Official USMB Debate 2020 -- "Round One" Thread..

Was the first presidential debate a "shit show"?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 88.1%
  • No

    Votes: 8 11.9%

  • Total voters
Last night was a total debacle. It was an embarrassment and an insult to voters. I'm embarassed to claim those two are the choices.

It was a sad day for our country
No kidding. And of course you place zero blame on our biased media, which has turned us against one another.

Blame the media?
It was Trump who turned the debate into a circus
What? We were already at each others throats. Media did this in 2016 by supporting the narrative that anyone who supports Trump is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe. Hence many Trump voters had to become the "silent majority". Cancel culture was given credence and violent protests were not covered accurately until the outlets saw their candidates suffer in the polls.

In my opinion the media should give you the fact and allow the viewers to form an opinion. Not try to form an opinion for the viewer.
Just STOP it.

It was not the media telling Trump how to behave last night
Chris Wallace isn't a member of the media, fuck-face?
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
They both broke the rules....and even Wallace broke his own rules.
95% of the interruptions came from Trump
I guess the past what five presidents have been the most vociferous ones in debates. In the end people will remember Trump. This is likely what he was going for but in my opinion he made a mistake. If he didn't keep interrupting Biden, Slow Joe likely would have said something stupid on his own. Well he did when he refused to answer if he would pack the court and called Antifa an "idea".
I think because of them talking over each other....alot of the crap Biden was saying didn't become obvious.
I particularly had issues with the constant chuckling and sneering Biden did no matter what Trump was saying. When Biden was debating Paul Ryan 8 years ago for VP he was laughing like a Hyena through most of what he was saying. This is rude behavior and a habit of Biden's. Trump didn't allow Biden to get away with it. Biden acts like a jerk when he doesn't agree with someone. He calls them names like racist, clown, Dogfaced Pony Soldiers. Trump just hammered him even though Chris Wallace defended him at every opportunity.
Biden claims he doesn't know what his kid was doing in China, Ukraine, and in Russia.
Biden won't say who he would pick as a SCOTUS nominee.
Biden won't say that he doesn't support BLM & ANTIFA even while his VP pick supports them and encourages them with words and with bail.
Biden refused to answer questions.
I agree. I thought Wallace should have held him accountable.
I think Trump’s strategy was to be overly aggressive to try to rattle Joe Biden. I don’t think it worked.

If it had worked, you would have heard all the dementia talk. But that wasn’t the case at all. He looked fine. I think it backfired. It made Trump look like a jackass and Biden looked relatively cool under the pressure.

Trump also kept trying to peg Biden with far-left labels. Green New Deal, defunding the police, Antifa, socialism. Maybe he was trying to get Biden to denounce them to lose his far left supporters. I think Biden fumbled on the Antifa question but the rest was handled decently. Biden isn’t that left. Maybe Trump thought he was talking to Bernie Sanders.

Of course maybe I’m assuming too much and Trump didn’t actually have a plan.
HAd Trump waited another 2-4 seconds on about 5 different occasions Biden would have expolded and deystroyed himself... Trump needs to use a little more patience. Biden was stumbeling on several occasions and had he let him speak it would have collapsed.
Trump kept peppering him when should have stood back and let him fall

Weird. It looks like we’re all in agreement.

Trump needs to shut up more next debate.
I don’t think he is capable.

I can see why Trump was kicked out of school and sent to military school as a child.

He is unable to control himself

LOL he controlled himself quite well for a man who's had the Dems snapping at his heels for three years. Biden is the one who called Trump names. Guess you missed that you ass. LOL

It was TRUMP who was out of control for 90 minutes

Oh I think he was very much in control for 90 minute. He said exactly what he wanted to say, when he wanted to say it. That's Trump. He's not the one calling out names. That was your boy Biden.

I had a lot of questions answered last night.

Biden will raise taxes for some and raise Capital Gains from 21% to 28%. Guess he doesn't know the more companies save, the more they can expand and hire.

As for his green shit. That would bankrupt the country. A financial wizard Biden isn't and boy does it show.
I don’t see what Trump hoped to gain by his outlandish behavior.

