Official UMSB Mafia Game 7 - Revolution in WiFom City (The Resistance)

What I also think of note was Shai stating she was upset with this game because I was finally scum reading her- BUT she
Cafe-I was talking about your posts since the last mission failed where I said you were throwing mud. You immediately came in here and started accusing several of us like you are doing now also. A lot of this is new stuff I haven't even heard from you yet. I am really beyond caring at this point. This game has dragged on for quite some time and I don't even remember a lot of the things you are now accusing me of. I remember distinctly in the video of missions with low numbers of people on it passing even with spies on it because they were too afraid they'd be caught. That is the reason I kept bringing up that the first mission could of passed with scum on it. I thought that was a pretty strong observation that needed to be said. I especially thought it was odd that Avi wanted to keep the same people on it and was defending sending the same people despite this. I thought that was a bad idea. Just because it passed, did not mean they were all town.

You have been on every mission Cafe and you have accused just about everyone in this game of suspicious actions. Before these latest posts, you were accusing Grandma, Shai, Josh, Wake. You said Wake was talking setup too much and you said my meta changed which I explained is across all games due to RL. You were tunneling and concentrating really hard on Shai and Grandma but still kept bringing suspicion on several others. I'm not going to spend time digging up posts because I don't have the time.

Now, after this mission, it's Arden, Josh, me, Moon, Shai and maybe others. I don't know if you still find Grandma suspicious after saying so for so long. You seemed to have dropped that now. It's hard to tell who your picks are because it changes. It's like after every mission, you go back and dig up posts to find new reasons to accuse people. Some of this stuff, I haven't even heard before. I think I am justified in feeling you are throwing mud at just about everyone and seeing what sticks.

Besides seemingly forgetting about Grandma you also seemed to also gloss over Avi's crosstalk posts after agreeing with me they were suspicious. I thought it was a pretty good observation in the first place but you seem to have forgotten them now or don't want to bring them up. You also kept saying you don't have a read on Avi most of the game. It's interesting how most of us are scum to you but you gloss over him or things he's said.

I have been townreading you for quite some time. Until your posts after this mission, and I am now questioning that townread big time. Now, You tell me I'm lying because I said all game instead of most of the game. Like reads can never change. I am so beyond fed up with stuff in Mafia games at USMB that I think I have pretty much hit a wall as far as my frustration level is. Think what you want. Since the deadline is tomorrow, it might be nice if you say who you want on this mission if you even have 5 people you trust enough to send.


You read me as scum at the start of post 500's in this game, we are only in the 800's. I did not say those were my scum reads in my post above. I said those were the people who constantly said I was scum prior to my mission passing or insisting there was scum on my mission and we needed new people. Given I am town, guess what that means Wolf? That means you all were sure Shai or Grandma were scum because you all insisted over and over there were scum on my mission and we needed a new team. You all pushed to everyone else I was scum over and over- far before I read Grandma or Shai as scum.

It was you, moon, josh, arden and shai who were the most vocal about wanting new people all together. So who was pointing fingers at me far before my mission passed and far before mission 2 was even off the ground? You, Shai, Josh- that's who- Stating I was scum before my mission ever passed- AND before mission 2 passed or failed- but somehow Josh has twisted it into me point fingers at Shai and Grandma, even though it was all of you insisting scum were on my mission and I town. My posts were in response to Josh's BS- someone YOU SAID plays a great scum game- and I should not be discouraged by him.
This forum is really moving slow for me today, it is taking forever for pages to load. Anyone else having issues?
I'm here, but not into this game at all. Ready to send in my vote whenever we need to.
What I also think of note was Shai stating she was upset with this game because I was finally scum reading her- BUT she
Cafe-I was talking about your posts since the last mission failed where I said you were throwing mud. You immediately came in here and started accusing several of us like you are doing now also. A lot of this is new stuff I haven't even heard from you yet. I am really beyond caring at this point. This game has dragged on for quite some time and I don't even remember a lot of the things you are now accusing me of. I remember distinctly in the video of missions with low numbers of people on it passing even with spies on it because they were too afraid they'd be caught. That is the reason I kept bringing up that the first mission could of passed with scum on it. I thought that was a pretty strong observation that needed to be said. I especially thought it was odd that Avi wanted to keep the same people on it and was defending sending the same people despite this. I thought that was a bad idea. Just because it passed, did not mean they were all town.

