Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

Mertex, Cafe explained it for you in post 1278. Do you understand now?
Its a waste of space at this point. She does not need to understand a metaphor - just that Cafe sees her actions as scummy. We should get past the whole comparison thing, its not really moving anything forward.
Grandma, could both wolf and tn be scum?

Sure they could.

The problem I'm having is that I've got 9 people I'm suspicious of. Other than Mertex I don't have much more to go on than slight changes in playstyle.

With Mafia as 2 teams they'll each work with Town to kill off the other team. So I'm pretty much lost.

My best guess now is Moonglow, he hasn't done anything towards helping Town.
It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.

Exactly. He went from being waaaaay too quiet, to basically blowing up all over everyone to defend a person who was behaving suspiciously.

What did he expect everyone to think?
Not the first time in the game, When TB was crowing about me being a confirmed Townie and want to have me modkilled, then he and Wolf Sista tried to convince the gamers that I was scum when their plan failed to try and get me to expose my role...
This morning I took my vote of Mertex, against my better judgement, at TN's request. It's one hell of a leap of faith that I'm taking there.

There are 3 ways to view his deal:

He's Town and he has a brilliant plan to protect PRs and possibly kill some Scum;

He's Scum and has a brilliant plan to kill of the other Scum team;

He's Scum and Night 1 will be a bloodbath.

@tn5421 - which is it?

If you're Town you're going to have to convince everyone...
I am already convinced of the scum team I previously mentioned and doubt I can or will be swayed...
I don't know for a fact that he is Town, but based on the fact that he was able to pick up on my clues, I would pretty much say he is Town. I'm not Scum, and you're going to be embarrassed when I flip town, not only because I'm Town but because you did Town a disfavor. Or, maybe you won't. I don't know. If you are Scum, you would certainly be pushing the idea that neither one of us (tn or me) are Town, but if you are Town, you would at least consider what I said. Vote for me, I don't care, at least that way you will then know that if we are working together it is because we are both Town, not Scum. I'm going to be NK, it's a foregone conclusion, you all have but made me declare why I shouldn't be lynched and Scum has picked up on it.

But, Wolf, if you are Scum, you are doing a good job of trying to convince others and nothing I say is going to make any difference to you. I've given up. The Townies always seem to just want to go along with Scum, and we as Townies will never win a game here.

Based in the discussions going on the two neighborhoods I am a member of, I think several people want you to be town but want you to be able to address their concerns as well. I picked up on your hint, and was hoping you would back peddle away from it instead of diving head first into. I assume most people's day one hints at PR are as likely as not just self-preservation ploys so it is what happens afterwards that makes me decide if they are likely true or not. At some point TN did not give you an out. At some point TN became very heavy-handed toward the rest of us when it came to you. Those are the reasons TN is sitting on the gallows and not you I think based in posts in the game thread and in the neighborhoods.

What perplexes me is that you have said you do not know if TN is scum or not, but seem more intent on defending him instead of yourself and are doing so almost as belligerent toward other town members as TN is over this if you are town. Yes we all make mistakes or plays that seemed right at the time we wish like heck we could take back. Yes your hand was sort of forced by other players beyond TN, but they are as interested in winning as you are.

Whether you believe it or not, it seems that it is yours and TN's attitudes that are the primary problem for most people more so than just your play choices. I took the time during not playing Game 4 to reflect on my play style. I personally prefer to play total 27/7 smack talk games, but I can do those other places. I realized that a lot of players here are older, have different sensitivities, and mine being abrasive might have been making the games less enjoyable for them, and since they spend a lot more time in this forum than I do, I adjusted to a style more like Clue than WWF Smackdown. You cannot answer for TN, but the question for you is the same---what is up with the belligerent play toward town?
You can speak to more than one neighborhood??
I have a 12 yo son that can beat you any day on being annoying...I thought QT places were only accessible by the members of the neighborhood only?
You can speak to more than one neighborhood??

Several of us can. Cafe's power was to create a new neighborhood but we also retained our old neighborhood. Keeping track of two neighborhoods and the game thread is a bit of work when things start get exciting in the game.
That's not true. I may be more valuable to Town remaining alive. And your questioning, if you are indeed Town is just going to make me a Target. So, way to go.

Here's the first place you suggested you were more than vanilla town.


Mertex had the ability to steal another's Ability.

That can be useful to either Scum or Town.

But Mertex was totally bummed about getting the Shield, which would bump her up from presumed Townie to a PR.

Why was she so bummed out? Why did she say that she won't use the shield?

Sorry, but that's straight up Scum.

Am I the only one that noticed that Mertex's play is completely different from Game 4?

Here is the post where Grandma mentioned you possibly having a PR. Not me.

No, that's not true. There are other situations where a Townie can protect another person, and even if that person is Scum, the Townie that protected them doesn't die.

Well, all I can say is that I am more valuable to town if I stay alive, but, I'm not an experienced player, so I don't know how to explain it to you any other way. If you don't understand what I am saying, then you will think what ever you want to think.

More instances of you claiming to be more than VT.

Vote: Grandma
FoS: Wolfsister77, Sgt_Gath, House

Every single person on the Mertex wagon right now is looking really scummy to me right now.
Only scum should want an outed Town PR lynched before the ability can be used.

So Mertex, you can see it was not me that outed you.
Okay, then does it make it harder to find scum in the QT for the neighborhood...??

I don't look for scum in the QT's. I look for town. I start with the assumption everybody is scum and then look for people playing pro-town.

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