Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Time to send in your mission pass vote right Avi? That's what you are going to do, pass it aren't you?
Time to send in your mission pass vote right Avi? That's what you are going to do, pass it aren't you?

there is a reason we aren't saying anything till the mission is complete. We don't want scum to coordinate if they are on the team.
Time to send in your mission pass vote right Avi? That's what you are going to do, pass it aren't you?

there is a reason we aren't saying anything till the mission is complete. We don't want scum to coordinate if they are on the team.
Gotcha, I thought you were talking about to approve the mission going forward which has already been announced.

I agree. DO NOT say anything about your votes until SR announces it. NOT ONE WORD
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

oh jeez I'm not trying to buddy you. Cafe is trying really hard to make you scum. He's trying to keep town off of the future missions. I'm trying to prevent him from doing that. He's been focused on you and Grandma all game. It's kind of obvious that he's tunneling you guys bad and I don't like it.

You are trying to keep town off of missions-me. BTW once again I am a she.

Shai declared me and Arden was scum- shortly after my mission passed and said she would not put me and Arden on any further missions after using her "plan' of purposely sending her scum reads on a mission- thereby setting me or Arden up as being scum- a long time ago.( Mission 2) The mission failed. AND GUESS WHAT Josh?

Even after stating she would not send me or Arden on any further mission's, you know, "cause me and Arden are scum" according to her. SHE JUST APROVED yet another mission with Me and Arden on it- when she declared she would not- thereby setting up me to take then scum fall and possibly Arden.

That is where I get she was trying to set me up as scum by declaring she was sending scum- knew the mission would fail and would keep pointing to me or Arden as scum and how about that- she is approving missions still with HER scum reads on them.

Why would you do that Shaitra? Hummmm

That part is true. I'm not sure why she sent this mission either. There are a lot questionable things that have happened. arden, me and Grandma are the only ones that rejected the mission. I'm surprised that Aye sent the mission forward after stating that she didn't want to be on it.
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

And you are more than willing to do the same to me, right Shai? Strange that you passed this mission since Arden or me were once again on it. You know your scum reads? Whatever. I guess you are not reading as well, given I said I was now questioning my scum read on you-due to Grandma's weird flip-flops. I think it stranger you don't even mention Grandma's hard scum read on you- due to you "liking Avatar's plan" ( something pulled out of thin air) - but focus on me and you don't even note her sudden turn around. If you really believed I was scum along with Arden why the hell did you pass this mission for a go?

Cafe, have you ever solved a logic puzzle? That's the way I'm approaching this. I did question Grandma's scum read on me. I guess you are the one not reading the thread.

I saw you ask her after her hard scum read on you:

"Could you post what that is please?"

That's it. You said nothing else- ignoring a seeming gigantic neon scum slip. Someone pulling reads out of thin air and making them up- only to withdraw them-after being called on it or- she totally forgot she had just labeled you a hard scum read as you suddenly appeared in the town category a bit later.
Cafe, if you are so convinced I'm scum, so be it. You are totally wrong. But the fact that you continue to tunnel on me is something that everyone should be looking at.

I think I might know what the scum are trying to do here to win. BUT, I think it would be best for me to mention my theories after the results are in.
Cafe, if you are so convinced I'm scum, so be it. You are totally wrong. But the fact that you continue to tunnel on me is something that everyone should be looking at.

Not tunneling at all.

You just refuse to answer any question put in front of you. Instead, you ask me about "logic games" and you advocate sending scum reads( Mission 2) , say you won't vote your scum reads EVER AGAIN- ( mission 3) but do it again for mission 3. It is NOT logical to continue to vote to send your scum reads on missions- especially when we can't afford to lose mission's Shaitra.

So Ill ask you 2 simple questions Shai, a yes or no is all that is needed for this one.

Was Grandma's pegging you as a hard scum read and her ensuing flip-flop a scum tell to you Shai?


Aside from me, who are your scum reads?
btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

Cross talk.

I was going to wait until the mission votes are in to discuss this but that post of Avi's is very interesting indeed.

Very, very interesting.