You have been on every mission Cafe and you have accused just about everyone in this game of suspicious actions. Before these latest posts, you were accusing Grandma, Shai, Josh, Wake. You said Wake was talking setup too much and you said my meta changed which I explained is across all games due to RL. You were tunneling and concentrating really hard on Shai and Grandma but still kept bringing suspicion on several others. I'm not going to spend time digging up posts because I don't have the time.

Now, after this mission, it's Arden, Josh, me, Moon, Shai and maybe others. I don't know if you still find Grandma suspicious after saying so for so long. You seemed to have dropped that now. It's hard to tell who your picks are because it changes. It's like after every mission, you go back and dig up posts to find new reasons to accuse people. Some of this stuff, I haven't even heard before. I think I am justified in feeling you are throwing mud at just about everyone and seeing what sticks.

Besides seemingly forgetting about Grandma you also seemed to also gloss over Avi's crosstalk posts after agreeing with me they were suspicious. I thought it was a pretty good observation in the first place but you seem to have forgotten them now or don't want to bring them up. You also kept saying you don't have a read on Avi most of the game. It's interesting how most of us are scum to you but you gloss over him or things he's said.

I have been townreading you for quite some time. Until your posts after this mission, and I am now questioning that townread big time. Now, You tell me I'm lying because I said all game instead of most of the game. Like reads can never change. I am so beyond fed up with stuff in Mafia games at USMB that I think I have pretty much hit a wall as far as my frustration level is. Think what you want. Since the deadline is tomorrow, it might be nice if you say who you want on this mission if you even have 5 people you trust enough to send.


You read me as scum at the start of post 500's in this game, we are only in the 800's. I did not say those were my scum reads in my post above. I said those were the people who constantly said I was scum prior to my mission passing or insisting there was scum on my mission and we needed new people. Given I am town, guess what that means Wolf? That means you all were sure Shai or Grandma were scum because you all insisted over and over there were scum on my mission and we needed a new team. You all pushed to everyone else I was scum over and over- far before I read Grandma or Shai as scum.

It was you, moon, josh, arden and shai who were the most vocal about wanting new people all together. So who was pointing fingers at me far before my mission passed and far before mission 2 was even off the ground? You, Shai, Josh- that's who- Stating I was scum before my mission ever passed- AND before mission 2 passed or failed- but somehow Josh has twisted it into me point fingers at Shai and Grandma, even though it was all of you insisting scum were on my mission and I town. My posts were in response to Josh's BS- someone YOU SAID plays a great scum game- and I should not be discouraged by him.

Please tell me what your point is here? Over 300 posts went by and my reads changed. And? I really don't like you putting words in my mouth and telling me what I was thinking. I explained over and over why I thought scum would pass the first mission and why I wanted some new people on the second one. Again I ask you, what is your point?
What I also think of note was Shai stating she was upset with this game because I was finally scum reading her- BUT she
Cafe-I was talking about your posts since the last mission failed where I said you were throwing mud. You immediately came in here and started accusing several of us like you are doing now also. A lot of this is new stuff I haven't even heard from you yet. I am really beyond caring at this point. This game has dragged on for quite some time and I don't even remember a lot of the things you are now accusing me of. I remember distinctly in the video of missions with low numbers of people on it passing even with spies on it because they were too afraid they'd be caught. That is the reason I kept bringing up that the first mission could of passed with scum on it. I thought that was a pretty strong observation that needed to be said. I especially thought it was odd that Avi wanted to keep the same people on it and was defending sending the same people despite this. I thought that was a bad idea. Just because it passed, did not mean they were all town.

You have been on every mission Cafe and you have accused just about everyone in this game of suspicious actions. Before these latest posts, you were accusing Grandma, Shai, Josh, Wake. You said Wake was talking setup too much and you said my meta changed which I explained is across all games due to RL. You were tunneling and concentrating really hard on Shai and Grandma but still kept bringing suspicion on several others. I'm not going to spend time digging up posts because I don't have the time.

Now, after this mission, it's Arden, Josh, me, Moon, Shai and maybe others. I don't know if you still find Grandma suspicious after saying so for so long. You seemed to have dropped that now. It's hard to tell who your picks are because it changes. It's like after every mission, you go back and dig up posts to find new reasons to accuse people. Some of this stuff, I haven't even heard before. I think I am justified in feeling you are throwing mud at just about everyone and seeing what sticks.