He trails Biden with a month to go before the election. What voters did he expect to win over by showing what an out of control bully he is.
Inexplicable. As usual. He's actually more of a child today than he was four years ago.
I remember four years ago, some voters asked.....
How bad can he be?

Last night, we saw
Trump was just acting like Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon act when they have a Trump representative on their show.
Trump was harassing Biden because Biden was lying and claimed he didn't know what everyone else knows.
I hope the next leader of the world is Germany and not China, because we're now a mess.

The Free World once sought our leadership and looked at the US as an anchor of global security.

Even if we send Trump packing, the rest of the world will not come running back. They cannot trust us not to elect another Trump. They cannot trust us to keep our word. They cannot believe what we say
Now you speak for the rest of the world?

Pretty sure, Israel remains on our side. Same for South Korea. Japan. UK. Australia. Who do you mean by "the rest of the world"? You always deal in absolutes. I understand it is your way of trolling but this is why you don't have any credibility on this site. None. I get that you're a bored retiree with no life but at least try to put some effort into your posts.
Like this?

In at least seven nations, including key allies like Britain and Japan, approval ratings for the United States plunged to record lows. In Germany, just 26 percent of the respondents held a positive view of the United States — the lowest rating since 2003, the year of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
They both broke the rules....and even Wallace broke his own rules.
95% of the interruptions came from Trump
I guess the past what five presidents have been the most vociferous ones in debates. In the end people will remember Trump. This is likely what he was going for but in my opinion he made a mistake. If he didn't keep interrupting Biden, Slow Joe likely would have said something stupid on his own. Well he did when he refused to answer if he would pack the court and called Antifa an "idea".
I think because of them talking over each other....alot of the crap Biden was saying didn't become obvious.
I particularly had issues with the constant chuckling and sneering Biden did no matter what Trump was saying. When Biden was debating Paul Ryan 8 years ago for VP he was laughing like a Hyena through most of what he was saying. This is rude behavior and a habit of Biden's. Trump didn't allow Biden to get away with it. Biden acts like a jerk when he doesn't agree with someone. He calls them names like racist, clown, Dogfaced Pony Soldiers. Trump just hammered him even though Chris Wallace defended him at every opportunity.
Biden claims he doesn't know what his kid was doing in China, Ukraine, and in Russia.
Biden won't say who he would pick as a SCOTUS nominee.
Biden won't say that he doesn't support BLM & ANTIFA even while his VP pick supports them and encourages them with words and with bail.
Biden refused to answer questions.
I agree. I thought Wallace should have held him accountable.
Wallace wasn't there to hammer anyone but Trump.
Wallace was there to make sure Biden didn't lose his train of thought and make sure Trump isn't allowed to dominate the debate.
Last night was a total debacle. It was an embarrassment and an insult to voters. I'm embarassed to claim those two are the choices.

It was a sad day for our country
No kidding. And of course you place zero blame on our biased media, which has turned us against one another.

Blame the media?
It was Trump who turned the debate into a circus
What? We were already at each others throats. Media did this in 2016 by supporting the narrative that anyone who supports Trump is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe. Hence many Trump voters had to become the "silent majority". Cancel culture was given credence and violent protests were not covered accurately until the outlets saw their candidates suffer in the polls.

In my opinion the media should give you the fact and allow the viewers to form an opinion. Not try to form an opinion for the viewer.
Just STOP it.

It was not the media telling Trump how to behave last night

Since when isn't Chris Wallace a member of the Media?? Hell he's been a member for decades.
I hope the next leader of the world is Germany and not China, because we're now a mess.

The Free World once sought our leadership and looked at the US as an anchor of global security.

Even if we send Trump packing, the rest of the world will not come running back. They cannot trust us not to elect another Trump. They cannot trust us to keep our word. They cannot believe what we say
Now you speak for the rest of the world?

Pretty sure, Israel remains on our side. Same for South Korea. Japan. UK. Australia. Who do you mean by "the rest of the world"? You always deal in absolutes. I understand it is your way of trolling but this is why you don't have any credibility on this site. None. I get that you're a bored retiree with no life but at least try to put some effort into your posts.
Like this?

