Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

It also seems that she is clearing Grandma and Josh if there is failure- to implicate me and Arden. So was she painting Arden as scum to clear Grandma if the mission failed? Is she painting me as scum to clear grandma if her mission fails?

I'm really wondering why you say I'm scum.

It's several things Grandma. I have a strong feeling you or Shai are scum, if not both based on the votes to approve my mission selections. And given only two people, me being one disapproved your mission choices it tells me there must be scum on your mission choices as well. If it was all town scum would have tried their damnedest to stop it IMO. The only other thing I can think is if one or two of the upcoming leaders are scum and they will pick scum to get the missions failed. I know it sounds wifomy but given the votes something is up IMO.

Cafe, you have to remember the numbers here. 6 town, and 4 scum. If it was an all town team and 4 people voted against it, don't you think it would make it pretty obvious who was town and who was scum? I doubt they would give themselves away like that.

The other thing is it will be difficult to pick an all town team based on sampling and statistics because we are picking without replacement. If you want me to go all math geeky and explain further I can. The reason I'm bringing this up is during these first few missions, we don't have enough information yet to be able to affect the numbers by ruling people out or in. (scum or town) What happens with this mission will help us analyze and increase our chances of picking an all town team.
I honestly am waiting for the results of this mission to give some further analysis. I do think with 0 objections and scum not being able to coordinate that there was probably scum on the first mission. If this one passes, then Cafe and Grandma are cleared in my book-being on two passed missions. If it fails, I will look at the number of fails, do some ISOing and see who I think the scum is or are or whatever. I do think the lack of posting is a pro-scum environment and I intend to change that with some new reads and analysis after the mission results and hopefully we can narrow down at least one scum and keep them off the upcoming missions.
Holy crap! I just realized that there are 4 scum. This whole time I thought there were three. No wonder Arden's plan didn't make sense to me.
so if we believe that, then you aren't scum because scum all know who each other are.

but if you are scum that is a lie. And you're just faking to throw us off
so if we believe that, then you aren't scum because scum all know who each other are.

but if you are scum that is a lie. And you're just faking to throw us off

^This is why Avatar is scum. Not only did he avoid my question, he then tried to turn the fact that I didn't read the OP well enough into me being scum. I can't go back and change it. I'm town for this game.
OK, You are both guilty of not reading the game. Avi never answered Josh's post 508 and Josh apparently didn't read the first post or forgot it. Now you are turning on each other for this a little bit. Until I get mission results, all I can do is make a note of this.
so if we believe that, then you aren't scum because scum all know who each other are.

but if you are scum that is a lie. And you're just faking to throw us off

^This is why Avatar is scum. Not only did he avoid my question, he then tried to turn the fact that I didn't read the OP well enough into me being scum. I can't go back and change it. I'm town for this game.

I'm scum because I'm suspicious of you?
Holy crap! I just realized that there are 4 scum. This whole time I thought there were three. No wonder Arden's plan didn't make sense to me.

How would Arden's plan change, 3 scum vs. 4? I read this post last night and thought it was off given your post just comes out of the blue. Her plan was for the leader to chose themselves then the next leader and the towniest. Why would there being 3 scum instead of four affect the outcome of her plan?
My vote to pass was in within seconds of SR's post 502. And I believe I have already said there are scum on this mission as well as the first given no one dissented my suggestions for mission 1- something you seemed to agree with. As far as those who I believe are scum passing said mission? I don't know if I have made enough noise for them to pass this one or fail it TBH.

As I stated prior though I think it may fail given Shai has seemingly given a pass to both Josh and Grandma - by stating she will not vote to approve any mission forward I am on. IOW setting up me and Arden as scum. Unless I missed it, Arden has only questioned my calling her scum and not Shai- something else I think strange. That is why I thought about possible scum bussing as much as possible in this set-up.

As an aside, I do think it of note, Shai speaks of scum not dissenting on mission people given the math, but believes town can- she as town can achieve what scum can't do with only 4. Thing is, it will only take one or two scum suggesting someone is scum to get others to agree to fail a mission with all town on it.
My vote to pass was in within seconds of SR's post 502. And I believe I have already said there are scum on this mission as well as the first given no one dissented my suggestions for mission 1- something you seemed to agree with. As far as those who I believe are scum passing said mission? I don't know if I have made enough noise for them to pass this one or fail it TBH.

As I stated prior though I think it may fail given Shai has seemingly given a pass to both Josh and Grandma - by stating she will not vote to approve any mission forward I am on. IOW setting up me and Arden as scum. Unless I missed it, Arden has only questioned my calling her scum and not Shai- something else I think strange. That is why I thought about possible scum bussing as much as possible in this set-up.

As an aside, I do think it of note, Shai speaks of scum not dissenting on mission people given the math, but believes town can- she as town can achieve what scum can't do with only 4. Thing is, it will only take one or two scum suggesting someone is scum to get others to agree to fail a mission with all town on it.

Well, if this one passes, I will approve any mission you and Grandma are on from here on out for being on two passed missions. As far as scum trying to get a mission with all town on it, we have to look out for that behavior and see if the people doing it are on missions that have fail votes on them and see if we can match it up.

If all scum disapprove of a mission, they need a couple townies to do so also, so this is something to look out for. A large group of dissenters means it is an all town team OR that someone is strongly scumreading another and really doesn't want them on the mission.

Firs, I need to know the results of this mission and see the next team picked to analyze more.
Holy typos, I hate that I can't edit. Meh-if you can't make sense of that, let me know. LOL

Josh's post above, Does it make sense to you ? Do you see how Arden's plan would change if there were 3 scum as opposed to 4? Do you think the post is out of place?

Josh's post above, Does it make sense to you ? Do you see how Arden's plan would change if there were 3 scum as opposed to 4? Do you think the post is out of place?

I was scumreading Josh at first for buddying Wake and picking Moonglow and Wake right away but his last several posts seemed pretty townie to me. So he was back in the town pile. This last one is odd and I'd like him to answer as to how the number of scum make a difference to Arden's plan. I'm not sure of that myself really. I thought Avi's ignoring Josh's earlier post and my question and post to him about it, despite being here and responding to the thread to be off. He doesn't usually miss much.

Scum bussing? Confused town? Josh didn't pay attention at some points in the last game too. They both seem a little off. That's why I did the loaded question to Avi. He doesn't like to lie. Asking him if he's scum is something I did in game 5 in the QT. House said of course not right away. Avi danced around it.
Why are we still on this mission?

probably because all of you on the mission haven't passed or failed it

Yep, those of you on the mission need to send in your votes. That's pretty much what we are waiting for.

"The town-loyal agents will always vote to succeed each mission." It's automatic, and right now it's pretty clear we're just waiting for scum to decide pass/fail. Pretty sure this mission isn't going through.

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