Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

any post...
shit, really couldn't help it Arden :D

anyways, I do agree. We are getting far to tangled up in this. Wait for the flip and go from there.
Well, SR is going to be busy hosting a party at her place for several days with some players from MS so I don't know how much time she's going to even have to get back to us here. It's been far longer than the 48 hour limit to get in your votes. If this game stalls out for days, I'm worried people are going to lose interest. But if the plan is to all sit around for days and say nothing, so be it. I'll just move on from this then.
*Puts on Titus costume* OOC: I'm helping out Titus while she's doing this and the scum meet. Just posting some results here. Flavor from Titus to come later.

The mission failed by a 3 to 1 vote.
The next leader is Arden
The next mission Supermarket has 5 people. The town needs 4 out of 5 successes to go. Scum needs two failures.
Arden has 72 hours to nominate the team of 5 people.

Titus is also offering an extension (time TBD) as her and house are VLA. The majority must vote for the extension in thread for it to happen.

And now after that commercial break continue with your play please :)
Note I'm helping her comod during the meet so please count anything I say as from her.
extension please
god, I can't even think right now.
all I know is me and Wolf, I think.
Clarification House is not included in the majority as House is VLA. :) Majority of people not on VLA.
failed with one vote. Which means either Arden or cafe is the likely scum.

I'm fine with an extension
failed with one vote. Which means either Arden or cafe is the likely scum.


Lets look at it logically. Unless we have managed to somehow vote one scum per mission Arden is scum because she is the same common denominator (aside from me and I'm town) on both mission 2 and 3.

Café choices for mission 1:

Café, Grandma, and Shaitra.

(Of note: Avatar and Wolfsister immediately post in thread their decision. I remind them we are to vote in PM and Scarlet had already said to PM votes as she opened it up for a vote. Arden, Josh and Shai then post in thread they approved mission personal to pass, Wolf then restates her approved vote a second time).

Mission choice passes 100 percent

Mission passes 100 percent.

(after this mission passes, Wolf, and Arden almost immediately decide it is a good idea for brand new personnel being sent -because my mission passed with 100% on both votes- later though, Wolf and Arden argue this means nothing as mission 1 usually always passes. Shai OTOH believes a controlled replacement is best however. Avatar also says he is nervous there were scum on it given the 100 % pass, but Avatar believes keeping the same people is a good idea. After reading them all stating scum was probably on my mission I start to agree.

Grandma choices Mission 2:

Grandma, Josh, Cafe, and Arden.

Of note: Shai immediately states in thread she approved mission choices (417). Wolf says approves as well(422) Moon's post may mean nothing but he says "Yes Sir" in German to Grandma. Everyone already knows they are supposed to be voting in PM..

Café(me) had declared prior to the vote option opening/ being posted, I would not vote to pass any mission with scum read of mine or others.

Avatar and Café vote mission people down. I was vocal I would not send those I felt were scummy or others felt were scummy. Not sure of Avatars reason, I don't think he ever said.

Mission 2 does not pass by 1 vote.

Avatar choices mission 3:

avatar, cafe, moonglow, and Arden

Wolf declares her passing vote immediately, Aye asks if she is allowed to, I say I did no think it's breaking the rules, Aye posts her pass vote and FA comes in with some pretty good logic that scum could have been communicating in this manner.

Those disapproving are: Arden, Josh B, and Grandma I changed my vote back and forth and finally said screw it and passed it.

Mission failed again by 1 vote

And if scum are communicating by stating they are passing mission people etc as FA thought could happen. That sucks.
That's a nice conspiracy theory but it relies on scum being able to coordinate with each other in pretty specific ways that I'm not sure they could pull off without a QT. And I'm still not sure how mission pass/fail votes could be communicated and discussed simply by saying you are going to approve the mission going forward which is public knowledge and is always given out BEFORE anyone votes pass/fail on a mission anyway. I simply do not see how that could work.

I know for a fact that in mission 1 I said I was going to approve because I didn't know you had to PM. I was clueless so sue me. The game was quite confusing at that time. Mission 3 Aye asked if it was o.k. You and I both said yes. Aye and I both said we approved. We both said we have nothing to hide. I didn't see the harm in it at the time. It's public knowledge before anyone votes on a mission anyway and said in thread anyway so what is the big deal? All this was done before FA made his post that it could be a way for scum to communicate but he was specifically talking about discussing your mission pass/fail votes which I, and others, have always said should be private and sent via PM and not discussed until released.

Cafe, I have been townreading you this entire game and I think it is very interesting how you immediately came out of the gate here with 1 mission fail on a mission you were on and threw mud at several of us. It seems defensive and like you were getting ahead of any possible discussion on this matter and I'm not sure what to make of it. :/
That's a nice conspiracy theory but it relies on scum being able to coordinate with each other in pretty specific ways that I'm not sure they could pull off without a QT. And I'm still not sure how mission pass/fail votes could be communicated and discussed simply by saying you are going to approve the mission going forward which is public knowledge and is always given out BEFORE anyone votes pass/fail on a mission anyway. I simply do not see how that could work.

