Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Cafe I feel like you are scum reading everyone on the first 2 missions except yourself. Surely someone other than you was town on them.

I have already given my reasons for said reads. It might help if you read back, because you are not paying attention to what is going on.
I am town and someone on my mission was scum IMO as I have stated several times prior to today and in fact shortly after it was a 100 percent vote to send those I chose. Grandma is posting scummy, look at her posts honestly Josh.
Ok. I'll look specifically at Grandma...

I don't see what you see. Even if I could imagine that she was scum. I can't imagine that 4/5 people on the first two missions are scum. You can understand how ridiculous it would be to assume that right?
Throw in the fact that you've been playing the victim card so aggressively, and it can't be any more obvious that you're a spy.
I just noted this in the nestled quotes in your post number 678 Josh_B

I said:

"We started on that plan. Avatar suggested it and well as Arden. Pick the next leader for your mission ( you cut my post here, but here is the rest of it) In fact I questioned Arden over her insistence we use it and you had nothing to say back then to Avatar and or Arden. So it seems to me this is a bunk reason to move Shai from town to scum, seems appeasy to me or fake. I still believe Shai to be scum for different reasons which I have already laid out.

Your reply:

Arden's plan, or Shiatra's plan? now it's Avatar's plan? you seem to be assigning the plan to multiple people at different times to fit your agenda.


BOTH Arden and Avatar suggested at the start of the game we choose the next leaders for our missions. In fact, Avatar suggested it BEFORE Arden.

Shai's plan ( different from Ardens and Avatars) was to pick 2 new and leave 2 old, after she said we should have three new. She then approved Grandma's mission ( even after wolf asked her about including scum twice) because she said it fit into her plan. I said I would not approve plans where there were scum read on them and did not.
I am town and someone on my mission was scum IMO as I have stated several times prior to today and in fact shortly after it was a 100 percent vote to send those I chose. Grandma is posting scummy, look at her posts honestly Josh.
Ok. I'll look specifically at Grandma...

I don't see what you see. Even if I could imagine that she was scum. I can't imagine that 4/5 people on the first two missions are scum. You can understand how ridiculous it would be to assume that right?
Throw in the fact that you've been playing the victim card so aggressively, and it can't be any more obvious that you're a spy.

I'm not scum, but whatever floats your boat.

Since you agree to look at Grandma look at her recent posts suddenly scum reading on Shai, in fact a hard scum read on Shai according to Grandma, after I pressure her, but then flips to town a few posts later when we chat again, almost as if she had just forgotten her sudden declaration. And sure, if I am right that I picked scum for my mission ( given the 100 percent choice pass for mine ) of course it stands to reason, if I am right about the next leader being scum, they will pick scum for their mission. However I do see logic behind the argument scum can't coordinate their votes, but can see scum voting to pass a mission for cred.

Recent posts from Grandma that read scummy:

I ask if she thinks you are shai are scum and this is her replies:

Grandma leaning Scum here on Shai:

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 21 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Hard scum read on shai here:

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 22 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Then, just a bit later, after I said that Avatars' risky plan ( she references above) was Also Arden's and Grandma never thought it was scummy back then when I argued the point with Arden a few pages into the game. Nor did she tell Avatar is was risky back then either or scummy.

Then, just tiny bit later ( I think within hours I did not check the time stamps) , Shai is no longer a hard scum read:

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 23 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And here, I confirm this again because she alleges "I was the ONLY scum on ANY MISSION", and also snips my post to make it seem that I said that, when it was her words, not mine:

Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City The Resistance Page 24 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Arden. Not sure why that didn't go when I said it before

Okay, thanks. I have a question Avatar, Arden has been scum reading you since the start of the game. And when she scum reads you yet again and says' "avatar isn't town", your reply is:

"I am. Approve the mission and you'll find out. Unless you aren't town and I made a huge mistake"

I am just wondering why you would not have realized she would say the same thing again? It almost seems as if your comment above is a surprise to you that she scum read you again.
I hereby nominate me, moonglow, Arden, and cafe for mission 3

do I have to pm scarlet or just nominate in thread?
This seems to be a final answer. Please bold or PM in the future to be certain.

Everyone now has 48 hours to approve or reject the team.

I PM'd my vote to SR.

Is it ok to tell what I put out here? I have nothing to hide.

Yep, you can. I already said yes. I've said yes to every mission. I also have nothing to hide. Feel free.
I hereby nominate me, moonglow, Arden, and cafe for mission 3

do I have to pm scarlet or just nominate in thread?
This seems to be a final answer. Please bold or PM in the future to be certain.

Everyone now has 48 hours to approve or reject the team.

I PM'd my vote to SR.

Is it ok to tell what I put out here? I have nothing to hide.
I wish I got to this earlier (as well as thought of this BEFORE last mission). I can see a method of the scum communicating by doing exactly what you just did. It might very well have been used earlier as well....

We DO have something to hide. Think about it -

If there is scum on this team, other scum are GOING to want it to go through but they are NOT going to want to approve the mission for cover. That way they can always claim "well I voted not to sent that team." With all of you falling over each other to publicly make your votes available you are simply giving the scum team a chance to vote against a mission that they know will be allowed to go but will also fail. Come on - THINK about it. I have to ask why are you so damn eager to do so as well? Possibly because you are scum, town gains nothing from releasing this info before SR publicly gives it out...

This goes for the mission votes as well (PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT for mission votes)... They could possibly communicate to each other by stating "I have already voted to PASS the mission because I am town" or other such statement to tell the other scum to fail it.


SR will take care of that AFTER the scum are forced to deal with casting their votes WITHOUT getting any coordination. We still get the valuable info we need for town but deny scum that same opportunity. Stop giving the scum an avenue to coordinate their votes. We are well aware that all townies are going to vote a pass for a mission so there is no reason to paste that fact all over the place.

Will you be approving this mission choice given you think Avatar is scum?
See above.

We will find that out after the mission votes are in. What do you hope to gain for TOWN with that information? How does that help town because I can see how that info is immensely helpful to scum....

If there is something that we can gain from this info then I can see why we might place it out there BUT it certainly is not a good idea if we are not making any gain from it.
FA-Re-read. Who is saying anything about mission votes? I specifically said that those should be private and never said in the thread. SR will say them but not who passed or failed.

I was talking about info. that is going to be released regardless and that is who approved the mission to go forward or not. This info. will be here sooner or later regardless of when it is said.

Sharing info is bad now? Again, openess and transparency only helps town. Scum would deny a mission if they don't think their team members are on it mostly likely.

I do think you should never say your mission votes because scum could, for example, say they passed the mission-they will never say they failed it anyway-but one of them could come here and say they sent in a vote to pass, make a deal of it, and if there is more than one scum, the other could send in a fail and that could be a way to communicate.

So NEVER say your mission vote EVER. But voting to proceed or not really doesn't matter IMO.

Will you be approving this mission choice given you think Avatar is scum?
See above.

We will find that out after the mission votes are in. What do you hope to gain for TOWN with that information? How does that help town because I can see how that info is immensely helpful to scum....

If there is something that we can gain from this info then I can see why we might place it out there BUT it certainly is not a good idea if we are not making any gain from it.

I suppose I see what you are saying, her vote will be revealed before the next either way- if they wanted to communicate with one another. I thought questions might at least get people to talk- talking is good IMO.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.
On the subject of my original plan, it was to include the current leader, the next leader, and the most town person. Then for the next mission, it would be the same three plus the next-most town person. Whoever it was saying I already scumread Avatar from the start/before anything happened, the exclusion was for other reasons.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.

A little early to be throwing in the towel don't you think? How do you know the next two missions will fail?

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