Washington Post???
Don't waste my time, dumbass.
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
They both broke the rules....and even Wallace broke his own rules.
95% of the interruptions came from Trump
I guess the past what five presidents have been the most vociferous ones in debates. In the end people will remember Trump. This is likely what he was going for but in my opinion he made a mistake. If he didn't keep interrupting Biden, Slow Joe likely would have said something stupid on his own. Well he did when he refused to answer if he would pack the court and called Antifa an "idea".
I think because of them talking over each other....alot of the crap Biden was saying didn't become obvious.
I particularly had issues with the constant chuckling and sneering Biden did no matter what Trump was saying. When Biden was debating Paul Ryan 8 years ago for VP he was laughing like a Hyena through most of what he was saying. This is rude behavior and a habit of Biden's. Trump didn't allow Biden to get away with it. Biden acts like a jerk when he doesn't agree with someone. He calls them names like racist, clown, Dogfaced Pony Soldiers. Trump just hammered him even though Chris Wallace defended him at every opportunity.
Biden claims he doesn't know what his kid was doing in China, Ukraine, and in Russia.
Biden won't say who he would pick as a SCOTUS nominee.
Biden won't say that he doesn't support BLM & ANTIFA even while his VP pick supports them and encourages them with words and with bail.
Biden refused to answer questions.
I agree. I thought Wallace should have held him accountable.
Wallace wasn't there to hammer anyone but Trump.
Wallace was there to make sure Biden didn't lose his train of thought and make sure Trump isn't allowed to dominate the debate.

It was Trump who is out of control

It is like a bully asking......Not fair, why do the others not have to stand in the corner?
Last night was a total debacle. It was an embarrassment and an insult to voters. I'm embarassed to claim those two are the choices.

It was a sad day for our country
No kidding. And of course you place zero blame on our biased media, which has turned us against one another.

Blame the media?
It was Trump who turned the debate into a circus
What? We were already at each others throats. Media did this in 2016 by supporting the narrative that anyone who supports Trump is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe. Hence many Trump voters had to become the "silent majority". Cancel culture was given credence and violent protests were not covered accurately until the outlets saw their candidates suffer in the polls.

In my opinion the media should give you the fact and allow the viewers to form an opinion. Not try to form an opinion for the viewer.
Just STOP it.

It was not the media telling Trump how to behave last night

Since when isn't Chris Wallace a member of the Media?? Hell he's been a member for decades.

Once again, it was not Chris Wallace who was out of control and refusing to allow Biden or the moderator to speak
I hope the next leader of the world is Germany and not China, because we're now a mess.

The Free World once sought our leadership and looked at the US as an anchor of global security.

Even if we send Trump packing, the rest of the world will not come running back. They cannot trust us not to elect another Trump. They cannot trust us to keep our word. They cannot believe what we say
Now you speak for the rest of the world?

Pretty sure, Israel remains on our side. Same for South Korea. Japan. UK. Australia. Who do you mean by "the rest of the world"? You always deal in absolutes. I understand it is your way of trolling but this is why you don't have any credibility on this site. None. I get that you're a bored retiree with no life but at least try to put some effort into your posts.
Like this?

In at least seven nations, including key allies like Britain and Japan, approval ratings for the United States plunged to record lows. In Germany, just 26 percent of the respondents held a positive view of the United States — the lowest rating since 2003, the year of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Respondents or political leaders and the Post is super left leaning so their news or so called news has an agenda. Do you have a favorable view of France? Doesn’t matter. What matters is what view our decision makers have. Boris Johnson has a favorable view of Trump
I watched the first hour before I was tired of the shoutfest and went to bed.
What a freaking mess. Trump simply doesn't know when to shut up.
Biden passed his very low brow test, no one expecting much out of him - and we didn't get it.
Trump was a schoolyard bully. He hardly let Biden say two words without interrupting, so the last thing Biden had to worry about was having senior moments.... he never got a moment to show one.