I know for a fact that in mission 1 I said I was going to approve because I didn't know you had to PM. I was clueless so sue me. The game was quite confusing at that time. Mission 3 Aye asked if it was o.k. You and I both said yes. Aye and I both said we approved. We both said we have nothing to hide. I didn't see the harm in it at the time. It's public knowledge before anyone votes on a mission anyway and said in thread anyway so what is the big deal? All this was done before FA made his post that it could be a way for scum to communicate but he was specifically talking about discussing your mission pass/fail votes which I, and others, have always said should be private and sent via PM and not discussed until released.

Cafe, I have been townreading you this entire game and I think it is very interesting how you immediately came out of the gate here with 1 mission fail on a mission you were on and threw mud at several of us. It seems defensive and like you were getting ahead of any possible discussion on this matter and I'm not sure what to make of it. :/

Wolf, ya know, go back and read. It was not me who suggested that my mission passed because scum were on it. It was others ( You , Avatar, Arden ) then I started to believe it. And I don't know why you took the above post personally. I believe I focused on who ( which included many more than you) was voting on thread due to FA mentioning it and then Arden calling for complete silence. This silence makes no sense to me. It means the only time we should speak is while our leader decides who to choose, after that we all need to shup up. Because votes will be going on for the mission choices and of course the mission itself.

Just because I said Arden's mission choice should fail has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. The next mission will pass to you. I think Arden is scum given the fact she is the common detonator on both failing missions. Unless as I said above we somehow managed to approve one scum per mission - I think that is further out there than Arden being scum.
That's a nice conspiracy theory but it relies on scum being able to coordinate with each other in pretty specific ways that I'm not sure they could pull off without a QT. And I'm still not sure how mission pass/fail votes could be communicated and discussed simply by saying you are going to approve the mission going forward which is public knowledge and is always given out BEFORE anyone votes pass/fail on a mission anyway. I simply do not see how that could work.

I know for a fact that in mission 1 I said I was going to approve because I didn't know you had to PM. I was clueless so sue me. The game was quite confusing at that time. Mission 3 Aye asked if it was o.k. You and I both said yes. Aye and I both said we approved. We both said we have nothing to hide. I didn't see the harm in it at the time. It's public knowledge before anyone votes on a mission anyway and said in thread anyway so what is the big deal? All this was done before FA made his post that it could be a way for scum to communicate but he was specifically talking about discussing your mission pass/fail votes which I, and others, have always said should be private and sent via PM and not discussed until released.

Cafe, I have been townreading you this entire game and I think it is very interesting how you immediately came out of the gate here with 1 mission fail on a mission you were on and threw mud at several of us. It seems defensive and like you were getting ahead of any possible discussion on this matter and I'm not sure what to make of it. :/

Wolf, ya know, go back and read. It was not me who suggested that my mission passed because scum were on it. It was others ( You , Avatar, Arden ) then I started to believe it. And I don't know why you took the above post personally. I believe I focused on who ( which included many more than you) was voting on thread due to FA mentioning it and then Arden calling for complete silence. This silence makes no sense to me. It means the only time we should speak is while our leader decides who to choose, after that we all need to shup up. Because votes will be going on for the mission choices and of course the mission itself.

Just because I said Arden's mission choice should fail has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. The next mission will pass to you. I think Arden is scum given the fact she is the common detonator on both failing missions. Unless as I said above we somehow managed to approve one scum per mission - I think that is further out there than Arden being scum.

I didn't take it personally but you mentioned my name several times with the voting for the mission to be approved stuff and then saying scum are trying to coordinate their votes that way. I felt that came out of nowhere because I know I was not doing anything of the kind. Now that you explained you don't think we should be silent, that changes what I thought you meant. You know, it's the written word Cafe and I can only interpret what is written by what I see and I will not always be getting the correct message that is intended every time. Sometimes a further explanation will be needed.
I'll be here later, but what I can say right now is that "Arden was on both missions and both missions failed" is a naive way of looking at things. I think what happened (as I've hinted at multiple times before the final results were revealed) is Avatar, despite scumreading me, sent me on the mission with him for me to take the fall for both. Also, if I was scum on both missions rejecting both is stupid because I would think I'd be practically claiming scum.

One last thing I really want to say is look at my last town game here. If you can't tell it's exactly the same and not my scum game, then take a second look. I think I'm pretty obviously town and have been, and the circumstances particularly Avatar's mission (APPROVED DESPITE WIDESPREAD SCUMREADS SMH) are coming together to purposefully make me look worse.
Lets look at it logically. Unless we have managed to somehow vote one scum per mission Arden is scum because she is the same common denominator (aside from me and I'm town) on both mission 2 and 3.

***POOF*** Grandma and Shiatra reads dissapear!

WOOHOO! that's how we get confirmed town!
Arden, Grandma, Shaitra, Me, Wolfsister and Moonglow are town.
Pick these in any order and this mission will be succeed.

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