Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
Trump was on drugs. Uppers. Pharmaceutical meth.
I saw him as more lackluster, less animated. He looked tired. Trump needs a live audience to bring out his highest and best. I did like his statement to Joe, twice, "you just lost the Left" LOL
Already reading that numerous democrats don't want Slow Joe to debate again. Wow! Even his own supporters are telling him to stop.

I told them Biden can't handle an opponent as strong as Trump. Hell Hillary barely stood her ground and she's about as nasty as the Dems have.
Phhhhhheewww....oh boy....

First off, hats off to Wallace. That could not have been an easy job. For those of you who say Wallace is a are entitled to your opinion...but I just dont see it.

I imagine wallace, after he leaves tonight is going to have himself a stiff drink.....or 18....

I did not see where wallace was favoring trump at all. He spent most of the debate trying to shut trump down. Again, that chair was a tough place to be tonight.

Say what you will, but biden did it. He held out for the entire debate and didn't cave. Sure, he had a few moments where he got a bit tongue tied, but at the end of it all, he didn't turn into the nonsensical babbling person people thought he would. For the most part, he stayed on point. Its because of this that I think trumps antics actually helped biden.

Biden, by withstanding trumps onslaught, showed people he has more resolve. I think this is going to play well for biden, not so much for trump.

Trump had a good opportunity here to prove all of his critics wrong. He should have stood up there, and respected biden. He should have respected Wallace, and the rules of the debate. They both should have spoken when it was their turn and respected the other person when it wasn't.

Trump had an opportunity to look presidential, but he didn't do it. He had to be the aggressor and the bully. He had to dominate and try to shut biden down. He could have been the bigger man, and people would have gained respect for him, because he would have shown the country that he could stand there and carry on a debate, calmly, and with reservation.

Again, I think this is not going to play well for trump. Let's hope someone talks to him and gives him some constructive criticism before their next debate.

I think most people have already made up their minds, so, in the long run, this will probably not really hurt trump.
200 million?
You say the Slow Joe "did it"... But he claimed 200 million have died from Covid. That statement alone showed his 47 years of doing nothing has destructed his brain. The old man is shot. He had nothing but deflecting fake laughs. President Trump is living in his head now rent free. Let him keep fake laughing while people are dying.
Was biden gaffe free? No, but I think he did a lot better than most people were expecting.

People were claiming he needed breaks because he couldn't handle 90 minutes straight. People were saying he was going to fall apart.

Again, say what you will, he withstood better than most thought he would, and with trump interrupting and trying rattle him the whole time, I think it may have backfired on trump.
He was lucid, manipulative, and just kept telling one huge lie after another.

Wallace allowed Biden to lie with impunity, Trump had to jump in and do the moderating.
When your opposition starts attacking the moderator for their candidates rather poor performance, then you know you won.

Considering the fact that Wallace was doing the job of 4 moderator and how poorly the candidates followed the rules, I think he did a very good job. If I was Wallace, I would have politely told them to shut up and then I would have turned off their mike. This wasn't a debate, it was a shouting match in which each candidate spent as much time off topic as they spent on topic.
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Trump controlled the debate to such a degree that Biden wasn't able to get a shot, or even a word, in edgewise. Wallace was unable to double team Trump effectively. Trump turned the debate into a brawl and grappling match. It was a draw, which is a win for Trump.
If Donnie wasn't branded as a liar he is now. Did anyone count how many times he was called a liar or a clown tonight on global and national television?
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot quickly fired back at Trump after he invoked Chicago’s gun violence to criticize Dems, tweeting: “Keep ‘Chicago’ out of your lying mouth.” ⠀
Trump lied about the gun violence in Chicago?
Someone had better alert all the news stories covering it over the last decade.
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Antifa is an idea

Accurate Statement. There is no formal organization called "antifa".

Would not answer if he would pack the court

It wouldn't be his call anyway.. It would be the call of the Senate.

Flip flopped on his green new deal

Not really, he clearly stated he had his own plan.

Would not answer why Hunter got all that
questionable cash and brought his dead son into the conversation

Because the statement wasn't true.

Cowered when Wallace asked him about riots and Portland

Meh, TRump lied about the Sheriff of Portland endorsing him.

Said shrinks should accompany police officers on calls.

That's actually not a bad idea... 17% of people who are shot by police have a mental health issue.

Trump is right. He did more in 47 mos than Biden
did in 47 yrs.

