Official Usmb Mafia Game #5: A Game Of Fire And Ice (day 6)

I find it strange that Mertex knew Grandma had NK immunity for night 1 due to the neighborhood and didn't steal it.
I am on the fence about this idea because to steal it would have been seen as a betrayal - it was disclosed after all in the neighborhood - and that might have seen FAR scummier than stealing an ability off a random townie.

My opinion though is that she should have tried to steal an ability from scum. I don't recall her voting for shiatra and that makes me quite suspicious since she chose another target.

lol... FA and I are on the same page.
It's also possible that Grandma's scum, and simply used the immunity ability to throw everyone off.

Wake did say that abilities were parceled out without consideration to role, after all.
Was Mertex required to use her ability day 1?

How do the dynamics between TN and Mertex not add up?

Day 1 or Day 2. I find it strange that TN came in out of nowhere and started throwing an ability to protect her and then trying to get someone else do it too and saying she is town for using the shield after being pressured into it. It's like he was trying to expose abilities and get us to believe Mertex is town. It doesn't add up.
Was Mertex required to use her ability day 1?

How do the dynamics between TN and Mertex not add up?

Day 1 or Day 2. I find it strange that TN came in out of nowhere and started throwing an ability to protect her and then trying to get someone else do it too and saying she is town for using the shield after being pressured into it. It's like he was trying to expose abilities and get us to believe Mertex is town. It doesn't add up.

Especially after I pointed out that it could be a useful scum ploy to throw off the scent. Like, almost immediately after.
Was Mertex required to use her ability day 1?

How do the dynamics between TN and Mertex not add up?

Day 1 or Day 2. I find it strange that TN came in out of nowhere and started throwing an ability to protect her and then trying to get someone else do it too and saying she is town for using the shield after being pressured into it. It's like he was trying to expose abilities and get us to believe Mertex is town. It doesn't add up.

Especially after I pointed out that it could be a useful scum ploy to throw off the scent. Like, almost immediately after.

This is why I'm voting for TN.
Was Mertex required to use her ability day 1?

How do the dynamics between TN and Mertex not add up?
Mertex was acting scummy as far as I can tell and TN went absolutely ballistic. Then he used his special on her as well as request that I do the same. It was also all over the fact that Mertex had a one shot meat shield ability - something I would NOT consider worth that level of concern. This is both uncharacteristic of TN and confusing. It has made me think that him and Mertex are on the same team and he is trying to save a sinking ship - after all a scum team that looses a single member loses half its team and will almost certainly lose. That is the only thing I can think of to warrant throwing it all out there like that. A TN lynch gives us the most info as well in my mind as it would have impacts on my reasoning for a few of my scum picks.
Compelling arguments. Might as well all consolidate the vote on one suspected scum character, rather than splitting it up.



Vote: TN

VC when you can.

tn has 6 votes now, by my count.

This is fine as it takes 9 to lynch. I'm going to be away for a lot of the day so I need to explain this to those who don't know.

If TN gets to 8, that's L-1-lynch minus 1. If someone is going to cast the hammer vote-the last vote to lynch, they need to declare intent to hammer and give TN a chance to claim. If we approach deadline on the 26th with no consensus that is a no-lynch and completely undesirable for D1 so we need to come to a consensus before then. Hammering too quickly has been a problem in past games and so has the NL (no lynch) debate. Basically, we need the info. a flip will show us.

Just an FYI.

VC when you can.

tn has 6 votes now, by my count.

This is fine as it takes 9 to lynch. I'm going to be away for a lot of the day so I need to explain this to those who don't know.

If TN gets to 8, that's L-1-lynch minus 1. If someone is going to cast the hammer vote-the last vote to lynch, they need to declare intent to hammer and give TN a chance to claim. If we approach deadline on the 26th with no consensus that is a no-lynch and completely undesirable for D1 so we need to come to a consensus before then. Hammering too quickly has been a problem in past games and so has the NL (no lynch) debate. Basically, we need the info. a flip will show us.

Just an FYI.

This is good info to know. What does "give TN a chance to claim" mean? Claim what, exactly? That he's town? Who wouldn't?
Okay, I'm going to get some work done before I waste the day away.

Be back in 12-14 hours. Possibly sooner.

VC when you can.

tn has 6 votes now, by my count.

