Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Hmmmm................How about you, moon, one of josh and arden and one of cafe and grandma?

Don't you think that would be the best for info gathering? You and moon would be new. One from Josh/Arden will test them. One from Cafe/Grandma will test them.

Make sense or am I way off? I'll admit we are divided and I'm confused so if this seems off, let me know.

You can always stick with your original plan of you, cafe, moon, FA and that would probably pass to proceed but I don't know, let me know what you think.

No. If Cafe's on the team, I want Wolf and Aye on it too. Let them try and coordinate their Fail votes.
I'll be back later to address josh longer post and any I've missed. Have a good one guys. See you later. :)
You are only suspecting me for OMGUS reasons and that's it. Your post where you said I slipped wasn't a slip. You suspect me for suspecting you for not being engaged until you decided to come in here and throw shit and see if it sticks.

It's pure OMGUS and scummy Grandma. You are doing it to others too I've noticed.

No it isn't. There have been inconsistencies with everyone's posts, yet you zeroed in on mine. Even after I detailed R/L issues that affect my posts you continued to hound me. My posts aren't that much different than usual though, that's where you failed.

I'm good at spotting Scum, (that's good, not incredibly great) and you're worried. You're trying to discredit me with a double standard judgement.
So, Josh and Avi have been robot posting? But Josh's robot posting is townie and avatars robot posting is scum? Strange. I'll repeat I have no read on avatar. But I find it strange you describe a "townies" post as robotic and then also a scum read post as robotic - thus suspicious. Hummm what to make of that.

Make the same thing of it as Wolfie's read on my posts.
The reason Mission 1 passed is because Cafe didn't use her Fail card. Mission 2 failed because she did use her Fail card.

Cafe was the only Scum on both missions.
You are only suspecting me for OMGUS reasons and that's it. Your post where you said I slipped wasn't a slip. You suspect me for suspecting you for not being engaged until you decided to come in here and throw shit and see if it sticks.

It's pure OMGUS and scummy Grandma. You are doing it to others too I've noticed.

No it isn't. There have been inconsistencies with everyone's posts, yet you zeroed in on mine. Even after I detailed R/L issues that affect my posts you continued to hound me. My posts aren't that much different than usual though, that's where you failed.

I'm good at spotting Scum, (that's good, not incredibly great) and you're worried. You're trying to discredit me with a double standard judgement.

RL has nothing to do with my suspicion of you. I have RL too and have been scumread because of it.

I don't like liars and you lied about me. You never even asked me to explain it. Then you dropped it.

That is the number one reason I have a problem with you. Until then you were a mere afterthought. You put yourself right at the front with that play.
Hmmmm................How about you, moon, one of josh and arden and one of cafe and grandma?

Don't you think that would be the best for info gathering? You and moon would be new. One from Josh/Arden will test them. One from Cafe/Grandma will test them.

Make sense or am I way off? I'll admit we are divided and I'm confused so if this seems off, let me know.

You can always stick with your original plan of you, cafe, moon, FA and that would probably pass to proceed but I don't know, let me know what you think.

No. If Cafe's on the team, I want Wolf and Aye on it too. Let them try and coordinate their Fail votes.

Go for it!!
Arden's plan, not Shia's. Didn't know it was going to pass, but sure seemed to know he was being set up. I see it as pre-emptive paranoia.

No, it was not Arden's plan. I'll repeat myself, since you saw fit to post about this twice and misrep big time while accusing me of misrepping. Heck, Grandma did NOT follow Arden's plan at all. Please read up. She picked people several had read as scum for her mission- something Shai suggested.

It was Shai's plan I was discussing. Shai's plan was to put two of her scum reads ( me and Arden) on Grandma's mission and you and Grandma as supposed "town". I said I would NOT vote for these mission personnel given Shai read people as scum and were approving them for her new "plan", not to mention others read Arden as scum and so did I and I began to have more doubts about Grandma given her willingness to pick scum reads for her mission. Thus my no-go for the people on the mission.

