Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
Maybe you don't recall that the first mission went through with a 100% unanimous vote, which means there is likely scum on it. The second mission failed by one with you on it. I think Grandma is likely town due to the way she answered my loaded question, and my suspicion of Arden was based on me ignorantly assuming the more common mafia set-up (7/3). So, for me, the suspicion falls on you.

Are you paying attention to the game? I voted not to pass the mission personnel mission 2, because I thought scum was on my mission due to the 100% pass and Shai's plan of sending her scum reads.
Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
Maybe you don't recall that the first mission went through with a 100% unanimous vote, which means there is likely scum on it. The second mission failed by one with you on it. I think Grandma is likely town due to the way she answered my loaded question, and my suspicion of Arden was based on me ignorantly assuming the more common mafia set-up (7/3). So, for me, the suspicion falls on you.

Are you paying attention to the game? I voted not to pass the mission personnel mission 2, because I thought scum was on my mission due to the 100% pass and Shai's plan of sending her scum reads.

It appears he was talking about the actual mission and not voting for the mission to proceed. I think?

interesting point about cafe and FA with the first mission. I'll have to think about it.

the reason I was leaning scum with grandma earlier is because when I questioned how we were going to know whether to know whether scum are among our leaders in the first few groups and suggested that maybe cafe should send the first few people to see if we are safe, grandma had a negative reaction to the plan. Needless to say it caused me some concerns.

however I'm getting less of a scum vibe from grandma lately. Maybe it's because I'm leaning scum on some of the rest of mission two participants. And I don't think there are more than one scum on mission two. Because if there was, they couldn't communicate so they couldn't have planned it so only one votes to fail, they all would have.

I have a difficult task here. I have to pick a team of four town players. If I do that I will have four or more votes objecting to it. Which means I need the remaining townies supporting it. We are very divided right now.

which leads me to my next question for everyone. What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

yes I know some of us including me are not sure about josh and Arden. But it might help us figure out who the scum from two is. We will have a better idea on whether cafe and grandma are safe. And whether Ardens pick next round should even be considered.

what do you say?
I didn't "know" there were scum on it but I suspected as much. I believe due to Shai's posts, it is Josh, and visa versa, Josh implicates Shai as scum by clearing her and all of a sudden declaring her plan suddenly makes sense because of 3 scum v 4. And possibly Grandma as well.

Misrep. It wasn't Shai's plan. It was Arden's. What's your read on Arden. Prior to the mission you seemed pretty suspicious of Arden and Grandma. Now post mission, I'm on your chopping block? Where's your consistency?

Oh baloney misrep lol. You sure are defending Grandma and Shai today. I think I hit a nerve here.

You are not paying attention to the game. I can tell now with this post and the rest you posted earlier

Arden abandoned her plan after mission one. As you can see, or should be able to see Grandma did NOT follow Arden's plan given those she chose for her mission. Secondly, Shai's PLAN was to send scum reads on Grandma's mission. So yeah, I was referencing Shai's plan since I fought against it and told her I was failing mission personnel given she was sending scum reads.
Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
Maybe you don't recall that the first mission went through with a 100% unanimous vote, which means there is likely scum on it. The second mission failed by one with you on it. I think Grandma is likely town due to the way she answered my loaded question, and my suspicion of Arden was based on me ignorantly assuming the more common mafia set-up (7/3). So, for me, the suspicion falls on you.

Are you paying attention to the game? I voted not to pass the mission personnel mission 2, because I thought scum was on my mission due to the 100% pass and Shai's plan of sending her scum reads.

It appears he was talking about the actual mission and not voting for the mission to proceed. I think?

Why would it clear Shai? The two of you supporting one another in this game gives me the scum hebbie jeebies. First, Shai saiys she won't vote for me or Arden, but seemingly give a pass to you and Grandma if this mission failed (which it did) and now somehow you clear Shai since the first mission passed with me, Grandma and Shai on it?
Maybe you don't recall that the first mission went through with a 100% unanimous vote, which means there is likely scum on it. The second mission failed by one with you on it. I think Grandma is likely town due to the way she answered my loaded question, and my suspicion of Arden was based on me ignorantly assuming the more common mafia set-up (7/3). So, for me, the suspicion falls on you.

Are you paying attention to the game? I voted not to pass the mission personnel mission 2, because I thought scum was on my mission due to the 100% pass and Shai's plan of sending her scum reads.

It appears he was talking about the actual mission and not voting for the mission to proceed. I think?

I don't think so, he says it was passed 100 percent which means there is likely scum on it. He was speaking about the vote for people IMO.
What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

what do you say?

I'm suspicious of you, Avi, because your posts have been "robotic" for lack of better description.

