Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.
It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.

Exactly. He went from being waaaaay too quiet, to basically blowing up all over everyone to defend a person who was behaving suspiciously.

What did he expect everyone to think?
It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?
Okay, so you don't care. Because others have made mistakes, I guess you are entitled to do the same.

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.
It makes a lot of sense. He doesn't know for sure that I am Town, just like you don't know for sure that he is Scum. But he was picking up on my clues, which obviously you are oblivious to.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.

Think of it this way, if you are able to. If he were to be Scum, and he was protecting me because I was Scum, would it matter which one you voted for? If he flips Town, I won't be around because you with your inability to pick up on what I was trying to get across to you, have made it now that someone had to shout it on the board, and Scum for certain are not going to miss an opportunity.

All I'm saying is that the reasoning you are voting for him doesn't make sense, and Scum is voting right in there with you because they have found a willing group of Townies to go along with them.

Good luck.
It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.

Exactly. He went from being waaaaay too quiet, to basically blowing up all over everyone to defend a person who was behaving suspiciously.

What did he expect everyone to think?

Well, maybe on the onset, you would think that he was Scum, but based on all the crap that has been exposed since then, Grandma lying through her teeth about my actions, and someone else having to point out why I made the choice I made, which is for sure going to get me NK, you would think that someone's light bulb would go on, but instead you are all heading full steam ahead and by the next day there are going to be 3 Townies dead, and you all still won't have a clue.
It is a sad commentary on Town that you all are voting for TN based on the fact that he was the only one that picked up on my reasoning for not wanting to use Shaitra's ability and trying to poke some sense into the rest of you. You all are doing the same thing as in Game 4 when there was a wagon on Grandma and everyone decided that she could not be scum, and she ended up being Scum and we ended up losing the game.

I seriously doubt that he would stick his neck out for me if he is Scum. He would have just gone along with the rest of you that can't seem to figure it out. If you really think that I am Scum and he's my partner, why don't you go ahead and vote for me, and then you can find out that I'm not Scum and therefore save yourself another Townie and go after the ones that were rabidly going after me. If you lynch NT, I'm going to be NK, you can count on it, and you will have lost 2 Townies, but I guess most of you like to see Town lose.

Guess we like to see town lose, eh? Seriously? Coming from the person who has voted for how many townies?

He stuck his neck out for someone he states he reads as "null" That makes no sense Mertex and I think you know it.

Allow me to ask, if he had behaved the same way with another player what would YOU be thinking? Right now you post as grateful to TN because you think he picked up on something which I get, but from other perspectives it looks very weird.

Exactly. He went from being waaaaay too quiet, to basically blowing up all over everyone to defend a person who was behaving suspiciously.

What did he expect everyone to think?

Right and that's why she is sticking up for him too. TN's behavior in this game is bizarre at best. There is nothing in his posts that reads town to me. From trying to get a player modkilled, to swearing and lashing out, to trying to get all the abilities outed and wasted in one night, to completely lying about saying Mertex is town and anyone voting for her at that time is scum. He's either her partner or trying to get on her side for some other purpose.

TN can answer for himself when he logs in. No one will hammer before tomorrow and Tues. is the deadline. Let's see what he says. My other alternative is Mertex. Her behavior is scummy also. One of these two should be lynched D1, IMO.
Mertex, How do you know TN is town? You say he doesn't know anyone's alignment? How do you know that. He's scummy. If he's scum, he wouldn't know who 2 of the scum are but would know everyone else. He said you were town and anyone voting for you is scum. How would he know that?

Listen, you are going to defend him anyway, that's a given.
Mertex, How do you know TN is town? You say he doesn't know anyone's alignment? How do you know that. He's scummy. If he's scum, he wouldn't know who 2 of the scum are but would know everyone else. He said you were town and anyone voting for you is scum. How would he know that?

Listen, you are going to defend him anyway, that's a given.

I don't know for a fact that he is Town, but based on the fact that he was able to pick up on my clues, I would pretty much say he is Town. I'm not Scum, and you're going to be embarrassed when I flip town, not only because I'm Town but because you did Town a disfavor. Or, maybe you won't. I don't know. If you are Scum, you would certainly be pushing the idea that neither one of us (tn or me) are Town, but if you are Town, you would at least consider what I said. Vote for me, I don't care, at least that way you will then know that if we are working together it is because we are both Town, not Scum. I'm going to be NK, it's a foregone conclusion, you all have but made me declare why I shouldn't be lynched and Scum has picked up on it.