Cafe, if you are so convinced I'm scum, so be it. You are totally wrong. But the fact that you continue to tunnel on me is something that everyone should be looking at.

Not tunneling at all.

You just refuse to answer any question put in front of you. Instead, you ask me about "logic games" and you advocate sending scum reads( Mission 2) , say you won't vote your scum reads EVER AGAIN- ( mission 3) but do it again for mission 3. It is NOT logical to continue to vote to send your scum reads on missions- especially when we can't afford to lose mission's Shaitra.

So Ill ask you 2 simple questions Shai, a yes or no is all that is needed for this one.

Was Grandma's pegging you as a hard scum read and her ensuing flip-flop a scum tell to you Shai?


Aside from me, who are your scum reads?

BS, but whatever. And the fact that you've never played a simple logic game tells me why you can't understand what I'm saying.

Honestly, I haven't read everything as closely as I need to because I have been dealing with some issues RL. To answer your simple question, maybe. I need to re-read Grandma's ISO. Going strictly on your interpretation, yes, it could be a scum-slip. But she also could have seen that she was wrong and I am town. And why are you putting EVER AGAIN when I'm pretty damn positive I never said that. If you aren't scum, you are very misguided town.

I was reading Avi as scummy, but not so much now. Grandma and Josh are null. Wolf is town. Arden, FA and Wake are leaning scum.
Cafe, if you are so convinced I'm scum, so be it. You are totally wrong. But the fact that you continue to tunnel on me is something that everyone should be looking at.

Not tunneling at all.

You just refuse to answer any question put in front of you. Instead, you ask me about "logic games" and you advocate sending scum reads( Mission 2) , say you won't vote your scum reads EVER AGAIN- ( mission 3) but do it again for mission 3. It is NOT logical to continue to vote to send your scum reads on missions- especially when we can't afford to lose mission's Shaitra.

So Ill ask you 2 simple questions Shai, a yes or no is all that is needed for this one.

Was Grandma's pegging you as a hard scum read and her ensuing flip-flop a scum tell to you Shai?


Aside from me, who are your scum reads?

BS, but whatever. And the fact that you've never played a simple logic game tells me why you can't understand what I'm saying.

Honestly, I haven't read everything as closely as I need to because I have been dealing with some issues RL. To answer your simple question, maybe. I need to re-read Grandma's ISO. Going strictly on your interpretation, yes, it could be a scum-slip. But she also could have seen that she was wrong and I am town. And why are you putting EVER AGAIN when I'm pretty damn positive I never said that. If you aren't scum, you are very misguided town.

I was reading Avi as scummy, but not so much now. Grandma and Josh are null. Wolf is town. Arden, FA and Wake are leaning scum.

( emphasis added)

Here you go, when I first questioned your logic of sending your scum reads for mission 2 ( which failed) YOU SAID:

Cafe, we have to have 3 successful missions. Gathering info from the missions, whether they pass or not is one of the ways to do it. Yes, two of my scum reads are on this mission. If it fails, I will vote against you and Arden every time you are included on a team. If it passes, then I will re-evaluate whether I am correct in my scum reads. Is it really that hard to understand?

(emphasis added)

You did indeed say it, and after mission 2 failed? You voted to send me and Arden on mission 3. So, yeah I can't understand your "simple logic" game, given your statements and contradictions.

Maybe, if you can take a moment ( if you have the time) you might see what I am saying about the Grandma read on you, instead of insisting I am scum and tunneling you. You might even see (given your quote above) as to why I am reading you as scummy due to your own statements,

PS: I would appreciate it if you stop with the petty insults, it is not like you. I get you are going through shit in RL, and I can't imagine what you and hubby are going through, I commented elsewhere on your current situation. I hope it resolves itself quickly.

btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

Cross talk.

I was going to wait until the mission votes are in to discuss this but that post of Avi's is very interesting indeed.

Very, very interesting.


I saw this comment earlier, and assumed he was speaking because he could see all of us commenting here and elsewhere OR the fact he is a mod and can see everyone online. It was the last sentence which I did a double take on and am unsure what to make of it.
btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

Cross talk.

I was going to wait until the mission votes are in to discuss this but that post of Avi's is very interesting indeed.

