Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I don't think solely because someone naked voted is a reason to tear into the player in and of themselves.

Sometimes a bad vote is overexplained. You compare that speech to known baselines.

Exactly, you can catch them via that explanation.
House, have you played before? If so where?

I've played on a few sites. My role at the start was to teach people how to play.
Prior to the game start, in the signup thread and/or the Mafia Discussion thread she mentioned a health problem. Wake knows about the long-term effects of anesthesia, as do I - a player under the influence would be a serious problem in a two-person Mafia team. The other player would be pretty much flying solo. So I very very very much doubt that she's Scum.
Again, what is it that you simply cannot understand about RANDOM.

Roles are random PERIOD. Wake has stated this a dozen damn times. Life, play style, V/LA - it does not matter one whit as to weather or not you pulled a scum roll. To do otherwise would ruin the integrity of the game over the long term.
I can see naked voting if you don't have a good lead and are o.k. with the lynch and it's close to deadline and others who you think are townie-like are making a good case.

Or if you think the person is scummy as hell.

As a side note, I hate insomnia.
Again, what is it that you simply cannot understand about RANDOM.

Roles are random PERIOD. Wake has stated this a dozen damn times. Life, play style, V/LA - it does not matter one whit as to weather or not you pulled a scum roll. To do otherwise would ruin the integrity of the game over the long term.

Game 4 reset.
Swap: T
Prior to the game start, in the signup thread and/or the Mafia Discussion thread she mentioned a health problem. Wake knows about the long-term effects of anesthesia, as do I - a player under the influence would be a serious problem in a two-person Mafia team. The other player would be pretty much flying solo. So I very very very much doubt that she's Scum.
Again, what is it that you simply cannot understand about RANDOM.

Roles are random PERIOD. Wake has stated this a dozen damn times. Life, play style, V/LA - it does not matter one whit as to weather or not you pulled a scum roll. To do otherwise would ruin the integrity of the game over the long term.

Roles are random period. That being said, mafia is a social game. It can be taken into account when you're reading a player. The health problem doesn't affect random role generation. It should affect how the player is read.
change my vote to, vote: tn5421

OMGUS vote, low on explanation. Feel free to reply with some since I only scoured the thread for instances of "vote: tn5421"

Well, I have been known to make bizarre choices before. That said, even I would not be crazy enough to allow myself to be recruited to be the scum team's PR minion in their much needed to win town clique.

VOTE: tn5421

I disagree with this based on the assumption you make that mertex is confirmed scum. She's not confirmed anything and I'm giving her a shot to prove herself.

Vote: TN5421

I just don't see town throwing away so many abilities by using his on Mertex and trying to get someone else to also. This uses up a lot of abilities and hurts town considering she could be scum or not pick someone targeted which would really be a huge waste. TN should know better considering he's got quite a bit of Mafia experience.

I disagree with your claim of 'throwing away powers'. Almost all of our powers become useless after day 2, explain how this is any more wasteful than the powers simply not being used.

Fair point.

I've suspected tn for some time, and he tops my list.


Vote: tn5421

I disagree with this, but at least you have a reason (and i forgot to open the link before replying, so expect a reply specifically for this in a minute)

VOTE: tn5421

Warning: tn is now at L-1.

Naked vote given and excused because it put me at L-1. Did you even give a reason?
Before I go to sleep, I should leave some basic words about multiball.

In a multiball game, scumhunting is more difficult and easier at the same time. Scum can appear town because they are scumhunting, but for the other scum. However, they will still have a basic survival instinct. Do not expect scum to appear scumlike completely.

House, do you hate your power?
[QUOTE="ScarletRage, post: 9683372, member: 49728"
House, do you hate your power?[/QUOTE]

It was pretty nice, damned shame I wasted it.

Rookie mistake.


There's something not sitting right with me about the tn/Mertex thing.

If Mertex has a PR (now that I know what that is!), it would make sense to burn a couple one-shots to protect her.

It feels like folks are stumbling over the differences between a PR and Ability. Which makes me think that maybe I'm the one confused over them. Either way, the vote has lost my confidence.
My strongest suspicions are solely on moonglow.

If you're about to burn an ability that tells you who town is, use the other selection on me.

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