In my opinion - Biden won. He won because he made it. He survived it. He did so without any major senile moments due to Trumps beating. Trump fucked it up like I was afraid he would. He looked childish, bullyish throwing tantrums. Absolutely terrible.
And he gave Biden great reasons to have no more debates.
I think that was the impression Chris Wallace gave everyone......because Wallace was there to keep Trump off of Biden.
Biden could interrupt Trump any time he wanted.....but Trump wasn't even allowed to finish his thoughts without Wallace going....but...but...but...but....this is a tactic Wallace uses on his Sunday shows. When he doesn't like the answer....he starts doing his motorboat routine. It's why I stopped watching his show.
This is a trend I've seen with debate moderators....the Republican isn't just debating the Democrat....he has to deal with an argumentative moderator as well.
In my opinion, all Trump had to do was show up and let Biden destroy himself. But it went the other way around. The debate isn't going to change anyone's mind that is already made up. Like both of ours. I am not voting for Biden now, just like I wasn't yesterday. But there are people on the fence. There are folks that can go either way, and last night I believe Trump took more hits than Biden. It was a schoolyard brawl, a complete mess.
And I do agree Wallace does indeed interrupt too much. It isn't a high school debate forum. That can add frustration to an already obvious tense debate. I agree he certainly interrupted Trump more than Biden, particularly when it was Trump's turn and he would start to talk and Wallace would interrupt simply to tell him it is his turn. That was dumb, and he did it 3 times by my count.
But in the end - I think for fence sitters... Biden looked better. Everyone was expecting little from him, but also expected him to falter and lose his place...confused.. but Trump never gave him more than 10 seconds to speak.
Trump was agressive and got his message across. Biden did not.
Chris Wallace claimed before the debate to want to be invisible...but he spent most of the debate defending Biden and admonishing Trump.
He also broke his own format.....2 mins for each candidate and then a period of free-discussion.
That lasted for one question....then it became ask Biden a question...then admonish Trump for interrupting him. Ask Biden another question.....and then admonish Trump for talking over him. Trump was never allowed to finish his thoughts. Biden was given at one point over 8 mins to answer two related questions and Trump had to sit there and stay quiet while it went on and on and on.
Wallace was just there saying, "Go ahead and finish what you had to say before you were so rudely interrupted President Biden".

He kept admonishing Trump because Trump kept breaking the rules that were agreed-upon prior to the debate
They both broke the rules....and even Wallace broke his own rules.
95% of the interruptions came from Trump
I guess the past what five presidents have been the most vociferous ones in debates. In the end people will remember Trump. This is likely what he was going for but in my opinion he made a mistake. If he didn't keep interrupting Biden, Slow Joe likely would have said something stupid on his own. Well he did when he refused to answer if he would pack the court and called Antifa an "idea".
I think because of them talking over each other....alot of the crap Biden was saying didn't become obvious.
I particularly had issues with the constant chuckling and sneering Biden did no matter what Trump was saying. When Biden was debating Paul Ryan 8 years ago for VP he was laughing like a Hyena through most of what he was saying. This is rude behavior and a habit of Biden's. Trump didn't allow Biden to get away with it. Biden acts like a jerk when he doesn't agree with someone. He calls them names like racist, clown, Dogfaced Pony Soldiers. Trump just hammered him even though Chris Wallace defended him at every opportunity.
Biden claims he doesn't know what his kid was doing in China, Ukraine, and in Russia.
Biden won't say who he would pick as a SCOTUS nominee.
Biden won't say that he doesn't support BLM & ANTIFA even while his VP pick supports them and encourages them with words and with bail.
Biden refused to answer questions.
I agree. I thought Wallace should have held him accountable.
Wallace wasn't there to hammer anyone but Trump.
Wallace was there to make sure Biden didn't lose his train of thought and make sure Trump isn't allowed to dominate the debate.

It was Trump who is out of control

It is like a bully asking......Not fair, why do the others not have to stand in the corner?
He came in with the hammer. Four years of frustrations with the media’s left bias came pouring out.
Last night was a total debacle. It was an embarrassment and an insult to voters. I'm embarassed to claim those two are the choices.