Very, very interesting.


I saw this comment earlier, and assumed he was speaking because he could see all of us commenting here and elsewhere OR the fact he is a mod and can see everyone online. It was the last sentence which I did a double take on and am unsure what to make of it.

I found it strange that he came in here and made that statement about how the mission has hopefully been approved and then suddenly made a deal about keeping the votes secret. Depending on mission results, it sure looks like he was trying to communicate something there. I mean, we just got done saying NOT to do that and he makes that comment anyway and tries to cover it up. If the mission passes, this is null. If not, this could of been a slip. We'll see.
btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

Cross talk.

I was going to wait until the mission votes are in to discuss this but that post of Avi's is very interesting indeed.

Very, very interesting.


I saw this comment earlier, and assumed he was speaking because he could see all of us commenting here and elsewhere OR the fact he is a mod and can see everyone online. It was the last sentence which I did a double take on and am unsure what to make of it.

I found it strange that he came in here and made that statement about how the mission has hopefully been approved and then suddenly made a deal about keeping the votes secret. Depending on mission results, it sure looks like he was trying to communicate something there. I mean, we just got done saying NOT to do that and he makes that comment anyway and tries to cover it up. If the mission passes, this is null. If not, this could of been a slip. We'll see.

You know, I totally missed that until you pointed it out, the contracting statement that is.

I honestly think I have become too embroiled with scum pushing me through on each mission to have many question it/me . Many here insisting I am the reason the mission failed, when I know I am town and I am being used by scum as some sort of pawn. Given the push on me for mission 2, I am sure Ill be the scapegoat if mission 3 if it fails as well. It is irritating the ever living shit out of me, They have done well with smoke and mirrors. I don't think this game has ever gotten to me, it has this time and I am on the verge of replacing out of this game and elsewhere. I really needed the distraction these games offer me right now, scum hunting, fun banter, etc. But instead of the distraction/fun I needed, it is becoming an irritant.
btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

Cross talk.

I was going to wait until the mission votes are in to discuss this but that post of Avi's is very interesting indeed.

Very, very interesting.


I saw this comment earlier, and assumed he was speaking because he could see all of us commenting here and elsewhere OR the fact he is a mod and can see everyone online. It was the last sentence which I did a double take on and am unsure what to make of it.

I found it strange that he came in here and made that statement about how the mission has hopefully been approved and then suddenly made a deal about keeping the votes secret. Depending on mission results, it sure looks like he was trying to communicate something there. I mean, we just got done saying NOT to do that and he makes that comment anyway and tries to cover it up. If the mission passes, this is null. If not, this could of been a slip. We'll see.

You know, I totally missed that until you pointed it out, the contracting statement that is.

I honestly think I have become too embroiled with scum pushing me through on each mission to have many question it/me . Many here insisting I am the reason the mission failed, when I know I am town and I am being used by scum as some sort of pawn. Given the push on me for mission 2, I am sure Ill be the scapegoat if mission 3 if it fails as well. It is irritating the ever living shit out of me, They have done well with smoke and mirrors. I don't think this game has ever gotten to me, it has this time and I am on the verge of replacing out of this game and elsewhere. I really needed the distraction these games offer me right now, scum hunting, fun banter, etc. But instead of the distraction/fun I needed, it is becoming an irritant.

You do realize scum is doing this to you on purpose? It's absolutely true. I think they are messing with me too but in a different way. Think about how they win. They keep town off the missions. Or they put town on missions with them and then cast that townie as the one that failed it. How do they do that? Scumread the ever living crap out of the ones they want off and call out the ones on the mission when it fails so the townie is looked at as the scum that failed it and they are overlooked so they can go on the next mission.

I believe that has been their strategy all along and if you are getting frustrated it is because you are a pawn of theirs and that's why.

I would ignore them if I were you. How does town win? We exile those we are scumreading. Keep them off missions. Ignore their games. Don't let them get away with it.

Don't give up Cafe.
This is completely outside the game and should not be counted as a game related post but both Shaitra and Cafe need a hug regardless of game, alignment or anything else. Let Wolfie take care of that for you. :smiliehug:

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