Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

:mad-61: Goddammit!

I fucking HATE the stupid quote feature here. :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Read the post. ^ ^ ^

Wolf, Cafe, and Avi are Scum.

I do find it of note, Josh and Shai don't even make your list with his strange posts of how Arden's plan would magically change if there were 4 scum vs. 3, and then Josh's sudden declaration the last mission which Shai was not even on -somehow clears Shai of being scum?
I do find it of note, Josh and Shai don't even make your list with his strange posts of how Arden's plan would magically change if there were 4 scum vs. 3, and then Josh's sudden declaration the last mission which Shai was not even on -somehow clears Shai of being scum?

I don't know what to think of Shaitra.

I think Josh is Town. BadWithMath Town, but still Town.

Not sure about Arden, but she leans Town. For now.
:mad-61: Goddammit!

I fucking HATE the stupid quote feature here. :mad-61::mad-61::mad-61::mad-61::mad-61:

Read the post. ^ ^ ^

Wolf, Cafe, and Avi are Scum.

No, I'm not.

OMGUS, much?

I very rarely OMGUS. I've been watching you all along.

Well you just did and you are wrong about me. Start hunting elsewhere. I might agree Wolf is scum, in fact I've said it before. I have no read on Avatar, the only thing which stands out about avatar in this entire game to me was Arden skipping him for her plan. Why do you read Avatar as scum?
I do find it of note, Josh and Shai don't even make your list with his strange posts of how Arden's plan would magically change if there were 4 scum vs. 3, and then Josh's sudden declaration the last mission which Shai was not even on -somehow clears Shai of being scum?

I don't know what to think of Shaitra.

I think Josh is Town. BadWithMath Town, but still Town.

Not sure about Arden, but she leans Town. For now.

Okay, take away his math skills or lack thereof. How would the last mission clear Shai as he semi-exclaimed?
He posts a bunch, yet doesn't seem connected to the game, sort of robotic you might say.

Acually I saw something that has Shai leaning Scum now. Leaning hard.
He posts a bunch, yet doesn't seem connected to the game, sort of robotic you might say.

Acually I saw something that has Shai leaning Scum now. Leaning hard.

The reason I am reading you as scum if because I am 99.999% sure scum was on my mission. So it has to be you or Shai. Shai started to read me as scum and cleared you and Josh when she did, ( while scum reading me and Arden) and in fact, she also declared she would not vote for any mission I was on. Then you come up with your team which included Josh- and she voted to approves your mission I was on- saying it was now "her plan" to approve suspected scum for missions,- remember she has cleared Josh and you. She painted me as scum and put pretty little lights around Josh and you while discrediting me and Arden. Then Josh decided Shai is not scum after the failed mission today- when she was not on it- and all the while I was yelling there were scum on your team and I disapproved those your wanted to send. None of it makes any sense to me.
He posts a bunch, yet doesn't seem connected to the game, sort of robotic you might say.

Acually I saw something that has Shai leaning Scum now. Leaning hard.

Oh, and I noted the 'robotic' type posting you mention the last game we played in as well and somewhat this one. Almost as if he has to throw up a post and quite does not know what to say or feels the need to say something so as not to be scum read or the need to contribute. This time though I got scum reads from him because Shai decided he was good to go for your mission.
And my last thought is she may have pointed to you as "clear" while kinda bussing Arden by calling her scum, but approving her for the mission, something I have mentioned prior.
Scum have to add Townies into their group of Town reads.

Okay then, so we're agreed on Wolf, Avi, and now Shaitra? Who's the 4th? Aye/Wake? Josh? Arden? Moon? FA? You? Me?
Scum have to add Townies into their group of Town reads.

Okay then, so we're agreed on Wolf, Avi, and now Shaitra? Who's the 4th? Aye/Wake? Josh? Arden? Moon? FA? You? Me?

No, I said I have no real read on Avatar. I asked you why you just read him as scum.
I forgot to ask, your post 607, what is it you saw which makes you lean hard Shai is scum in her post?
Grandma is looking like scum to me. I read town for Cafe as her reasoning here is pretty sound. I had misgivings earlier but she has been posting a lot of logic and that is what we need. What we have so far:

We KNOW there is at least one scum in this group:

There is suspicion that there is at least one scum in this group:

Not to sure about the shai/josh dynamic. I don't think either of them should be included on a team atm. If both grandma AND Shaitra are scum then the mission results make a lot more sense though - having two scum on mission one certainly would make it more difficult for scum to fail the mission given there were only 3 players in that group. If they both failed it, the players on that mission would have been totally excluded from any further missions and our win would have almost been assured. Therefore, they both may have passed the mission.

How that might have played out in mission 2, I am less sure. We only have one confirmed scum there but 2 suspicious players. How would they have coordinated their votes? I have not seen anything to indicate a coordinated effort or a crumb trail that would indicate how they were going to vote. That becomes even less workable if there were more than 2 scum on that team. Of course, as grandma picked the team the other scum might have voted to pass relying on her to fail the mission while they voted to pass.... :\

I don't agree with wolf as a selection for the next team - I am not getting a town vibe at all from wolf this game.

Of course I was reading Wake as scum and I still hold that to be true until Aye's posting shows otherwise. I don't think that Aye should be going on the mission either.

Possible scum -
1. Grandma
2. Shaitra
3. Josh_B
4. Wolfster/Aye

I get town from Arden, Avatar, and Cafe. Moonglow is kind of a wildcard considering there really is no way of 'reading' moonglow.
I agree with not sending me in. I haven't heard back from SR yet, after I said I'd sub in. I don't know what my role is.
OK, Why am I in the group of scum again? Grandma sure was quick to put me in there after I accused her. In fact, she hardly does anything all game, then suddenly wants to put me in the scum camp without even giving me a chance to defend myself from what she is accusing me of. It's pretty ridiculous. I re-read that quote several times and there was no slip. I also find it interesting on how she suddenly has the time and energy to play when she's being accused by multiple people.
So you guys don't want Avi on the next team? He's the mission leader. You better hurry up and give us some alternatives since between the group of you, you are scumreading so many people and we only have so many players here. It really sucks I've been active and trying to figure the game out, where some have barely said shit, and every time I give a reads lists 2 or 3 people accuse me of being scum. I seriously think there is scum motivation behind it because they know I am town. Here's the quote Grandma posted from me.

I think the person who should be cleared is Cafe. She was on the first mission that passed. And she voted against the second one where there was scum on the mission. Of course, she wouldn't know about the scum on the mission if she is town, but if she's scum, she would not vote against it most likely.

Avi-please tell us who you are considering because we need time to discuss it.

Let's see, I posted it after the mission failed so everyone knew there was scum on the mission. So where is the slip again? I can see it, if I said that before the mission failed but I didn't.

Anyway, go ahead and keep me off the missions and put scum in there instead and lose.

I'm going back to my other game. I'll come back and see who you guys pick and vote and that's it. I am not going to be giving any more input because every time I do, people want to accuse me. That blows.

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