It was a sad day for our country
No kidding. And of course you place zero blame on our biased media, which has turned us against one another.

Blame the media?
It was Trump who turned the debate into a circus
What? We were already at each others throats. Media did this in 2016 by supporting the narrative that anyone who supports Trump is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe. Hence many Trump voters had to become the "silent majority". Cancel culture was given credence and violent protests were not covered accurately until the outlets saw their candidates suffer in the polls.

In my opinion the media should give you the fact and allow the viewers to form an opinion. Not try to form an opinion for the viewer.
Just STOP it.

It was not the media telling Trump how to behave last night

Since when isn't Chris Wallace a member of the Media?? Hell he's been a member for decades.

Once again, it was not Chris Wallace who was out of control and refusing to allow Biden or the moderator to speak

Trump wasn't any more out of control that Biden. Guess you missed Bidens interruptions but then you wouldn't admit he interrupted anyway.

Oh and Wallace is a member of the media. Carry on sheeple.
Last night was a total debacle. It was an embarrassment and an insult to voters. I'm embarassed to claim those two are the choices.

It was a sad day for our country
No kidding. And of course you place zero blame on our biased media, which has turned us against one another.

Blame the media?
It was Trump who turned the debate into a circus
What? We were already at each others throats. Media did this in 2016 by supporting the narrative that anyone who supports Trump is a racist, homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe. Hence many Trump voters had to become the "silent majority". Cancel culture was given credence and violent protests were not covered accurately until the outlets saw their candidates suffer in the polls.

In my opinion the media should give you the fact and allow the viewers to form an opinion. Not try to form an opinion for the viewer.
Just STOP it.

It was not the media telling Trump how to behave last night

Since when isn't Chris Wallace a member of the Media?? Hell he's been a member for decades.

Once again, it was not Chris Wallace who was out of control and refusing to allow Biden or the moderator to speak
But he also didn’t hold Biden accountable. He didn’t insist that Biden tell the voters if he supported packing the court. He didn’t insist that Biden explain why he thought Antifa was just an idea. He did not insist on Biden to explain Hunters role in Burisma and the confirmed payments for Russia to add to that. Never held Biden accountable.
That's what I would expect from CNN.. polling their own... I am surprised however that it wasn't 10/10. This means 4 out of ten of their left wing people didn't think Biden did well...

Actually, only 28% thought Trump won. The rest thought it was a draw.

Safe to say other than rallying the proud boys tonight’s debate did nothing for either candidate. I suspect more people were appalled by Trump than disappointed by Biden.

Good point. The thing is, six months of talking about "Sleepy Joe", Biden didn't have a very high bar to cross. He did what he had to do. He looked engaged and he hit back when needed.
That’s sad that’s all you think of Biden, presidential candidate, was to not mess up!
THe Biden camp buried the bar so Joe could walk over it without tripping... The bar was so low that Joe could have low-crawled over it on his belly.

The bar sti
It has been a sad day since COVID-19 hit.

No, what is sad is that Trump lied to us about how serious it was, refused to take actions to contain it because he was more concerned with the stock market, engaged in magical thinking to downplay the seriousness of the disease, undermined his own medical experts, openly undermined the governors taking the actions he refused to take, failed to use his powers to produce the resources needed to combat this thing. He made masks part of the culture war when they never should have been.

Every other industrialized country has done a better job at containing this thing than we have.

Government schools will be teaching this as an example of administrative failure for a century.
Of course he was concerned. Shutting down the economy and our schools and hospitals may end up killing more people than the virus itself. Governors took actions alright. NY, NJ and MA governors watched nearly 100k people die. And we have the most deaths because we are the unhealthiest country aka fat. I have explained this multiple times and provided links. Here they are again. Please educate yourself.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Obesity’s Role in COVID-19 Deaths: Big Food, Slow Government to Blame?

BMI and future risk for COVID-19 infection and death across sex, age and ethnicity: Preliminary findings from UK biobank

Even mild obesity linked to severe COVID-19, death, in study

Again, you parrot the lies of Donald Trump. Americans mental health is far more seriously affected by letting a killing disease run unchecked throughout the country than it is by shutting the country down.
Yes, the black woman scares you, we get that.

