Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Well, I'd like Josh_B to respond to the comments on what he said, I'd like Avi to answer my questions, I'd like SR to tell us the mission results.

Regarding a large number of people saying no to a mission, it could go either way. Scum can't do it my themselves. So I can see town also rejecting a mission if they think scum is on it. And I could see scum objecting if there's all town. The fact that not many objected to both missions could mean scum is on both, it could mean town decided to take a chance and get some info.

Shaitra it wasn't that long ago where you said this.

Not approving the mission team because they think there is scum on the team feels townish.

Now you are saying this:

Of course scum is going to try and convince town to disapprove of a mission to make sure scum is on it. But when voting comes down to it, if 4 or more people don't approve of the people on a mission, you know you have scum in that bunch.

Can you please clarify your thoughts on this?

You have to look at the quotes in context to what is going on. In the first one I was looking at Cafe's vote to reject the mission group. Since she feels there is scum on the team it is townish to vote the mission group down. Does that mean she's town? I still don't know about that one.

In the second quote I'm responding to Cafe's comment. She either doesn't understand what I am saying or she is deliberately trying to misconstrue what I'm saying. As I explained in the rest of the quote that you didn't quote, the math part is about picking an all town team. Mathematically it will be very difficult to do by just picking randomly. There are 4 scum in the game. If 4 or more people vote against a group, there has to be scum in that group of people voting against the team. I am making an assumption that the leader is trying to pick an all town team, not an all scum team.
Yeah, well, I'll give you guys until tomorrow but if Josh, Shaitra, Avi don't acknowledge or answer my questions, they go in my scum pile. Shaitra, you have more time because I only asked you this morning but I asked Josh and Avi yesterday and they've been online. There is zero reason to stop talking or to ignore people because SR is away. She's probably busy. This ignoring people and not talking is BS but a perfect environment for scum to thrive.

I've been busy at work and most likely will be posting mostly from home for the next few weeks. I wasn't ignoring anyone (and I do realize you weren't including me in that but I did want to let you know.)
Well, It is very, very likely that there are scum in a group if more than 4 vote down a mission but it could also be possible town feels strongly there is scum in the group. However, I would think if that was the case, the mission leader would just choose someone else so there mission is approved. And no problem about being busy Shaitra. I just want to have some sort of discussion going, even if it is minor just so people don't become too apathetic which is exactly what scum would want. It would be easier for them to get their way with voting and so forth, if there is too much town apathy.
Well, It is very, very likely that there are scum in a group if more than 4 vote down a mission but it could also be possible town feels strongly there is scum in the group. However, I would think if that was the case, the mission leader would just choose someone else so there mission is approved. And no problem about being busy Shaitra. I just want to have some sort of discussion going, even if it is minor just so people don't become too apathetic which is exactly what scum would want. It would be easier for them to get their way with voting and so forth, if there is too much town apathy.
Unless it is the leader that is scum and town knows it.

In that case, the picks are irrelevant other than using that to guess the alignment of those picks (though they are likely town unless it is mission 4).

Shiatras 'logic' is not very logical to me at all. I don't find that to be the case very often with shiatra. That and Cafe's earlier arguments have me really guessing at who I had pegged as townees and scum.

We really need to see the flip though so that all this over analyzation can stop and we can start dealing with at least some hard data. That is going to make a big difference.
At this point, I agree. We've probably talked as much as we can until we get the results. I hope SR is o.k. I have not heard anything from her since Fri.
She's fine. Was posting at MS this morning. I'm going to be extremely busy today at work so don't expect much from me here until this evening.
The group gathered for some contentious discussion. During this discussion the training facility called Wake back. Apparently he needed 5 vaccines. The academy should send his replacement any day.

Cafe and Avatar did not want this team to go to the Chamber of Commerce. They lost.

That was unfortunate for the town.

One of the scums, mid mission, sent a message to have the meeting relocated due to emergency repairs. When the group arrived, there was no Chamber to persuade.

Mission 2 rejected by Cafe and Avatar. Mission two fails by a vote of 3 to 1.
Mission 3: The Media Conglomerate

The mafia has a tight stranglehold on the press to prevent an uprising. Your goal is to get the mobster running the company fired. He terminates employees who complain...literally.

You have decided to make him go insane.

Avatar has 72 hours to pick 4 players.

The score is tied 1 to 1.
wait was it three to one as it three pass one fail or three to one as in three failed one passed?

the use of scums (plural) made me think there were multiple scum on the team. But maybe I'm just misreading
wait was it three to one as it three pass one fail or three to one as in three failed one passed?

the use of scums (plural) made me think there were multiple scum on the team. But maybe I'm just misreading

Three success and one fail. Town number will always be first.
One of the
wait was it three to one as it three pass one fail or three to one as in three failed one passed?

the use of scums (plural) made me think there were multiple scum on the team. But maybe I'm just misreading

That is meant as a player on the team is scum. One of the scums refers to the group as a whole.
I'll be replacing in for Wake.

I won't be able to read up on this one until tonight after work, though. Once I read up, I'll post. :)
That's 6 passes out of 7 from 5 players. This actually clears shaitra right?
That's 6 passes out of 7 from 5 players. This actually clears shaitra right?

Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?

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