But, Wolf, if you are Scum, you are doing a good job of trying to convince others and nothing I say is going to make any difference to you. I've given up. The Townies always seem to just want to go along with Scum, and we as Townies will never win a game here.
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!
Mertex, plenty of people saw your reasoning. What I don't understand is why you started claiming so early that you were beneficial to town. You only had 3 or 4 votes when you started yelling you were a PR.

I have a couple of questions for you. Did your ability have to be used day 1? If you were smart enough to see that stealing from a neighbor would look bad, why did you think people would look the other way when stole an ability from someone else? Finally, what ability were you looking for? What did you think was so great that you should try and steal it?
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.
OK, scratch one of the questions above. I did see you had to use your ability on day one or two.
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.

I believe Cafe meant to say you DIDN'T steal Grandma's ability....

You accuse other people of not understanding and the you don't even understand what Cafe was trying to say with the fable.
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.

I meant to say didn't, not did. Autocorrect is a PITA sometimes.

You can't see what I was trying to say, eh?

It was your actions, period.

You claim to have a PR, by using your scummy ability, you were greedy, wanting even more while supposedly already having a great PR, but you wanted someone else's 'better' ability in addition to your great PR, instead of laying low and not bring more attention to yourself, you activated a scummy ability, Just like the dog wanted yet another bone, but dropped his in the water and was left with nothing, because there was no second or better bone.

By using the scummy ability, you claim you have, it put you in the position of losing, or being NKed. So therefore, just like the greedy dog, you were going to possibly lose your life and your supposed powerful ability, by taking someone else's 'bone'.
Well, Grandma, based on all that you said before, that would make you rather Scummy. Before, if I didn't use it I was Scum, but now that I have used it, I'm not Town. Whoa, that ought to raise some red flags to the other Townies.
You used it to try and wiggle out of the fact that you look like scum. That is not something that is going to matter in changing my vote for you.

Thanks for the tip.

I thought getting our abilities out there would be pro-town, as it was explained to me that only scum are secretive.

You don't have to say, but I am assuming this was probably told to you by a neighbor? If that neighbor KNEW what your ability was and told you to use it, I would be taking a long hard look at the person. Because, I am pretty new to this game, but even I would know that was a bad thing and anti-town to do and would have told you not to activate that ability- UNLESS you believed your chosen target was scum. This statement is based wholly on whoever told you that, may have known what your ability was and then told you it would be pro-town.
Mertex, plenty of people saw your reasoning. What I don't understand is why you started claiming so early that you were beneficial to town. You only had 3 or 4 votes when you started yelling you were a PR.
First of all, I never claimed that I had a PR role. By giving clues that I had, I was hoping that Town would pick up on it and not fall for the lies that were being told by those that I believe are Scum. By not claiming, Scum can not know for sure whether I do have a PR role or not. You were the one that basically blurted it out, so if they didn't have a clue, once you blurted it out, I'm sure it became obvious to them.

Your post:
I was bitchy because Mertex used a scummy ability and stole my ability. I think I explained that pretty well too. Now even though I don't like what she did, you notice I'm not voting for her. I'm not because she's all but shouting from the rooftops that she is a PR. That definitely gives me pause. Now what I need to figure out is if she is telling the truth or trying to keep from getting lynched.

I have a couple of questions for you. Did your ability have to be used day 1? If you were smart enough to see that stealing from a neighbor would look bad, why did you think people would look the other way when stole an ability from someone else?

If the ability had been one that would have been really good for Town, and it was one that I could share its value, it would have been appreciated by other Townies, and if the person I stole it from turned out to be Scum, even more so.

Finally, what ability were you looking for?
Having no clues what abilities were out there, how can I possibly answer that question?

What did you think was so great that you should try and steal it?
Cafe had activated her ability, and it was one where she was able to form a new neighborhood. I thought that was cool, and maybe I would get one similar or just something that would be more valuable than the one I had. Maybe immunity from a NK for more than one night or something like that. And besides, Wake was going to reveal a member's ability if they died without using it. I'm sure had I been lynched/killed without using it most would have said it was a stupid move because I could have stole so and so's and helped town. Basically, I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.