As an aside here Josh, you were not happy with the choice of Grandma or Shai for my mission at all. And now you are disappointed people are reading Grandma as scum as you posted to FA? Strange that. Was your being not happy about Grandma and Shai for my mission, scum distancing by chance?
The reason Mission 1 passed is because Cafe didn't use her Fail card. Mission 2 failed because she did use her Fail card.

Cafe was the only Scum on both missions.

Not at all, but you keep pushing that untruth,, I'm town and YOU know it IMO. But since you say this" Café was the only scum on both missions", are you inferring there were other scum on either mission?

You skip things like Josh's "honestly voting" post I pointed out a bit back, you, as town would never overlook slips like that.
Cafe was the only Scum on both missions.

I'm town and YOU know it IMO. But since you say this" Café was the only scum on both missions", are you inferring there were other scum on either mission?[/QUOTE]
Only = 1. So no, there were no other Scum on the missions. There couldn't have been because they can't coordinate their Fail votes.

As for me "knowing" that you're town, I know that I'm Town. I'm quite sure that you're Scum.
Cafe was the only Scum on both missions.

I'm town and YOU know it IMO. But since you say this" Café was the only scum on both missions", are you inferring there were other scum on either mission?
Only = 1. So no, there were no other Scum on the missions. There couldn't have been because they can't coordinate their Fail votes.

As for me "knowing" that you're town, I know that I'm Town. I'm quite sure that you're Scum.[/QUOTE]

You are wrong about me.

But, I do note you just went from saying Shai was a hard scum read a few posts back and gave a bogus reason and now she is suddenly town again.
I hereby nominate me, moonglow, Arden, and cafe for mission 3

do I have to pm scarlet or just nominate in thread?

Scum team. Bank.

Without a private thread to speak in, it makes it pretty obvious that Cafe and Avatar are scum together. This whole Grandma dibachle is garbage. Avatar was calling grandma scum in the beginning, Cafe picked her as town and the mission passed. With the second mission, Grandma picks Cafe and the Cafe/Arden FoS on grandma seems to go in and out erratically depending on how bad their WIFOMing between me and Aden. They're going after 4 of the 5 players that went on the first two missions. I had FA_Q2 as town based on the fact that Cafe picked him and then dropped him off the list. Nobody cared. Like is wasn't even a topic. But with Cafe as scum, it makes the most sense that he picked a buddy and then dropped him so he would have a chance to go on future missions. Guess who's bringing up FA again. Avatar. Which leads me to Aye.
Did Aye really say he doesn't care if he goes on this mission? There are 6 towns and 20 mission slots. Minus the 7 that we've already used, it is imperative that town takes multiple turns in those slots. The only way I can imagine anyone saying "they don't care" is scum knowing that scum is already on a mission.

The rest of us should be going all Isiah 6:8 like "Here I am send me"

With these four people on the mission, I'm going to reject it, unless something happens that suggests other wise.

( emphasis added)

Grandma was never a town read for me. I stated such far back, I had no read on her, I had no info to go on at all- except my scum read on Wolf and Wake because of his weird posting and Wolf's changed meta. Please read back and keep up with the game. As far as FA, more people suggested Shai than they did FA- so I thought that more were getting town reads from Shai as opposed to FA. Thus, I switched them so everyone would be okay with it.

Strange enough it was you who was not okay with Grandmas and Shai, and I now think this was scum distancing on your part.
I hereby nominate me, moonglow, Arden, and cafe for mission 3

do I have to pm scarlet or just nominate in thread?

Bold it in a separate post and @ SR. Say this is your proposed team. Then she will acknowledge it. We wait to PM her to vote on it going forward or not until she tells us to. Then when everyone has voted, she will announce the results and who voted yeah or nay. Then if it passed, those on it vote and then when they are done, those results are announced but not who made the votes and we move forward with the next team.
I hereby nominate me, moonglow, Arden, and cafe for mission 3

do I have to pm scarlet or just nominate in thread?
This seems to be a final answer. Please bold or PM in the future to be certain.

Everyone now has 48 hours to approve or reject the team.

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