Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.

A little early to be throwing in the towel don't you think? How do you know the next two missions will fail?

I did not say I knew two missions would fail in a row. If Arden is correct and Avatar is scum his mission may fail, ( thus my writing IF above) and I said if 2 scum get on Arden's mission it will fail, since it takes two scum to fail mission 4. I can't see them giving up a chance to fail the mission if they end up with 2 on Arden's mission since it is the hardest to fail.

As far as giving up? I've tried. Josh does not even bother to read what I write and comes in with some BS post. I see posts which scream scum and it seems as more are content with relying on PoE instead of not sending those who read scum. I hope Avatar's mission passes, if it does I might have a brighter outlook.
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.

A little early to be throwing in the towel don't you think? How do you know the next two missions will fail?

I did not say I knew two missions would fail in a row. If Arden is correct and Avatar is scum his mission may fail, ( thus my writing IF above) and I said if 2 scum get on Arden's mission it will fail, since it takes two scum to fail mission 4. I can't see them giving up a chance to fail the mission if they end up with 2 on Arden's mission since it is the hardest to fail.

As far as giving up? I've tried. Josh does not even bother to read what I write and comes in with some BS post. I see posts which scream scum and it seems as more are content with relying on PoE instead of not sending those who read scum. I hope Avatar's mission passes, if it does I might have a brighter outlook.

If you think Josh is scum, you should not let him manipulate you. He's got a lot of experience and can play scum well. Don't fall for his games. If you get discouraged and give up, they will for sure win.

I really want to know the vote results now. It bugs me that someone is always holding this up. Probably more scum games.
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

oh jeez I'm not trying to buddy you. Cafe is trying really hard to make you scum. He's trying to keep town off of the future missions. I'm trying to prevent him from doing that. He's been focused on you and Grandma all game. It's kind of obvious that he's tunneling you guys bad and I don't like it.
The Mission Passed, with a fair amount of disagreement. Arden, Josh B, and Grandma all voted down this mission. The rest passed. The approved team has 48 hours to PM me their votes. You also see Cafe moving his vote back and forth before finally deciding to pass the team.
...You know, I find it really interesting how so many people earlier were thinking Avatar was scum, yet so many people approved this mission. Either they're town playing way too passively, or they're scum with horribly inconsistent reads.

Can we just do something right for once? Because if I'm right and Avatar fails this, you'd all better be tired of eating shit when it's my turn in front.
I'm hoping we were right and it passes. If it doesn't, well................................we'll have quite a bit to discuss regarding the next mission.
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

And you are more than willing to do the same to me, right Shai? Strange that you passed this mission since Arden or me were once again on it. You know your scum reads? Whatever. I guess you are not reading as well, given I said I was now questioning my scum read on you-due to Grandma's weird flip-flops. I think it stranger you don't even mention Grandma's hard scum read on you- due to you "liking Avatar's plan" ( something pulled out of thin air) - but focus on me and you don't even note her sudden turn around. If you really believed I was scum along with Arden why the hell did you pass this mission for a go?
...You know, I find it really interesting how so many people earlier were thinking Avatar was scum, yet so many people approved this mission. Either they're town playing way too passively, or they're scum with horribly inconsistent reads.

Can we just do something right for once? Because if I'm right and Avatar fails this, you'd all better be tired of eating shit when it's my turn in front.

I really had no read on Avatar, I went back and forth with my vote because you have this hard scum read on him. I think I have become irritated with this game and starting to become apathetic. I basically said screw it finally and passed- looks like it would not have mattered if I had failed it- it still would have passed, cause it seems as if everything I say or do is ignored.

The only thing I can think is scum did trick us by passing the first mission 100 percent and 2 new reads are in order on my part.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.

A little early to be throwing in the towel don't you think? How do you know the next two missions will fail?

I did not say I knew two missions would fail in a row. If Arden is correct and Avatar is scum his mission may fail, ( thus my writing IF above) and I said if 2 scum get on Arden's mission it will fail, since it takes two scum to fail mission 4. I can't see them giving up a chance to fail the mission if they end up with 2 on Arden's mission since it is the hardest to fail.

As far as giving up? I've tried. Josh does not even bother to read what I write and comes in with some BS post. I see posts which scream scum and it seems as more are content with relying on PoE instead of not sending those who read scum. I hope Avatar's mission passes, if it does I might have a brighter outlook.

If you think Josh is scum, you should not let him manipulate you. He's got a lot of experience and can play scum well. Don't fall for his games. If you get discouraged and give up, they will for sure win.

I really want to know the vote results now. It bugs me that someone is always holding this up. Probably more scum games.

Thanks wolfie. Yeah I do think he is scum. But I believe I am fighting a lost cause since Shai, started off with her scum read of me- shortly after my mission and Grandma thinks so too.
Cafe, I'm not going to argue Shai/Grandma scum with you anymore. It's obvious that you are already decided.