I believe Cafe meant to say you DIDN'T steal Grandma's ability....

You accuse other people of not understanding and the you don't even understand what Cafe was trying to say with the fable.

I don't understand what she is trying to say with the fable. Why don't you explain it to me. She's comparing me to a dog who in trying to go for someone else's ability loses their own. I didn't lose my ability, I was able to use it, so how does that make sense?
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.

I meant to say didn't, not did. Autocorrect is a PITA sometimes.

You can't see what I was trying to say, eh?

It was your actions, period.

You claim to have a PR, by using your scummy ability, you were greedy, wanting even more while supposedly already having a great PR, but you wanted someone else's 'better' ability in addition to your great PR, instead of laying low and not bring more attention to yourself, you activated a scummy ability, Just like the dog wanted yet another bone, but dropped his in the water and was left with nothing, because there was no second or better bone.

By using the scummy ability, you claim you have, it put you in the position of losing, or being NKed. So therefore, just like the greedy dog, you were going to possibly lose your life and your supposed powerful ability, by taking someone else's 'bone'.

Whatever, Cafe.
Mertex-Why didn't you pick Grandma's NK immunity to steal?

I don't understand you and Cafe are asking me this question especially when both of you were the first to jump on my wagon when Grandma accused me of being scummy for having stolen Shaitra's abillity. Imagine what she would have been saying if I had stolen hers, considering she had claimed to be Town in the neighborhood and nobody was going to accuse anyone of being Scum in the neighborhood. Also, at that time I didn't feel like I needed "night" protection, it wasn't like I was a big target for Scum.

So what your saying is you did steal Grandma's ability because you did not want to appear to be scum or be accused of bring scum, while using a scummy ability (which did not have to be used) all the while knowing YOU should not bring attention to yourself since you are claiming som powerful PR. Got it.

It was YOUR actions which set all this drama into play and you can't see it. Sheesh!

It reminds me of the old fable where the dog sees his image in the water from a bridge above the water with a bone in his mouth. He decides he wants the bone in the reflection too, he drops his bone to grab the "other dogs bone" and loses his own!

I didn't steal Grandma's ability, so no, I'm not saying that. Don't know how you come up with such inane suppositions.

And of course, I didn't want to say or do something that would make me appear as Scum. Every Townie is aware of that. Stealing a neighbor's ability that I didn't even find appealing seems rather stupid to me. And your whole statement that I highlighted in blue doesn't make much sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.

It was not my actions that started the drama, it was the rabid ambition of those who jump at every single little thing and try to make it into something big that started the drama that caused me to have to virtually disrobe to prove my Town alignment.

And, I didn't lose my own ability, so your inane adage about a dog losing his own falls flat because I don't see the connection.

I believe Cafe meant to say you DIDN'T steal Grandma's ability....

You accuse other people of not understanding and the you don't even understand what Cafe was trying to say with the fable.

I don't understand what she is trying to say with the fable. Why don't you explain it to me. She's comparing me to a dog who in trying to go for someone else's ability loses their own. I didn't lose my ability, I was able to use it, so how does that make sense?

You stole an ability ( greedy, when you claim to have a great PR already) then you said you would not use because it was "dangerous for yourself and possibly town". Therefore, because you were greedy you ended up in a situation where you lost instead of gained. Not only you but you put town in a precarious position.

I am not comparing you to a dog, I am comparing your actions to a well known fable.

Story Arts Aesop s ABC The Dog and His Bone
If the ability had been one that would have been really good for Town, and it was one that I could share its value, it would have been appreciated by other Townies, and if the person I stole it from turned out to be Scum, even more so.
Bingo. But you didnt wait to steal from scum, did you? You didnt steal from one that you were voting for or, as far as I can tell, someone that was at the top of your scum list, did you?

No, you didn't and that is because I suspect you are scum and taking an ability from anyone was worth it - the target really didn't matter.

Maybe you are not scum - there is always that possibility - and day one predictions are rarely correct but that is a WIFOM deal and quite frankly I am not going to play into that. You have done scummy things, sounded scummy today and have not done anything that I would consider showing you to be town.

Therefor you and TN have earned my vote. TN's lynch will tell me more than yours and that is why my vote is there. IF he turns up town then we can go from there and maybe we can discuss other potential scum players. If he flips scum then I don't really see you being anything but his partner.

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