Besides seemingly forgetting about Grandma you also seemed to also gloss over Avi's crosstalk posts after agreeing with me they were suspicious. I thought it was a pretty good observation in the first place but you seem to have forgotten them now or don't want to bring them up. You also kept saying you don't have a read on Avi most of the game. It's interesting how most of us are scum to you but you gloss over him or things he's said.

I have been townreading you for quite some time. Until your posts after this mission, and I am now questioning that townread big time. Now, You tell me I'm lying because I said all game instead of most of the game. Like reads can never change. I am so beyond fed up with stuff in Mafia games at USMB that I think I have pretty much hit a wall as far as my frustration level is. Think what you want. Since the deadline is tomorrow, it might be nice if you say who you want on this mission if you even have 5 people you trust enough to send.


You read me as scum at the start of post 500's in this game, we are only in the 800's. I did not say those were my scum reads in my post above. I said those were the people who constantly said I was scum prior to my mission passing or insisting there was scum on my mission and we needed new people. Given I am town, guess what that means Wolf? That means you all were sure Shai or Grandma were scum because you all insisted over and over there were scum on my mission and we needed a new team. You all pushed to everyone else I was scum over and over- far before I read Grandma or Shai as scum.

It was you, moon, josh, arden and shai who were the most vocal about wanting new people all together. So who was pointing fingers at me far before my mission passed and far before mission 2 was even off the ground? You, Shai, Josh- that's who- Stating I was scum before my mission ever passed- AND before mission 2 passed or failed- but somehow Josh has twisted it into me point fingers at Shai and Grandma, even though it was all of you insisting scum were on my mission and I town. My posts were in response to Josh's BS- someone YOU SAID plays a great scum game- and I should not be discouraged by him.

Please tell me what your point is here? Over 300 posts went by and my reads changed. And? I really don't like you putting words in my mouth and telling me what I was thinking. I explained over and over why I thought scum would pass the first mission and why I wanted some new people on the second one. Again I ask you, what is your point?

My first point was you were not reading me as town the whole game- the post I initially responded to. Where did I say I said what you were thinking?

Josh, Shai, you all kept saying I was scum before my mission passed, ( therefore IMO implying it was my fault if the mission failed) and before mission 2 passed the same thing happened= Café is scum, but I was still passed to go on the mission. There many are reading me as scum- continuing to send me on missions so it looks like I am the reason they fail- in advance. And when mission 2 and 3 failed- who was the scapegoat? Me Wolf. Why not, I have been called scum for the past 2 missions. So no one was even looking at anyone else BUT ME,

Arden also said she had a scum read on me. And you all insisted there must be scum on my mission since it passed 100 percent. I know I am town, so I listened to you all- insisting over and over there are scum on my mission. Who does that leave for those who are scum on my mission Wolf since I am town? Grandma and Shai. You may not know I am town but I do. So, you all stating we needed new people because there were likely scum on my mission due to its 100 percent pass was a major reason I started to think you all were correct.

Josh's statement that it was me OMGUSing Shai and Grandma, is complete BS. I had town reads on Shai and a null on Grandma- until you all were sure there were scum on my mission. I had town reads on Shai before mission 2 passed or failed. I became convinced you all must be right. Do you see what I am saying here?

Does it make any sense to continue to send scum reads on missions? In some cases I was sent twice in a row on two separate missions when I was the top scum read of yours, Shai's, Josh, etc. Ergo, IMO when the mission failed, it would be me who looked suspicious.
Nobody is addressing my team proposal and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Cafe's posts all look like she's overly concerned with her image, and not like she actually cares about the current nomination, which as town she most likely would be more visibly worried about. I'm fairly confident in her being scum right now even just because of that.
Nobody is addressing my team proposal and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Cafe's posts all look like she's overly concerned with her image, and not like she actually cares about the current nomination, which as town she most likely would be more visibly worried about. I'm fairly confident in her being scum right now even just because of that.

Actually Arden, I was waiting for SR to acknowledge it so we can vote on it. I don't know if we are still going by not saying how we are going to vote in the thread but that was a thing before so I'm not sure what I should say at this point.
That's for pass/fail, and doesn't matter anymore because scum is one away from winning- if by some horrible mistake there's like 4 scum on this mission, it doesn't matter if they all fail the mission revealing the 4 scum, because then they win. The "don't talk about it" thing only applied in the missions when one fail was required and scum needed to figure out who was passing/failing.
Nobody is addressing my team proposal and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Cafe's posts all look like she's overly concerned with her image, and not like she actually cares about the current nomination, which as town she most likely would be more visibly worried about. I'm fairly confident in her being scum right now even just because of that.