This is fine as it takes 9 to lynch. I'm going to be away for a lot of the day so I need to explain this to those who don't know.

If TN gets to 8, that's L-1-lynch minus 1. If someone is going to cast the hammer vote-the last vote to lynch, they need to declare intent to hammer and give TN a chance to claim. If we approach deadline on the 26th with no consensus that is a no-lynch and completely undesirable for D1 so we need to come to a consensus before then. Hammering too quickly has been a problem in past games and so has the NL (no lynch) debate. Basically, we need the info. a flip will show us.

Just an FYI.

This is good info to know. What does "give TN a chance to claim" mean? Claim what, exactly? That he's town? Who wouldn't?

His role as Town. Don't kill me, I'm the Doctor.....

......and someone else says "No you aren't't because I am".

Before anyone gets it twisted, I am NOT the Doctor. And that's the truth. Pfffft.

Regards from Rosie
I've been leaning TN in my thinking lately as well.
@Wake was the elemental protection give someone one shot protection or for the entire game?

If it's a one shot protection it acts like the bulletproof ability. It seems like an odd ability to use day 1. I think it would be more practical using it later on unless it had to be used day one or two.

if it's protection for the whole game, day one has makes more sense to me.

but I really don't understand why using it on mertex. Does she have immunity if she blocks an ice target or only if ice targets her directly? I guess I just don't understand the nature of the protection. If I did I could better figure out whether TN's move makes sense from a town standpoint. Because the use doesn't seem to benefit town that much right now.
Hence the word probably and not conftown. Good logic is good.

Regardless, Mertex and Grandma are not on the same scum faction. Mertex would not steal a useless ability for her knowing it was useless.

Are we sure that Mertex even knew what Shait's ability was before she stole it?

I thought her story was that she was hoping Shait had something more useful than Shield.

Yes, she thought I would have something more useful.

SR's comment has me thinking though. Many of us have wondered why Mertex didn't steal Grandma's ability if she is so worried about being NK'ed. Maybe Mertex really doesn't have to worry about being NK'ed.

VC when you can.

tn has 6 votes now, by my count.

This is fine as it takes 9 to lynch. I'm going to be away for a lot of the day so I need to explain this to those who don't know.

If TN gets to 8, that's L-1-lynch minus 1. If someone is going to cast the hammer vote-the last vote to lynch, they need to declare intent to hammer and give TN a chance to claim. If we approach deadline on the 26th with no consensus that is a no-lynch and completely undesirable for D1 so we need to come to a consensus before then. Hammering too quickly has been a problem in past games and so has the NL (no lynch) debate. Basically, we need the info. a flip will show us.

Just an FYI.

This is good info to know. What does "give TN a chance to claim" mean? Claim what, exactly? That he's town? Who wouldn't?

His role as Town. Don't kill me, I'm the Doctor.....

......and someone else says "No you aren't't because I am".

Before anyone gets it twisted, I am NOT the Doctor. And that's the truth. Pfffft.

Regards from Rosie

we don't know any roles. There could be no drs. There could be two for all we know.

or someone might have an ability to give another person a Dr or cop role like the jailkeeper. I'm leaning more that direction if we have any.
Hence the word probably and not conftown. Good logic is good.

Regardless, Mertex and Grandma are not on the same scum faction. Mertex would not steal a useless ability for her knowing it was useless.

Are we sure that Mertex even knew what Shait's ability was before she stole it?

I thought her story was that she was hoping Shait had something more useful than Shield.

Yes, she thought I would have something more useful.

SR's comment has me thinking though. Many of us have wondered why Mertex didn't steal Grandma's ability if she is so worried about being NK'ed. Maybe Mertex really doesn't have to worry about being NK'ed.

thought occured to me too. Not surprising since I've seen the thinking in the hoods too. It's a logical conclusion. But not wanting to look really scummy with the neighbors might be a good excuse for her not doing that.
I also do not see the tn mertex link. If tn is scum with mertex then his behavior is suboptimsl. The more optimal approach would have been to make a townie/other scum (unwittingly) immune to the opposite element he is.

For instance, if TN is fire scum making Mertex immune to ice is best.

This would ensure more scumvoting available for tomorrow since ice scum already know they cannot kill Mertex in that scensrio.

Vote TN

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