True, but all of it was awful...
Every one of your positions is a lie...

ANTIFA is an international organization... IT has Marxist roots in Europe...

You took the left wing bull shit hook, line, and sinker...

It does seem like people get taught in school a lot more about the rise of fascism than about the resistance to it. Why do you think that history isn’t better known?

I think part of it is because the anti-fascist resistance came predominantly from leftist movements — including the Communist Party, Socialist Party and anarchists — so generally there was a tendency to minimize what happened. Most people’s knowledge of fascist history is centered around Nazi Germany, and even there you don’t really learn a lot about the anti-fascist resistance through the ‘20s and early ‘30s, again because, I think, it was predominantly communist or leftist-based.

ANTIFA has been around for over 100 years...
It was Nazi
Wow.... China Joe got mauled in the first Debate...
How do we know that... because the Lame Stream Media headed by CNN is saying there should be no more debates... If Joey Xi had won they'd be calling for more.
I guess the TeleMundo results shook the biased media to the core... Anderson Cooper couldn't even describe correctly....
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That's what I would expect from CNN.. polling their own... I am surprised however that it wasn't 10/10. This means 4 out of ten of their left wing people didn't think Biden did well...

Actually, only 28% thought Trump won. The rest thought it was a draw.

Safe to say other than rallying the proud boys tonight’s debate did nothing for either candidate. I suspect more people were appalled by Trump than disappointed by Biden.

Good point. The thing is, six months of talking about "Sleepy Joe", Biden didn't have a very high bar to cross. He did what he had to do. He looked engaged and he hit back when needed.
His lack of courage in answering the packing of the Supreme Court is interesting. We ll see if this hurts Biden.
Biden punted
Yes. Unfortunate. Shows cowardice.

Trump didn’t punt on condemning White Supremacy
He just can’t do it. Looked like he was going to at first, then backed away
He said Proud Boys stand down and Biden said Antifa is an idea?

No. He didn't say ”Proud Boys stand down”.
He did. LoneLoser. Turn up your miracle ear, fatty.
ShortBus, Impeached Trump said, "stand back and stand by." Asked to condemn white supremacists, he instead tells them to stand by.

Stand down and stand back

It's like you rightards live in an alternate universe where you make up your own alternative facts.

No moron, he said, "stand back and stand by." And immediately after telling thd Proud Boys to "stand by," he says, "but I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about Antifa and the left." So rather than condemn white supremacists, he gives them the green light to "do something" about the left. He's a sick fuck who supports white supremacy.

He has formerly condemned white supremacists.-
“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”
Proud Boys being used a white supremacist group is a left wing thing, without merit.
View attachment 394893
Proud Boy with wife and kids
View attachment 394897
More Proud Boys

"But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

It was a racist rally to unite the alt-right extremist groups of the Proud Boys, KKK, neo-nazis, and other assorted white supremacists...

... so who anong them are "very fine people?"
No winner on stage tonight, America lost and Wallace proved himself to be a real loser.


It got out of control because Wallace was not moderating. Wallace lit the fuse then stood back letting Biden lie, which triggered Trump...repeatedly.

The agreed upon format was 2 uninterrupted minutes per candidate. How hard would it have been to have rigged a mic cutoff with lights indicating when it was off or on? The over talking from both candidates was totally foreseeable and could have been easily handled.

That's what I would expect from CNN.. polling their own... I am surprised however that it wasn't 10/10. This means 4 out of ten of their left wing people didn't think Biden did well...

Actually, only 28% thought Trump won. The rest thought it was a draw.

Safe to say other than rallying the proud boys tonight’s debate did nothing for either candidate. I suspect more people were appalled by Trump than disappointed by Biden.

Good point. The thing is, six months of talking about "Sleepy Joe", Biden didn't have a very high bar to cross. He did what he had to do. He looked engaged and he hit back when needed.
Telemundo poll showed 60% trump won. Uh oh
No winner on stage tonight, America lost and Wallace proved himself to be a real loser.


It got out of control because Wallace was not moderating. Wallace lit the fuse then stood back letting Biden lie, which triggered Trump...repeatedly.

The agreed upon format was 2 uninterrupted minutes per candidate. How hard would it have been to have rigged a mic cutoff with lights indicating when it was off or on? The over talking from both candidates was totally foreseeable and could have been easily handled.

I fking loved it

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