Whatever Arden, I said I was catching up- I had to go on V/LA, and I am trying to do that now, and as I am Wolf is asking questions which I am trying to answer. You have had your "slight scum" read on me since before my mission even passed. But hey, some of those with scum reads on me passed me for mission 2 and 3. How about that, Arden? Why? And you all wonder why I feel as if I am being set up to take the fall as missions 2 and 3 fail? GMAB. still LOLing here.

PS: I was also clear what I would do concerning you mission. Why do I need to repeat myself again? You put your final list in.

Why is it you are here speaking-- you know when speaking gives scum ideas about current missions and how they should vote. Tisk, tisk, tisk... maybe you want to follow your own advice?
Nobody is addressing my team proposal and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Cafe's posts all look like she's overly concerned with her image, and not like she actually cares about the current nomination, which as town she most likely would be more visibly worried about. I'm fairly confident in her being scum right now even just because of that.

Actually Arden, I was waiting for SR to acknowledge it so we can vote on it. I don't know if we are still going by not saying how we are going to vote in the thread but that was a thing before so I'm not sure what I should say at this point.

Did we ever get a replacement for Avatar? Has Mathblade agreed to sub in?
Nobody is addressing my team proposal and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Cafe's posts all look like she's overly concerned with her image, and not like she actually cares about the current nomination, which as town she most likely would be more visibly worried about. I'm fairly confident in her being scum right now even just because of that.

Actually Arden, I was waiting for SR to acknowledge it so we can vote on it. I don't know if we are still going by not saying how we are going to vote in the thread but that was a thing before so I'm not sure what I should say at this point.

Did we ever get a replacement for Avatar? Has Mathblade agreed to sub in?

I'm hoping SR gets back to us on that because we won't really be able to vote without that person here.
Cafe-I was talking about your posts since the last mission failed where I said you were throwing mud. You immediately came in here and started accusing several of us like you are doing now also. A lot of this is new stuff I haven't even heard from you yet. I am really beyond caring at this point. This game has dragged on for quite some time and I don't even remember a lot of the things you are now accusing me of. I remember distinctly in the video of missions with low numbers of people on it passing even with spies on it because they were too afraid they'd be caught. That is the reason I kept bringing up that the first mission could of passed with scum on it. I thought that was a pretty strong observation that needed to be said. I especially thought it was odd that Avi wanted to keep the same people on it and was defending sending the same people despite this. I thought that was a bad idea. Just because it passed, did not mean they were all town.

You have been on every mission Cafe and you have accused just about everyone in this game of suspicious actions. Before these latest posts, you were accusing Grandma, Shai, Josh, Wake. You said Wake was talking setup too much and you said my meta changed which I explained is across all games due to RL. You were tunneling and concentrating really hard on Shai and Grandma but still kept bringing suspicion on several others. I'm not going to spend time digging up posts because I don't have the time.

Now, after this mission, it's Arden, Josh, me, Moon, Shai and maybe others. I don't know if you still find Grandma suspicious after saying so for so long. You seemed to have dropped that now. It's hard to tell who your picks are because it changes. It's like after every mission, you go back and dig up posts to find new reasons to accuse people. Some of this stuff, I haven't even heard before. I think I am justified in feeling you are throwing mud at just about everyone and seeing what sticks.

Besides seemingly forgetting about Grandma you also seemed to also gloss over Avi's crosstalk posts after agreeing with me they were suspicious. I thought it was a pretty good observation in the first place but you seem to have forgotten them now or don't want to bring them up. You also kept saying you don't have a read on Avi most of the game. It's interesting how most of us are scum to you but you gloss over him or things he's said.

I have been townreading you for quite some time. Until your posts after this mission, and I am now questioning that townread big time. Now, You tell me I'm lying because I said all game instead of most of the game. Like reads can never change. I am so beyond fed up with stuff in Mafia games at USMB that I think I have pretty much hit a wall as far as my frustration level is. Think what you want. Since the deadline is tomorrow, it might be nice if you say who you want on this mission if you even have 5 people you trust enough to send.


You read me as scum at the start of post 500's in this game, we are only in the 800's. I did not say those were my scum reads in my post above. I said those were the people who constantly said I was scum prior to my mission passing or insisting there was scum on my mission and we needed new people. Given I am town, guess what that means Wolf? That means you all were sure Shai or Grandma were scum because you all insisted over and over there were scum on my mission and we needed a new team. You all pushed to everyone else I was scum over and over- far before I read Grandma or Shai as scum.

