soap opera. 5 nights per week I have uninterrupted computer time between 2am and 5am eastern. I'm not exactly functioning at my peak right then. The rest of my day is hopelessly intermittent. And the entire weekend.

I don't hold RL against anyone. RL is more important than any game so that is fine.

The reason I said that is because there are several times in the game you have come in and said you have nothing to add, too much WIFOM, no reads etc. Then suddenly you come in here and start pulling out scumreads for reasons that don't make a lot of sense. For example, you pulled a quote of mine and called it a slip when clearly it wasn't, don't give me chance to defend myself, and then try to get Cafe to add me to some list of scum like you two are a team even though you are scumreading each other.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me Grandma and raises red flags.
OK, Why am I in the group of scum again? Grandma sure was quick to put me in there after I accused her. In fact, she hardly does anything all game, then suddenly wants to put me in the scum camp without even giving me a chance to defend myself from what she is accusing me of. It's pretty ridiculous. I re-read that quote several times and there was no slip. I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.

I don't mind if you doubt me. That's fine. My meta has changed all over. Due to RL, I just can't be rah rah town right now. It totally sucks because it gets me scumread but there's little I can do about it.

The thing that gets my hackles up is when people come along and scumread me for reasons that are bogus or out of the blue that make me go WTF is that all about?
Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

Fine. It'll give me more internet time elsewhere if I'm not on a mission.

Oh, Wolf, did you not notice Aye's post was standard info that we knew already?

She fluffposts as scum. Just a little fyi.

Why are you trying to change the subject to me?

What post of mine are you saying is standard info? Nice try attempting to get someone to think I'm scum based on what you perceive, but what else is town supposed to expect from scum?
what would you guys think if I put moonglow in one of the slots? I'm not sure which one just something I'm going through in my mind
Avi, you can put whoever you want in.

My suggestion earlier today was to put in one from the last mission that is suspected scum and fill the other slots with those believed to be town. If the mission has one vote to not approve it, chances are it's the suspected scum. We'll know not to add that person on the next one.

Oh, Wolf, did you not notice Aye's post was standard info that we knew already?

She fluffposts as scum. Just a little fyi.

Why are you trying to change the subject to me?

What post of mine are you saying is standard info? Nice try attempting to get someone to think I'm scum based on what you perceive, but what else is town supposed to expect from scum?

This one:

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

Oh, Wolf, did you not notice Aye's post was standard info that we knew already?

She fluffposts as scum. Just a little fyi.

Why are you trying to change the subject to me?

What post of mine are you saying is standard info? Nice try attempting to get someone to think I'm scum based on what you perceive, but what else is town supposed to expect from scum?

This one:

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.
Seems to be a clean aver to being scum..oh my!
OK, Why am I in the group of scum again? Grandma sure was quick to put me in there after I accused her. In fact, she hardly does anything all game, then suddenly wants to put me in the scum camp without even giving me a chance to defend myself from what she is accusing me of. It's pretty ridiculous. I re-read that quote several times and there was no slip. I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.

I don't mind if you doubt me. That's fine. My meta has changed all over. Due to RL, I just can't be rah rah town right now. It totally sucks because it gets me scumread but there's little I can do about it.

The thing that gets my hackles up is when people come along and scumread me for reasons that are bogus or out of the blue that make me go WTF is that all about?
You can't be Townie in every game.....
OK, Why am I in the group of scum again? Grandma sure was quick to put me in there after I accused her. In fact, she hardly does anything all game, then suddenly wants to put me in the scum camp without even giving me a chance to defend myself from what she is accusing me of. It's pretty ridiculous. I re-read that quote several times and there was no slip. I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.

Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.

I don't mind if you doubt me. That's fine. My meta has changed all over. Due to RL, I just can't be rah rah town right now. It totally sucks because it gets me scumread but there's little I can do about it.

The thing that gets my hackles up is when people come along and scumread me for reasons that are bogus or out of the blue that make me go WTF is that all about?
You can't be Townie in every game.....

Either can you. I was scum in game 3, you were scum in game 1. We are pretty equal there. I wasn't even in game 1 or game 4.

If we include offsite, I've played in two that are completed-town in one, scum in the other.

Every person has the same chance to draw scum or town every time.

Cafe has never drawn scum yet and she's been in every game except 1 and had to replace out of 2. I'm not really suspecting her too much right now despite that.

I don't consider that a good argument.
Remember, scum like to see confusion and arguing amongst town. That causes less work for them, letting them stay hidden/lurking.

I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.

I don't mind if you doubt me. That's fine. My meta has changed all over. Due to RL, I just can't be rah rah town right now. It totally sucks because it gets me scumread but there's little I can do about it.

The thing that gets my hackles up is when people come along and scumread me for reasons that are bogus or out of the blue that make me go WTF is that all about?
You can't be Townie in every game.....

Either can you. I was scum in game 3, you were scum in game 1. We are pretty equal there. I wasn't even in game 1 or game 4.

If we include offsite, I've played in two that are completed-town in one, scum in the other.

Every person has the same chance to draw scum or town every time.