Again, you are not reading, did you purposely skip over my post where I said I was second guessing myself given Grandm'a posts on my read on Shai?

You also said you would take a closer look at grandma, I supplied you the posts which are terribly scummy. But whatever. I have given up on trying this game. Scum will win, especially if Avatar's mission fails- Arden swears Avatar is scum, I don't know what to think of Avatar. If two scum are on Arden's mission and my count is right we lose.

A little early to be throwing in the towel don't you think? How do you know the next two missions will fail?

I did not say I knew two missions would fail in a row. If Arden is correct and Avatar is scum his mission may fail, ( thus my writing IF above) and I said if 2 scum get on Arden's mission it will fail, since it takes two scum to fail mission 4. I can't see them giving up a chance to fail the mission if they end up with 2 on Arden's mission since it is the hardest to fail.

As far as giving up? I've tried. Josh does not even bother to read what I write and comes in with some BS post. I see posts which scream scum and it seems as more are content with relying on PoE instead of not sending those who read scum. I hope Avatar's mission passes, if it does I might have a brighter outlook.

If you think Josh is scum, you should not let him manipulate you. He's got a lot of experience and can play scum well. Don't fall for his games. If you get discouraged and give up, they will for sure win.

I really want to know the vote results now. It bugs me that someone is always holding this up. Probably more scum games.

Thanks wolfie. Yeah I do think he is scum. But I believe I am fighting a lost cause since Shai, started off with her scum read of me- shortly after my mission and Grandma thinks so too.

It looks likely that Josh and Grandma are scum. I don't think I'm going to change my read on them regardless.

I think they are trying to discourage you and playing games. I would ignore them from here on out.

I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

And you are more than willing to do the same to me, right Shai? Strange that you passed this mission since Arden or me were once again on it. You know your scum reads? Whatever. I guess you are not reading as well, given I said I was now questioning my scum read on you-due to Grandma's weird flip-flops. I think it stranger you don't even mention Grandma's hard scum read on you- due to you "liking Avatar's plan" ( something pulled out of thin air) - but focus on me and you don't even note her sudden turn around. If you really believed I was scum along with Arden why the hell did you pass this mission for a go?

Cafe, have you ever solved a logic puzzle? That's the way I'm approaching this. I did question Grandma's scum read on me. I guess you are the one not reading the thread.
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

oh jeez I'm not trying to buddy you. Cafe is trying really hard to make you scum. He's trying to keep town off of the future missions. I'm trying to prevent him from doing that. He's been focused on you and Grandma all game. It's kind of obvious that he's tunneling you guys bad and I don't like it.

You are trying to keep town off of missions-me. BTW once again I am a she.

Shai declared me and Arden was scum- shortly after my mission passed and said she would not put me and Arden on any further missions after using her "plan' of purposely sending her scum reads on a mission- thereby setting me or Arden up as being scum- a long time ago.( Mission 2) The mission failed. AND GUESS WHAT Josh?

Even after stating she would not send me or Arden on any further mission's, you know, "cause me and Arden are scum" according to her. SHE JUST APROVED yet another mission with Me and Arden on it- when she declared she would not- thereby setting up me to take then scum fall and possibly Arden.

That is where I get she was trying to set me up as scum by declaring she was sending scum- knew the mission would fail and would keep pointing to me or Arden as scum and how about that- she is approving missions still with HER scum reads on them.

Why would you do that Shaitra? Hummmm
I think Cafe is working really hard to make me scum when I am not. I also have no idea how to get anyone to believe me because you all read me as scum in every game. :dunno: I'm not trying to complain or AtE here, just stating a fact. The problem town has with this automatic read is by leaving me out, you are reducing the town pool to 5. That greatly reduces our chance to win.

I have no idea why people want to keep linking me and Josh. He seems to be buddying me and I'm starting to lean scum on him because of that.

And you are more than willing to do the same to me, right Shai? Strange that you passed this mission since Arden or me were once again on it. You know your scum reads? Whatever. I guess you are not reading as well, given I said I was now questioning my scum read on you-due to Grandma's weird flip-flops. I think it stranger you don't even mention Grandma's hard scum read on you- due to you "liking Avatar's plan" ( something pulled out of thin air) - but focus on me and you don't even note her sudden turn around. If you really believed I was scum along with Arden why the hell did you pass this mission for a go?

Cafe, have you ever solved a logic puzzle? That's the way I'm approaching this. I did question Grandma's scum read on me. I guess you are the one not reading the thread.

Why did you vote to approve yet another mission with "your scum reads on it" ( me and Arden) when 'your plan " was to send your scum reads mission 2 and never do it again after mission two? But you did for mission 3?
We should stop talking about it Cafe. Wait until after the results, your last post has me worried you're giving Avatar/scum more ways to think about their options.
btw all four of us have been on. So the mission has hopefully been approved. I don't want to hear if you've approved or not until after the results

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