Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Leave Avi alone. I will wait one more day and see if this plan works and then switch my vote to who I think the SK is.

I think Avi is town and I've asked for a case on him and no one's provided it so you won't get my vote then.

House is also town.

Moonglow and Wake are scummy.

Arden has my vote for reasons I've stated.

I have no good read on anyone else yet.
Try to dethread the issue already agreed upon already?? My, my...Throwing out accusations and vote changing flip flop of epic proportions. you give yourself away easily....

odd response. Are you scum reading wolf?
Why of course. I have since the game started along with Arden...
Leave Avi alone. I will wait one more day and see if this plan works and then switch my vote to who I think the SK is.

I think Avi is town and I've asked for a case on him and no one's provided it so you won't get my vote then.

House is also town.

Moonglow and Wake are scummy.

Arden has my vote for reasons I've stated.

I have no good read on anyone else yet.
Try to dethread the issue already agreed upon already?? My, my...Throwing out accusations and vote changing flip flop of epic proportions. you give yourself away easily....

odd response. Are you scum reading wolf?
Why of course. I have since the game started along with Arden...

with Arden, are you working together or something?
Leave Avi alone. I will wait one more day and see if this plan works and then switch my vote to who I think the SK is.

I think Avi is town and I've asked for a case on him and no one's provided it so you won't get my vote then.

House is also town.

Moonglow and Wake are scummy.

Arden has my vote for reasons I've stated.

I have no good read on anyone else yet.
Try to dethread the issue already agreed upon already?? My, my...Throwing out accusations and vote changing flip flop of epic proportions. you give yourself away easily....

odd response. Are you scum reading wolf?
Why of course. I have since the game started along with Arden...

with Arden, are you working together or something?
Is that why I have him on lynch vote?
Leave Avi alone. I will wait one more day and see if this plan works and then switch my vote to who I think the SK is.

I think Avi is town and I've asked for a case on him and no one's provided it so you won't get my vote then.

House is also town.

Moonglow and Wake are scummy.

Arden has my vote for reasons I've stated.

I have no good read on anyone else yet.
Try to dethread the issue already agreed upon already?? My, my...Throwing out accusations and vote changing flip flop of epic proportions. you give yourself away easily....

odd response. Are you scum reading wolf?
Why of course. I have since the game started along with Arden...

with Arden, are you working together or something?
Is that why I have him on lynch vote?

I have no idea. That's. Why I'm asking
does voting for me make you feel better? I'm hoping it will cure your hostility for me. But you aren't going to be happy if you lynch me. Cause I'll flip town

( emphasis added)

Okay , with Avatars reluctance or should I say questioning our plan for the SK, his suggested crumbing in one post and then the post above with the words "cure" in it, I think our head doc needs to cure Avatar. Anyone else see this? Or am I going crazy?

you're not crazy. Nor am I.

and I'm not the serial killer.

you guys are bound and determined to get me killed aren't you?

That is not true. In fact, part of my long post was trying to see where you might be coming from with your posts about our plan for SK. If you are the SK, curing you will not get you killed, it will make you one of us and conftown ta' boot.

trust me, the cure won't work on me.

it's not the cure that I'm worried about killing me. Either you guys try to lynch me for wanting to scum hunt. Or you suggest to the scum that I'm a sk and get them to whack me. Or you get the psychiatrist to waste the cure attempt on me and the sk kills me along with others.

No "you guys", that's baloney. I have not suggested you be lynched or voted you. I tried to see where you might be coming from with your reasoning, several posts ago. Nor am I trying to get "scum to whack you". I believe we should be scum hunting and I thought I was clear about that several posts ago. No one suggested you be lynched for suggesting scum hunting as far as I can see. I thought you were crumbing with the word "cure" and you mentioning "crumbing", you deny it, fine. If you said to me, our head doc will waste a shot at you, because I misread what I thought were clues from you, I might see where you are coming from- but I thought that is what you meant with your posts. Please look at your posts to see where I got that idea. I did not just whip it up in my head.
relax cafe. I understand where you are coming from. I can see where you got the idea. And I'm confident the psych won't waste a shot on me. I'm not the sk. Who knows maybe the sk will come forward when scarlet and Arden respond
Leave Avi alone. I will wait one more day and see if this plan works and then switch my vote to who I think the SK is.

I think Avi is town and I've asked for a case on him and no one's provided it so you won't get my vote then.

House is also town.

Moonglow and Wake are scummy.

Arden has my vote for reasons I've stated.

I have no good read on anyone else yet.
Try to dethread the issue already agreed upon already?? My, my...Throwing out accusations and vote changing flip flop of epic proportions. you give yourself away easily....

odd response. Are you scum reading wolf?
Why of course. I have since the game started along with Arden...

with Arden, are you working together or something?

If I read it correctly, I think he was saying he was scum reading Wolf, along with Arden since we started to play.
And I'm not just going to agree just because everyone else is, so if you're thinking that get it out of your head right now.

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