Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

So far, I know I want to send:


The next 3 are... dubious. I was originally townreading Josh, but his responses and the result during Mission 2 are making me nervous. No way it's Avatar's slot, probably not Cafe either. I'm having these thoughts that one/both of them is scum blaming me for the mission- iirc, Cafe was the one to instantly turn on me, and I'm not feeling too good about that.

This leaves:


No strong feelings toward Grandma one way or the other, which is probably a good sign considering the unholy number of null-to-scumreads I have in this game. I completely forgot Wake was even in this game, and from what I remember, it's a no there. FA has been putting in clear effort. That doesn't make him town, but from my experience it's a slight townlean. Shaitra is the same as Grandma but there are things about her posts that bother me that are hard to put in words (which I hope isn't just about her scumreading me); I'm also getting their posts mixed up when I read often. The whole ending in -a thing... As for Moonglow, literally no idea. Every post of his about me annoys me, like he's deliberately twisting everything I say so it looks scummy. I'm just not sure if it's town confirmation bias, or scum tunneling.

I think, in order of most confident to least for my list, it will probably be:

Also, Moonglow is probably going over Shaitra just because there's a good number of people townreading him, and I don't think scum would be so forward so as to all townread him either. He's probably actually town for that, in hindsight.
So my question is, how sure are you that Cafe is scum and why?

Really sure.
So my question is, how sure are you that Cafe is scum and why?

super sure. Cafe was claiming to be the scape goat from the very beginning. A mission had never failed and I don't even think that Cafe had been picked for the second mission when she started saying that she was being set-up.

Cafe immediately started pointing fingers at Shiatra and Grandma. Which was really bad OMGUS. It's also the same tactic that the Fedora hat girl used in the video.

So far Cafe has been super focused on the people that have been on the mission without considering the people off the missions and how they may have played a role. It really diverts attention from the people off of the missions which is something that I would want to do if were scum to keep the heat off of my scum buddies.

Cafe's stance on Arden seems really convenient now that it's his mission and considering that this mission will be one of the toughest missions to choose for. All Cafe seems to be doing is accussing everyone of being scum and that's not going to be helpful for this mission.

Add in some other things. Cafe's recent claim of rando picking for the first mission instead of attempting to pick someone that was town.Cafe was 99% sure that he was going to pick Grandma on the first mission even though she claims that she had no read.
I think Avatar was cross talking on his mission, and has thus far been the only person that Cafe has supported.

This post is full of so many lies I don't know where to start.

Josh says:

super sure. Cafe was claiming to be the scape goat from the very beginning. A mission had never failed and I don't even think that Cafe had been picked for the second mission when she started saying that she was being set-up.

No, you are wrong. As a matter of fact I would like to point out BEFORE my mission had even passed or failed you Josh, yes YOU, Shai, Wolf, Arden and Moon were all advocating scum were on it or may be on it as soon as the mission people passed muster. The mission itself was not even up for a vote yet.

I said nothing Until after YOU, SHAI, and WOLF kept calling me scum and kept calling for new mission replacements- BEFORE my mission was even up for a pass or fail, you all did this as soon as my mission personnel passed 100 percent AND AFTER my mission passed. YOU ALL CONVINCED me my mission must have scum on it. Why? Because we just had to replace everyone because it passed 100 percent -AGAIN this was BEFORE my mission had even been sent in for a pass or fail vote.

I am breaking these replies up so I don't have a extremely long post and it will be easier to read.
Cafe immediately started pointing fingers at Shiatra and Grandma. Which was really bad OMGUS. It's also the same tactic that the Fedora hat girl used in the video.

Shai was calling me scum AS SOON as my mission choice passed! I was town reading her far after that.

Again This is total BULL. I did not question Shai or Grandma- until far later in the game- after everyone kept saying over and over, there must be scum on my mission and we had to change out the players, either all of them or some of them.

Please allow me to remind you again who started to question it. It was YOU, WOLF, SHAI, Arden and MOON all demanding a BRAND NEW TEAM -As soon as my mission choices passed 100%.

Then my mission passes and I am relieved, "yeah no scum I think", everyone can relax. BUT NO. Again, YOU, WOLF, MOON, Arden and SHAI all decide on putting complete new players or a controlled switch while sending scum reads (that was Shai) on missions was best. So, who was saying the mission was going to fail by suggesting scum was on mine and not to send my team Josh?
Add in some other things. Cafe's recent claim of rando picking for the first mission instead of attempting to pick someone that was town.Cafe was 99% sure that he was going to pick Grandma on the first mission even though she claims that she had no read.

