Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

You are probably right. They only have 48 hours but I can see scum delaying it as long as they can. So the fact that it's taking the full time, is something to consider.
My vote to pass was in within seconds of SR's post 502. And I believe I have already said there are scum on this mission as well as the first given no one dissented my suggestions for mission 1- something you seemed to agree with. As far as those who I believe are scum passing said mission? I don't know if I have made enough noise for them to pass this one or fail it TBH.

As I stated prior though I think it may fail given Shai has seemingly given a pass to both Josh and Grandma - by stating she will not vote to approve any mission forward I am on. IOW setting up me and Arden as scum. Unless I missed it, Arden has only questioned my calling her scum and not Shai- something else I think strange. That is why I thought about possible scum bussing as much as possible in this set-up.

As an aside, I do think it of note, Shai speaks of scum not dissenting on mission people given the math, but believes town can- she as town can achieve what scum can't do with only 4. Thing is, it will only take one or two scum suggesting someone is scum to get others to agree to fail a mission with all town on it.

Of course scum is going to try and convince town to disapprove of a mission to make sure scum is on it. But when voting comes down to it, if 4 or more people don't approve of the people on a mission, you know you have scum in that bunch.

And the math is about picking an all town team, not about disapproving a mission team. Sampling without replacement, which is what we are doing when we choose a mission team, shows that on a mathematical basis (read random picking) picking an all town team is difficult. But we aren't random picking. We are using our discussion and reads on people to affect those odds.
My vote to pass was in within seconds of SR's post 502. And I believe I have already said there are scum on this mission as well as the first given no one dissented my suggestions for mission 1- something you seemed to agree with. As far as those who I believe are scum passing said mission? I don't know if I have made enough noise for them to pass this one or fail it TBH.

As I stated prior though I think it may fail given Shai has seemingly given a pass to both Josh and Grandma - by stating she will not vote to approve any mission forward I am on. IOW setting up me and Arden as scum. Unless I missed it, Arden has only questioned my calling her scum and not Shai- something else I think strange. That is why I thought about possible scum bussing as much as possible in this set-up.

As an aside, I do think it of note, Shai speaks of scum not dissenting on mission people given the math, but believes town can- she as town can achieve what scum can't do with only 4. Thing is, it will only take one or two scum suggesting someone is scum to get others to agree to fail a mission with all town on it.

Of course scum is going to try and convince town to disapprove of a mission to make sure scum is on it. But when voting comes down to it, if 4 or more people don't approve of the people on a mission, you know you have scum in that bunch.

And the math is about picking an all town team, not about disapproving a mission team. Sampling without replacement, which is what we are doing when we choose a mission team, shows that on a mathematical basis (read random picking) picking an all town team is difficult. But we aren't random picking. We are using our discussion and reads on people to affect those odds.
Why? That seems like an awfully scummy statement to me. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are getting at here.

If there is a clear scummy player being picked for the team I would expect to see at least 4 people voting to scrap it - why on earth would you vote for a team that you strongly thought had scum?
Why are we still on this mission?

probably because all of you on the mission haven't passed or failed it

Yep, those of you on the mission need to send in your votes. That's pretty much what we are waiting for.

"The town-loyal agents will always vote to succeed each mission." It's automatic, and right now it's pretty clear we're just waiting for scum to decide pass/fail. Pretty sure this mission isn't going through.
No, its not. SR already CLEARLY stated in post 263 that each town member had to send in their required pass vote so that it was not obvious if the whole team was town. IOW, if SR came back with a mission success within an hour of the group accepting the mission it would indicate that they were all town as it is unlikely they had time to send in vote pms. To counteract this, town must send in their votes.

I would bet we are simply waiting for one of the members on the mission to get off their ducus and send the PM. I would even bet it is you we are waiting on considering that you think it is automatic and all 4 of the mission players have posted after the mission was accepted. So....


Who has not voted yet?

PS: why the hell do you have to have a star in your name, I don't even know if the mention worked for you or how to even get the star there beside copy/paste :D
Well, I'd like Josh_B to respond to the comments on what he said, I'd like Avi to answer my questions, I'd like SR to tell us the mission results.

Regarding a large number of people saying no to a mission, it could go either way. Scum can't do it my themselves. So I can see town also rejecting a mission if they think scum is on it. And I could see scum objecting if there's all town. The fact that not many objected to both missions could mean scum is on both, it could mean town decided to take a chance and get some info.

Shaitra it wasn't that long ago where you said this.

Not approving the mission team because they think there is scum on the team feels townish.

Now you are saying this:

Of course scum is going to try and convince town to disapprove of a mission to make sure scum is on it. But when voting comes down to it, if 4 or more people don't approve of the people on a mission, you know you have scum in that bunch.

Can you please clarify your thoughts on this?
Yeah, well, I'll give you guys until tomorrow but if Josh, Shaitra, Avi don't acknowledge or answer my questions, they go in my scum pile. Shaitra, you have more time because I only asked you this morning but I asked Josh and Avi yesterday and they've been online. There is zero reason to stop talking or to ignore people because SR is away. She's probably busy. This ignoring people and not talking is BS but a perfect environment for scum to thrive.
With 4 scum, it means that we have to send the same 6 people over and over or risk scum being on the mission. I have already confirmed "Pass". I'm wondering if Scarlet Rage is missing. She hasn't responded to my vote.

With three scum, I thought Arden's push to go on multiple missions was kind of scummy because he was pushing himself onto the first mission. But there are only 6 town and 20 mission slots.

With three scum, at least one scum would have to go on a mission twice to get the extra fail. But there only needs to be three mission fails and there are 4 scum. Even with the extra fail necessary on the fourth mission, that's still one fail per scum. In the table top game the two scum needed one more fail than they had players, however, this game is doubled, that would actually mean that 6 fails would be necessary for scum to win.

I actually think this game is scum sided with four scum. Before I just generically thought there were 3 which is slightly more than there would be in a regular game.
Thank You for your answer. I noticed in the video-2 scum, 3 town. So it makes sense here for their to be 4 scum, 6 town.

I am in a game with SR on MS and she hasn't posted there since Fri. so she's probably actually busy in RL.
True but on the 4th mission there has to be two fail votes so that will be more difficult for scum to pull off because by then, we should have a handle on who at least a couple of them are. I'm hoping we get one more passed mission between 2 and 3 so we can pass that one and win. If not, mission 5 is probably going to be critical.

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