Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

Just remembered, modkills cannot happen in resistance. Lol.

Instead, the slot will be force replaced and lose its vote in the approve/reject stage if editing happens.
I very much doubt that Wolfsister is Town.

Why? She seems pretty town to me.

The way she and Cafe are playing against each other seems fake. I can't quite put my finger on it, but to me it seems contrived, Scum distancing themselves from each other.

I have been ignoring this comment because of what Cafe is going through right now that you are very well aware of. My behavior toward her recently has a lot more to do with me being human than anything to do with this game and that is all I'm going to say about it except I think she needs a break and needs to be kept off the next mission. I will however point out that this reasoning you are now using is completely different than the reasoning you gave last time we discussed this issue and your ever changing reasoning for your reads is reason enough for me not to feel comfortable with you on the next mission.

Besides Grandma and Cafe being kept off, there's a couple more that probably should be as well. Avi is suspicious enough with his cross-talks posts that I don't want to take a risk there. I'm just not sure if they were as innocent as he was saying or if he was being clever there and it's too risky. Plus he didn't answer my last question to him. Based on my earlier scumread on Wake and PoE, Aye should probably be kept off also. Aye has not done anything to make me think she is scum since she took over for Wake so this is mostly PoE and I have nothing to see based on missions since she hasn't been on one.

Josh's recent posts are very pro-town and FA's given off some very pro-town posts as well. I only put FA lower than Josh because Josh has a lot more posting to go off of. Plus, I don't think he was the fail on the mission he was on. I'm pretty confident than Moonglow and Shaitra are town also.

So Arden, besides myself, my 3 biggest townreads are Josh, Shaitra, and Moonglow. I would be willing to accept FA also.

I like to keep off Grandma, Avi, Cafe, and Aye.
I added Arden because I needed to know if the next mission could be trusted.

moonglow aye and FA are probably my top town reads.
Enjoy this photo of a wolf with some sort of fruit. :biggrin:

OK, LOL. That above photo was supposed to go along with a post in game 8 but Wolfie had one too many tonight and put it here. :beer:

Please pay no attention to me. :biggrin:

ScarletRage MathBlade

I hate to do this but I need to request a replacement for this game. I'm over extended. The commitment to this game might not be huge but I'm not really excited for this one and it's draining my mental focus from the rest of life and I need that energy and focus. I'm sorry everyone.
Wolfsister do not delete a post. If it was in the wrong game just say so. The same rules for editing apply to deletion people in the future.

Given Math helped me, she should not sub in IMO. She can though bc I did not tellher the team. If everyone approves, I will ask Math
I'm ok with Math subbing in.

Why am I not getting notifications for this game? The last one I received was last week. :( This software 'upgrade' sucks!
Top 3 town reads:

Me, Moonglow, Cafe
Okay. I'm seeing the posts, but I don't think that's everyone. Deadline is in two days; I'll be here tomorrow to finally put time into this.
I'm not getting updates either, but we are still all go in this corner...
You can go actually into the thread and at the top right you can turn on-watch thread and if your alerts are set up to be on-this thread should give you an alert whenever you post in it.
You can go actually into the thread and at the top right you can turn on-watch thread and if your alerts are set up to be on-this thread should give you an alert whenever you post in it.

I did that when I subbed in. There's other threads that suddenly stopped sending me alerts too.
You can go actually into the thread and at the top right you can turn on-watch thread and if your alerts are set up to be on-this thread should give you an alert whenever you post in it.

I did that when I subbed in. There's other threads that suddenly stopped sending me alerts too.
I reset my computer and got rid of unwanted baggage....runs so much faster...
You can go actually into the thread and at the top right you can turn on-watch thread and if your alerts are set up to be on-this thread should give you an alert whenever you post in it.

I did that when I subbed in. There's other threads that suddenly stopped sending me alerts too.
Odd, mine are still working. You might want to check your options and ensure that getting an alert for watched threads is checked. I know that you are able to turn that off, perhaps somehow yours was switched off by the server.

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