Focus here Josh. POST number 250 - BEFORE my mission people pass AND BEFORE the first mission flip, I answer Wolf’s demands on why I sent Grandma (Wolf wonders if Grandma posting elsewhere is scummy and wonders if it is Grandma holding up the vote pass/fail vote). Remember that post number 250. READ IT. I never said I went to as you have intimated over and over, I was very clear in my post to Wolfsister:

My post 250 to Wolf:

I don't think I ever gave a reason for picking Grandma (I really had/have no read on her) and the only thing I could do was not chose anyone I thought maybe scum (given the set up, there are terribly small amount of posts, it is almost impossible to get any reads). So, I picked the next in line as was suggested by Arden. I then went back and forth on who was a stronger town read between FA and then Shai and asked if anyone had any objections. You said you were fine with said choices as did several others. In fact, in post 133 you suggest you would be good with Grandma going- before I ever proposed

Everyone kept saying to me it was going to be too hard to pick given there was no information and reads were impossible. In fact many just said- pick whoever, it will be too hard Café. Shai was one, Wolf another, I will have the posts up shortly Scum Josh,
Josh you want to read the action as it happened? you want Relevant post numbers? YOU WANT THEM YOU GOT EM: I’ll post the action as it happens:

It’s Unanimous! My mission personnel pass with flying colors. And guess who jumps in and says he is nervous it did, that’s right Avatar. Post 264

And then Wolfsister right after Avatar suggests there might be scum 265 since my mission choices passed 100 percent.

post 267 Wolf is the first to suggest we do not pick the same people BEFORE the mission even has a chance to pass or fail

FA wonders the same in his post 269

After all the doubt, I acknowledge and hope I have not picked scum as has been suggested by YOU, Avatar, Wolf, Moon. poat 270

(Remember the above is before the flip as to whether my mission choices pass or fails)

My mission passes!! Yeah!! (I think).

Shai comes in with a bit of great reasoning:

“Even if it is an all-town team scum could have voted for it to make us doubt people on the 273”

280 Josh pop's in and attribute quotes to me I never said or suggested trying to make me look like the bad guy.

Moon is the first person to suggest a brand new team. post 308

Post 310 Wolfsister also says she wants new people. And says the best way is to analyze fail votes

311 Shai comes in and says all new people are good too.

Grandma says the same 312

I say I have no issues with sending new people, but don’t understand how it will help us find scum. I think adding one more may be a better way and then go from there.

Avatar who was for replacing people has now decided it is best not to and scum may be suggesting mission replacement. 318

Wolf advocates again a whole new team 321

I am still confused

Wolf still is advocating sending all new people. 333

FA says he does not understand why we should send a whole new team 339

Avatar reads Arden as scum once again 342 but says staying with same people is good.

345 Wolf says its odd Avatar wants to stay with same people.

346 Shai advocates her controlled replacement 2 new 2 old.

Shai then reads me as scum along with Arden 347

Wolf says I am scum 348

Moon says again we need all new people AGAIN 351

Wolf calls me scum several more times in the following posts

I then question why Shai and Wolf are reading me as scum in post 360

IMPORTANT JOSH Pay attention now

Josh jumps in and asks me what I think of Grandma and Shai

I say I had a town read on Shai I state I still have no read on Grandma 380 OMG LOOK JOSH I never blamed them Shai started called me the scum FAR before I ever read her as scum

Shai says she is fine with sending her two scum reads on the mission Cafe and Arden
(I question this big time)

Shai once again calls me scum and says this is the best way to see who is scum and will never vote me or Arden for a mission again.


(That is where I start to believe I am being set up to take the fall because these were people advocating for a brand new team or at least 2 brand new member to go) BUT keeping scum reads on the mission.

396 Shai calls me scum once again I have had a town read on her till this point and null on Grandma.

Shai reads me as scum again. 399 with what seems to be a BS read, (coupled with the fact she calls me scum and wants to send me on a mission, and replace those who just passed a mission, yes I feel I am being set up. I say I will not pass said mission with scum reads on it).

It was not until posts in the 400s where I finally agree scum must be on my mission after everyone has suggested it over and over- and people needed to be replaced out completely and I was seemingly stupid for suggesting just adding one person per mission and going from there. In fact, I was called scum because I did not understand why an entire new team should go and why someone would advocate sending their top two scum picks. Avatar was suspected for being scum for the same reason. Everyone is saying it. Or is it everyone? Or just those advocating over and over we need a new team?

Arden (let her original plan go and decided as well, a new plan was needed)

BUT suddenly after advocating or a new team for pages and pages, Wolf says I should not suspect my choices because the first mission ALWAYS passes. Duh Café! 463 BUT then does a 180 and says a whole new team is needed

Then Josh calls me scum 470 and advocates sending a NEW team each mission 478. BUT then Josh says he won’t say what his plan is UNITL a mission fails but has been advocating for a new teams the entire time – Arden calls him on this and he repeats what he had already said- brand new personnel for each and every mission that fails. (REMEMBER JOSH NO MISSION had failed yet) And so on….Also of note it was YOU Josh suggested mission 2 would fail Arden is all over you for that in several posts.

LOOK at Josh’s post 478. And forward.

My nervousness was the result of everyone suggesting we needed a new team because scum were on it.
Lets look at it logically. Unless we have managed to somehow vote one scum per mission Arden is scum because she is the same common denominator (aside from me and I'm town) on both mission 2 and 3.

***POOF*** Grandma and Shiatra reads dissapear!

WOOHOO! that's how we get confirmed town!
Arden, Grandma, Shaitra, Me, Wolfsister and Moonglow are town.
Pick these in any order and this mission will be succeed.