So answer me this: Avi, will you vote for the mission to pass or fail?
And I'll be back in a few hours josh, i wanted to comment but I can't find where you said I picked "grandma as town" for my mission. In fact I was clear I had NO read on Grandma. It was almost impossible to chose for the first mission, no reads, no nothing.

interesting point about cafe and FA with the first mission. I'll have to think about it.

the reason I was leaning scum with grandma earlier is because when I questioned how we were going to know whether to know whether scum are among our leaders in the first few groups and suggested that maybe cafe should send the first few people to see if we are safe, grandma had a negative reaction to the plan. Needless to say it caused me some concerns.

however I'm getting less of a scum vibe from grandma lately. Maybe it's because I'm leaning scum on some of the rest of mission two participants. And I don't think there are more than one scum on mission two. Because if there was, they couldn't communicate so they couldn't have planned it so only one votes to fail, they all would have.

I have a difficult task here. I have to pick a team of four town players. If I do that I will have four or more votes objecting to it. Which means I need the remaining townies supporting it. We are very divided right now.

which leads me to my next question for everyone. What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

yes I know some of us including me are not sure about josh and Arden. But it might help us figure out who the scum from two is. We will have a better idea on whether cafe and grandma are safe. And whether Ardens pick next round should even be considered.

what do you say?

Hmmmm................How about you, moon, one of josh and arden and one of cafe and grandma?

Don't you think that would be the best for info gathering? You and moon would be new. One from Josh/Arden will test them. One from Cafe/Grandma will test them.

Make sense or am I way off? I'll admit we are divided and I'm confused so if this seems off, let me know.

You can always stick with your original plan of you, cafe, moon, FA and that would probably pass to proceed but I don't know, let me know what you think.
3 of the 4 Scum = Wolf, Aye, Cafe.

I'm Town. I have nothing else to say.

You are only suspecting me for OMGUS reasons and that's it. Your post where you said I slipped wasn't a slip. You suspect me for suspecting you for not being engaged until you decided to come in here and throw shit and see if it sticks.

It's pure OMGUS and scummy Grandma. You are doing it to others too I've noticed.
3 of the 4 Scum = Wolf, Aye, Cafe.

I'm Town. I have nothing else to say.

You're scum, so of course you have nothing to say. When scum, you usually do or say something to make it obvious. The less you talk in this game, you think you're safe.
also can everyone give me there opinions one everyone from the first mission and second mission from scummiest to least scummiest.

for example it could read:

mission 1


mission two


something like that
What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

what do you say?

I'm suspicious of you, Avi, because your posts have been "robotic" for lack of better description.

So answer me this: Avi, will you vote for the mission to pass or fail?

I don't have a choice. Town must pass

interesting point about cafe and FA with the first mission. I'll have to think about it.

the reason I was leaning scum with grandma earlier is because when I questioned how we were going to know whether to know whether scum are among our leaders in the first few groups and suggested that maybe cafe should send the first few people to see if we are safe, grandma had a negative reaction to the plan. Needless to say it caused me some concerns.

however I'm getting less of a scum vibe from grandma lately. Maybe it's because I'm leaning scum on some of the rest of mission two participants. And I don't think there are more than one scum on mission two. Because if there was, they couldn't communicate so they couldn't have planned it so only one votes to fail, they all would have.

I have a difficult task here. I have to pick a team of four town players. If I do that I will have four or more votes objecting to it. Which means I need the remaining townies supporting it. We are very divided right now.

which leads me to my next question for everyone. What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

yes I know some of us including me are not sure about josh and Arden. But it might help us figure out who the scum from two is. We will have a better idea on whether cafe and grandma are safe. And whether Ardens pick next round should even be considered.

what do you say?

Hmmmm................How about you, moon, one of josh and arden and one of cafe and grandma?

Don't you think that would be the best for info gathering? You and moon would be new. One from Josh/Arden will test them. One from Cafe/Grandma will test them.

Make sense or am I way off? I'll admit we are divided and I'm confused so if this seems off, let me know.

You can always stick with your original plan of you, cafe, moon, FA and that would probably pass to proceed but I don't know, let me know what you think.

I have to agree with Wolf on this. Take one of Josh/Arden and Grandma/Cafe.

Out of Grandma/Cafe, I find Cafe to be the town candidate.

Out of Josh/Arden, that's a tough one. Josh comes off as having something to hide. He's putting himself out there, but not fully, as though he's holding back. I'd have to go read through Arden's posts to get a good feel of where her mindset is.
also can everyone give me there opinions one everyone from the first mission and second mission from scummiest to least scummiest.

for example it could read:

mission 1


mission two


something like that

Mission 1 (scummiest to least)


Mission 2 (scummiest to least)

also can everyone give me there opinions one everyone from the first mission and second mission from scummiest to least scummiest.

for example it could read:

mission 1


mission two


something like that

mission 1


mission 2


Above is scummiest to least scummiest from each mission and is only my opinion.
What do you think of a team with me, moonglow, josh, and Arden?

what do you say?

I'm suspicious of you, Avi, because your posts have been "robotic" for lack of better description.

So answer me this: Avi, will you vote for the mission to pass or fail?

So, Josh and Avi have been robot posting? But Josh's robot posting is townie and avatars robot posting is scum? Strange. I'll repeat I have no read on avatar. But I find it strange you describe a "townies" post as robotic and then also a scum read post as robotic - thus suspicious. Hummm what to make of that.

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