The reality- The fact that you guys are complaining so much about this debate shows how badly Trump did. And they won't get better for Trump, because Wallace was about as friendly as he was going to get. There will be a lot of pressure on future moderators to not let Trump get away with the garbage he got away with.

What an idiot you are. Assuming I don't want Harris because she is black... and even dumber because she isn't black you dolt.
Just because you think of everything in terms of race, doesn't mean everyone else does.
grow up
I hope the next leader of the world is Germany and not China, because we're now a mess.

The Free World once sought our leadership and looked at the US as an anchor of global security.

Even if we send Trump packing, the rest of the world will not come running back. They cannot trust us not to elect another Trump. They cannot trust us to keep our word. They cannot believe what we say
Now you speak for the rest of the world?

Pretty sure, Israel remains on our side. Same for South Korea. Japan. UK. Australia. Who do you mean by "the rest of the world"? You always deal in absolutes. I understand it is your way of trolling but this is why you don't have any credibility on this site. None. I get that you're a bored retiree with no life but at least try to put some effort into your posts.
Like this?

In at least seven nations, including key allies like Britain and Japan, approval ratings for the United States plunged to record lows. In Germany, just 26 percent of the respondents held a positive view of the United States — the lowest rating since 2003, the year of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

And?? Like people care what the rest of the world thinks of America??

I couldn't care less. The only time they want to hear from us is if they need money or they need us to fight a war for them. I'd say we shed enough blood for our so called allies.

No one but you cares about approval ratings. The only approval rating I care abut is the one that goes with my job. That means something.

Carry on sheeple.
That's what I would expect from CNN.. polling their own... I am surprised however that it wasn't 10/10. This means 4 out of ten of their left wing people didn't think Biden did well...

Actually, only 28% thought Trump won. The rest thought it was a draw.

Safe to say other than rallying the proud boys tonight’s debate did nothing for either candidate. I suspect more people were appalled by Trump than disappointed by Biden.

Good point. The thing is, six months of talking about "Sleepy Joe", Biden didn't have a very high bar to cross. He did what he had to do. He looked engaged and he hit back when needed.
That’s sad that’s all you think of Biden, presidential candidate, was to not mess up!
THe Biden camp buried the bar so Joe could walk over it without tripping... The bar was so low that Joe could have low-crawled over it on his belly.

The bar sti
It has been a sad day since COVID-19 hit.

No, what is sad is that Trump lied to us about how serious it was, refused to take actions to contain it because he was more concerned with the stock market, engaged in magical thinking to downplay the seriousness of the disease, undermined his own medical experts, openly undermined the governors taking the actions he refused to take, failed to use his powers to produce the resources needed to combat this thing. He made masks part of the culture war when they never should have been.

Every other industrialized country has done a better job at containing this thing than we have.

Government schools will be teaching this as an example of administrative failure for a century.
Of course he was concerned. Shutting down the economy and our schools and hospitals may end up killing more people than the virus itself. Governors took actions alright. NY, NJ and MA governors watched nearly 100k people die. And we have the most deaths because we are the unhealthiest country aka fat. I have explained this multiple times and provided links. Here they are again. Please educate yourself.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Obesity’s Role in COVID-19 Deaths: Big Food, Slow Government to Blame?

BMI and future risk for COVID-19 infection and death across sex, age and ethnicity: Preliminary findings from UK biobank

Even mild obesity linked to severe COVID-19, death, in study

Again, you parrot the lies of Donald Trump. Americans mental health is far more seriously affected by letting a killing disease run unchecked throughout the country than it is by shutting the country down.
Please stop interfering in our elections and no it isn’t . People want to live. Americans are risk takers. They don’t want the Govt telling us how to live. The survival rate from COVID if you’re under 70 is 99.97%. I have a greater chance of dying from a car accident than COVID. Oh and I am currently working while typing to you. It’s called multitasking. Again, please stop interfering in our elections. Worry about yourself.

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