Please do show us Josh where any scum reads have disappeared? TIA.
That's a nice conspiracy theory but it relies on scum being able to coordinate with each other in pretty specific ways that I'm not sure they could pull off without a QT. And I'm still not sure how mission pass/fail votes could be communicated and discussed simply by saying you are going to approve the mission going forward which is public knowledge and is always given out BEFORE anyone votes pass/fail on a mission anyway. I simply do not see how that could work.

I know for a fact that in mission 1 I said I was going to approve because I didn't know you had to PM. I was clueless so sue me. The game was quite confusing at that time. Mission 3 Aye asked if it was o.k. You and I both said yes. Aye and I both said we approved. We both said we have nothing to hide. I didn't see the harm in it at the time. It's public knowledge before anyone votes on a mission anyway and said in thread anyway so what is the big deal? All this was done before FA made his post that it could be a way for scum to communicate but he was specifically talking about discussing your mission pass/fail votes which I, and others, have always said should be private and sent via PM and not discussed until released.

Cafe, I have been townreading you this entire game and I think it is very interesting how you immediately came out of the gate here with 1 mission fail on a mission you were on and threw mud at several of us. It seems defensive and like you were getting ahead of any possible discussion on this matter and I'm not sure what to make of it. :/

Totally untrue Wolfsister. You have said I was scum many times. See my long post above for post numbers. It was not me throwing the mud. You need to go back and look at the facts, again in my long post with numbers.

Josh, Shai and you all called me scum- before my mission even passed or failed you read me as scum many, times. All of this before my mission even passed. All of you to include Arden, Shai, Josh, You and Moon advocated for new mission people insisting there were scum on my mission- you all said it enough and or suggested weird plans of sending scum reads or approving scum reads, sometimes 2 missions in a row with all of your scum reads on it- I began to believe only scum would do this to confuse town.
Cafe-I was talking about your posts since the last mission failed where I said you were throwing mud. You immediately came in here and started accusing several of us like you are doing now also. A lot of this is new stuff I haven't even heard from you yet. I am really beyond caring at this point. This game has dragged on for quite some time and I don't even remember a lot of the things you are now accusing me of. I remember distinctly in the video of missions with low numbers of people on it passing even with spies on it because they were too afraid they'd be caught. That is the reason I kept bringing up that the first mission could of passed with scum on it. I thought that was a pretty strong observation that needed to be said. I especially thought it was odd that Avi wanted to keep the same people on it and was defending sending the same people despite this. I thought that was a bad idea. Just because it passed, did not mean they were all town.

You have been on every mission Cafe and you have accused just about everyone in this game of suspicious actions. Before these latest posts, you were accusing Grandma, Shai, Josh, Wake. You said Wake was talking setup too much and you said my meta changed which I explained is across all games due to RL. You were tunneling and concentrating really hard on Shai and Grandma but still kept bringing suspicion on several others. I'm not going to spend time digging up posts because I don't have the time.

Now, after this mission, it's Arden, Josh, me, Moon, Shai and maybe others. I don't know if you still find Grandma suspicious after saying so for so long. You seemed to have dropped that now. It's hard to tell who your picks are because it changes. It's like after every mission, you go back and dig up posts to find new reasons to accuse people. Some of this stuff, I haven't even heard before. I think I am justified in feeling you are throwing mud at just about everyone and seeing what sticks.

Besides seemingly forgetting about Grandma you also seemed to also gloss over Avi's crosstalk posts after agreeing with me they were suspicious. I thought it was a pretty good observation in the first place but you seem to have forgotten them now or don't want to bring them up. You also kept saying you don't have a read on Avi most of the game. It's interesting how most of us are scum to you but you gloss over him or things he's said.

I have been townreading you for quite some time. Until your posts after this mission, and I am now questioning that townread big time. Now, You tell me I'm lying because I said all game instead of most of the game. Like reads can never change. I am so beyond fed up with stuff in Mafia games at USMB that I think I have pretty much hit a wall as far as my frustration level is. Think what you want. Since the deadline is tomorrow, it might be nice if you say who you want on this mission if you even have 5 people you trust enough to send.
k I'm back. I had a great time, the weekend was 10x easier than most other drills but I'm glad to be home.

It going to take me a moment to respond to cafe. her recent posts are kind of intense.
Not reading the walls, I'm tired enough as is.


I think this is what I'm comfortable with.

The good thing about this mission is that it needs two scum to fail. While I have been slightly out of it this game, I think my reads are pretty on point, from the past mission results too. I strongly doubt this list is screwed up enough to have two scum in it.
Not reading the walls, I'm tired enough as is.


I think this is what I'm comfortable with.

The good thing about this mission is that it needs two scum to fail. While I have been slightly out of it this game, I think my reads are pretty on point, from the past mission results too. I strongly doubt this list is screwed up enough to have two scum in it.

Arden you need to bold this and @ SR and tell her this is your proposed team if this is who you want to send so that we can vote whether or not to approve the mission to go forward.

Forum List
