Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

At this point I can't say much, but Cafe's Town, for sure. And she'll be V/LA directly.
Prior to the game start, in the signup thread and/or the Mafia Discussion thread she mentioned a health problem. Wake knows about the long-term effects of anesthesia, as do I - a player under the influence would be a serious problem in a two-person Mafia team. The other player would be pretty much flying solo. So I very very very much doubt that she's Scum.
For sure town?

Prior to the game start, in the signup thread and/or the Mafia Discussion thread she mentioned a health problem. Wake knows about the long-term effects of anesthesia, as do I - a player under the influence would be a serious problem in a two-person Mafia team. The other player would be pretty much flying solo. So I very very very much doubt that she's Scum.
Prior to the game start, in the signup thread and/or the Mafia Discussion thread she mentioned a health problem. Wake knows about the long-term effects of anesthesia, as do I - a player under the influence would be a serious problem in a two-person Mafia team. The other player would be pretty much flying solo. So I very very very much doubt that she's Scum.

Who is this talking about?
Deadline is Tues. at 1 pm Central. Is a NL something that would benefit town under the conditions of two NK's possible and even the smallest chance of a mislynch maybe being more harmful than the info. it would provide?

I mean, worse case, that could be 3 town down? Perhaps we can just analyze this wagon and any potential NK's and see where that take us?

In normal situations a D1 NL is stupid. Is it here also?
Wolf, yes on day 1.

Day 1 is the day where scum are least likely to bus. After day 1, you start counting bodies to see if it is wise to NL or Lynch. We have quite a few lynches to spare. More if scum NK.

Given the amount of immune people, I wouldn't freak out.
Personally, I hate the idea of lynching a smart Townie.

The problem here is that TN isn't fighting very hard for himself.

As for analyzing wagons, Town always fails horribly at analysis. Worse yet, by the time the next Day starts, everyone has amnesia and they simply run after the first shiny object.
Since I don't have the experience to feel comfortable speculating, I will ask this:

What happens under the following scenarios...

tn lynched, flips scum
tn lynched, flips town
no lynch

Personally, I hate the idea of lynching a smart Townie.

The problem here is that TN isn't fighting very hard for himself.

As for analyzing wagons, Town always fails horribly at analysis. Worse yet, by the time the next Day starts, everyone has amnesia and they simply run after the first shiny object.

If by remote odds, I'm alive in a few days, I can show you how an analysis is done.
Since I don't have the experience to feel comfortable speculating, I will ask this:

What happens under the following scenarios...

tn lynched, flips scum
tn lynched, flips town
no lynch


If he's Scum, we all cheer. If he's Town, we look hard at whoever voted for him.

A no lynch, we may fail to kill a Scum.

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