It was you, moon, josh, arden and shai who were the most vocal about wanting new people all together. So who was pointing fingers at me far before my mission passed and far before mission 2 was even off the ground? You, Shai, Josh- that's who- Stating I was scum before my mission ever passed- AND before mission 2 passed or failed- but somehow Josh has twisted it into me point fingers at Shai and Grandma, even though it was all of you insisting scum were on my mission and I town. My posts were in response to Josh's BS- someone YOU SAID plays a great scum game- and I should not be discouraged by him.[/QUOTE]

Please tell me what your point is here? Over 300 posts went by and my reads changed. And? I really don't like you putting words in my mouth and telling me what I was thinking. I explained over and over why I thought scum would pass the first mission and why I wanted some new people on the second one. Again I ask you, what is your point?[/QUOTE]

My first point was you were not reading me as town the whole game- the post I initially responded to. Where did I say I said what you were thinking?

Josh, Shai, you all kept saying I was scum before my mission passed, ( therefore IMO implying it was my fault if the mission failed) and before mission 2 passed the same thing happened= Café is scum, but I was still passed to go on the mission. There many are reading me as scum- continuing to send me on missions so it looks like I am the reason they fail- in advance. And when mission 2 and 3 failed- who was the scapegoat? Me Wolf. Why not, I have been called scum for the past 2 missions. So no one was even looking at anyone else BUT ME,

Arden also said she had a scum read on me. And you all insisted there must be scum on my mission since it passed 100 percent. I know I am town, so I listened to you all- insisting over and over there are scum on my mission. Who does that leave for those who are scum on my mission Wolf since I am town? Grandma and Shai. You may not know I am town but I do. So, you all stating we needed new people because there were likely scum on my mission due to its 100 percent pass was a major reason I started to think you all were correct.

Josh's statement that it was me OMGUSing Shai and Grandma, is complete BS. I had town reads on Shai and a null on Grandma- until you all were sure there were scum on my mission. I had town reads on Shai before mission 2 passed or failed. I became convinced you all must be right. Do you see what I am saying here?

Does it make any sense to continue to send scum reads on missions? In some cases I was sent twice in a row on two separate missions when I was the top scum read of yours, Shai's, Josh, etc. Ergo, IMO when the mission failed, it would be me who looked suspicious.[/QUOTE]

The putting words in my mouth was because you said I assumed there was scum on the first mission and who they were and I really just said we shouldn't assume they are all town based on the video and other games I've seen where scum usually pass the first mission and vote to approve it. I wasn't sending scum reads on missions but testing people based on mission votes and who was on the mission to figure out who was scum. I have no idea what the best strategy is here so I went with that one.
Sorry that above quote is messed up. This forum software does that. The last paragraph is my answer to Cafe.
Why is it you are here speaking-- you know when speaking gives scum ideas about current missions and how they should vote. Tisk, tisk, tisk... maybe you want to follow your own advice?

That's for pass/fail, and doesn't matter anymore because scum is one away from winning- if by some horrible mistake there's like 4 scum on this mission, it doesn't matter if they all fail the mission revealing the 4 scum, because then they win. The "don't talk about it" thing only applied in the missions when one fail was required and scum needed to figure out who was passing/failing.

Read my posts. Read what I'm doing. Clearly, you've put everything on "ignore" save for whenever someone says something about scumreading you. Which, I'm sorry to say dear, is typical scum behavior, and before you retort with something about how it doesn't apply to you it's still behavior that you're not exempt from.
The putting words in my mouth was because you said I assumed there was scum on the first mission and who they were and I really just said we shouldn't assume they are all town based on the video and other games I've seen where scum usually pass the first mission and vote to approve it. I wasn't sending scum reads on missions but testing people based on mission votes and who was on the mission to figure out who was scum. I have no idea what the best strategy is here so I went with that one.

My point was you did state we needed new people over and over, along with many more who insisted we needed new people because scum were likely on my mission due to the 100 percent pass for mission personnel. You also said over and over at the time I was scum at the same time. I know what you said much later about assuming they were all town- but my point about that was you did not say that until after you all convinced me scum must be on my mission for tens of pages and pages.