Cafe has never drawn scum yet and she's been in every game except 1 and had to replace out of 2. I'm not really suspecting her too much right now despite that.

I don't consider that a good argument.
Sure it is in a metaphysical must know that the variable is the a radical...
That's 6 passes out of 7 from 5 players. This actually clears shaitra right?

Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
No, it doesn't clear me any more than it clears anyone from the first mission. We all need to remember that scum can vote either way on a mission's success.

Cafe, please point out where I gave a pass to Grandma and Josh.

First my mission personnel passes with no nays.

You say in post 273
“Even if it is an all-town team scum could have voted for it to make us doubt people on the mission”

I have my doubts and think scum are on it.

My mission passes.

(An aside: Arden comes out of the blue here and suggests Avatar is scum if there are scum in the mission group, I never figured out this comment given Avatar was never on the mission, says she wants to dump her plan).

You then say 311, you have no issue with everyone wanting new people for new mission

Wolf suggests not taking anyone’s scum reads (321) and you have already agreed saying 3 new people are ok

( Aside Josh asks a ‘loaded question” in post 329. Grandma Answers and Josh suggests himself for the mission 338)

I ask for scum reads (331) and you read me as scum and Arden, you read Grandma and Josh as town, others as null. (347)

346 you advocate using a controlled mission, 2 from past 2 unknowns. Which suggests yourself and Grandma for Grandma mission- given you have already scum read me.

Then Grandma puts up her mission list, which includes me, Arden, Grandma and Josh. (382)

384: You say you can go with Grandma’s choices

Wolf asks you if you no longer have a scum read on me: 387 since you approved me for the mission

396 You then say this goes along with your new plan of and it’s cool if you send me, your scum read because it will help us read by overlapping people.

397 Wolf asks why you would send two scum reads ( Arden and me)

399 you reply to Wolf you are okay with two scum reads going to analyze since this goes along with your new plan

403 I question your read on my and ask the same thing wolf did, why two scum reads

406 I state I won’t be approving mission people due to scum reads

414 you say you are sending two scum read and just won’t send Arden or me again if mission fails. Once again clearing Josh and Grandma- without saying as much since they are already on the mission.

418 I state I think you are setting me up and won’t approve mission

It seems as if you are going along with any plan which is put up and or making plans and ways up to accommodate your choices for mission personnel while setting up others for the fall, knowing the mission was going to FAIL. You said this was your plan to send two of your scum reads.

And now? You now tell Wolf, what better way for me (Café) to clear myself then by voting against a mission who I saw other reading scum on as if this is my plan: “What better way to clear yourself than by voting against the mission you are on if you are scum?”(you to wolf just now) . You have set it up so there is no way I can defend myself- just like I said you set me up on page 418.

"Town" approving scum reads for mission we need to pass screams scum to me, especially given how you set it up by scum reading me and town reading Grandma and Josh. So, again I believe you did this to pass scum on Grandma mission while hiding who scum was by painting me as scum.
I agree and that's what is going on here since there are 4. Kind of surprised to see Cafe agreeing and working with Grandma on that. Of course, she's another one who has been accusing me since the beginning. Then FA comes in out of nowhere and starts up. There are some folks here who are putting in far less effort who suddenly want to come in when they feel like it and call the active people scum. Yeah, I can see what's going on.

Anyway, Grandma is scum. I will not be approving any mission she is on from here on out.

I am not 'working' with Grandma. I scum read you early in the game due to your changed meta. I was clear about this, as I said I think you are scum. But it seems Grandma just threw out several names real quick to make it look like she was scum hunting. I can't sit here and say I don't have any doubts about you all of a sudden, because I still have a niggling doubt. Not scheming with Gma here.

I don't mind if you doubt me. That's fine. My meta has changed all over. Due to RL, I just can't be rah rah town right now. It totally sucks because it gets me scumread but there's little I can do about it.

The thing that gets my hackles up is when people come along and scumread me for reasons that are bogus or out of the blue that make me go WTF is that all about?
You can't be Townie in every game.....

Either can you. I was scum in game 3, you were scum in game 1. We are pretty equal there. I wasn't even in game 1 or game 4.

If we include offsite, I've played in two that are completed-town in one, scum in the other.

Every person has the same chance to draw scum or town every time.

Cafe has never drawn scum yet and she's been in every game except 1 and had to replace out of 2. I'm not really suspecting her too much right now despite that.

I don't consider that a good argument.
Sure it is in a metaphysical must know that the variable is the a radical...

Explain that to me like I'm 12 or too tired too understand metaphysical prognostications and radicals and whatever the heck else you just said.

Nah, on second thought, I'm off to watch the rest of the World Series and have one of these. :wine:
While reading I noted Josh’s post 386. It really stuck out for me:

Yeah I'm not really sure what to think about him. I kind of thought the first mission would pass regardless but I'm going to be a little more picky as far as giving an honest vote on the missions going forward. With this being Grandma's second mission, and your suspicion of her are you going to reject it?

WTH is an "honest vote" and why wouldn’t it have been honest to begin with Josh_B ?

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