I never said you thought Grandma and Shai were scum or that I was putting words in your mouth Wolf. I said the insistence from you, Josh, Shai, moon, Arden new people needed to be on the mission because of the 100% mission pass, read to me since I know I am not scum- either Shai or Grandma must be. Everyone was convinced there were scum on my mission. It is a pretty simple conclusion for me to come to knowing my alignment Wolf.
Why is it you are here speaking-- you know when speaking gives scum ideas about current missions and how they should vote. Tisk, tisk, tisk... maybe you want to follow your own advice?

That's for pass/fail, and doesn't matter anymore because scum is one away from winning- if by some horrible mistake there's like 4 scum on this mission, it doesn't matter if they all fail the mission revealing the 4 scum, because then they win. The "don't talk about it" thing only applied in the missions when one fail was required and scum needed to figure out who was passing/failing.

Read my posts. Read what I'm doing. Clearly, you've put everything on "ignore" save for whenever someone says something about scumreading you. Which, I'm sorry to say dear, is typical scum behavior, and before you retort with something about how it doesn't apply to you it's still behavior that you're not exempt from.

That post was not there when I hit reply Arden.
The putting words in my mouth was because you said I assumed there was scum on the first mission and who they were and I really just said we shouldn't assume they are all town based on the video and other games I've seen where scum usually pass the first mission and vote to approve it. I wasn't sending scum reads on missions but testing people based on mission votes and who was on the mission to figure out who was scum. I have no idea what the best strategy is here so I went with that one.

My point was you did state we needed new people over and over, along with many more who insisted we needed new people because scum were likely on my mission due to the 100 percent pass for mission personnel. You also said over and over at the time I was scum at the same time. I know what you said much later about assuming they were all town- but my point about that was you did not say that until after you all convinced me scum must be on my mission for tens of pages and pages.

I never said you thought Grandma and Shai were scum or that I was putting words in your mouth Wolf. I said the insistence from you, Josh, Shai, moon, Arden new people needed to be on the mission because of the 100% mission pass, read to me since I know I am not scum- either Shai or Grandma must be. Everyone was convinced there were scum on my mission. It is a pretty simple conclusion for me to come to knowing my alignment Wolf.

OK, So are you saying you think that Shai or Grandma are scum based on knowing your alignment and several of our insistence that scum could be on the first mission?

Regarding being set up, who do you think is setting you up?

I'm sorry, I am really out of it right now due to RL issues and being tired so if I'm not getting it, bear with me.
My vote has been sent in to Scarlet.

I suggest others do the same - at this point arguments are moot.
The putting words in my mouth was because you said I assumed there was scum on the first mission and who they were and I really just said we shouldn't assume they are all town based on the video and other games I've seen where scum usually pass the first mission and vote to approve it. I wasn't sending scum reads on missions but testing people based on mission votes and who was on the mission to figure out who was scum. I have no idea what the best strategy is here so I went with that one.

My point was you did state we needed new people over and over, along with many more who insisted we needed new people because scum were likely on my mission due to the 100 percent pass for mission personnel. You also said over and over at the time I was scum at the same time. I know what you said much later about assuming they were all town- but my point about that was you did not say that until after you all convinced me scum must be on my mission for tens of pages and pages.

I never said you thought Grandma and Shai were scum or that I was putting words in your mouth Wolf. I said the insistence from you, Josh, Shai, moon, Arden new people needed to be on the mission because of the 100% mission pass, read to me since I know I am not scum- either Shai or Grandma must be. Everyone was convinced there were scum on my mission. It is a pretty simple conclusion for me to come to knowing my alignment Wolf.

OK, So are you saying you think that Shai or Grandma are scum based on knowing your alignment and several of our insistence that scum could be on the first mission?

Regarding being set up, who do you think is setting you up?

I'm sorry, I am really out of it right now due to RL issues and being tired so if I'm not getting it, bear with me.

( emphasis added)

Very close, yes. I did not even think there was scum until everyone insisted there was scum on my mission BEFORE IT EVER PASSED. and my suspicion of Shai actually did not start until she insisted on sending her top scum reads for missions 2 and 3. ( I still had her as a town read before the mission 3 garbage of sending scum reads AGAIN) So her choice there- reiterated for me, what you all were saying "scum on Cafe's mission. So I started to agree with you all- especially when I saw posts which made no sense- strange reads, then changes.

As for who? The only thing I thought were those who kept sending their scum reads on missions. Why do that Wolf? Josh also called me scum, so did Arden but "slight scum" read- look at the past votes. Why not set up a townie and scream they are scum over and over, keep sending them on missions while choosing scum who then get a pass cause Café must be the guilty party.

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