Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

OK-I think Avi is town and I like SR's hypoclaim plan. However, I intensely dislike Arden's active lurking and the fact that she lied about me in her RVS vote and has done nothing about it for day and says she's not going to go along with the plan just because we do without even reading it.

Vote: Arden
Ok. It looks like the sk will not claim.

Tomorrow, we should all claim who is not sk as if we were Psychiatrist. That way if Psychiatrist flips, we have a list of not the sk.

I don't understand this, what do you mean?

Hypoclaiming. You know, pro-town stuff you hate.
I like my ass.

Wait, what?

Thank you.

You're... welcome... ?

Who are your scumreads?

Avatar & Wake, with a side order of lean-scum on Arden pending contributions.


That was me calling you out for buddying. Blah.

Arden, possibly one of House AV.
So, my question is, should I point out what I think might be an SK crumb and who said it?

Town: Yes or No?
Hmmmm, I re-checked and didn't see any House buddying that SR is pointing out. He did seem a little appeasy after I voted him yesterday but he also called me an idiot for it so I still think he's town. If anyone would know about House scum-buddying people it would be me. Besides after this game, I wonder about your ability to read House although you got me figured out anyway. Micro 402 Chairman Mafia - GG bull

I will repeat that Avi is town also. Everyone please try to look at the players calmly, and rationally and not jump on the wagon because someone else says so. It looks suspicious.

Besides Arden, I have Wake and Moonglow as an FoS. House's townread is weaker than before, I'm wishing more of you would display town like behavior but I don't really see it so far from most of you except Avi and House.

Also, Fair warning. Arden is at L-2. It's exactly where she belongs until she contributes but be aware if you vote her again that she's only 2 away from lynch and needs time to give thoughts. Deadline is not until the 3rd.
Should I reveal the SK crumb?


When the majority of you say yes, I'll do so and we can discuss if I'm right or not so I need 4 more yes votes. I am a yes also.
Actually, screw that. There's no reason for me not to say but before I do so, I WANT EVERYONE TO STFU ABOUT WHO YOU THINK THE VAMP IS. Why? Because you are helping scum. They will target that person N1 and if they are town, they will be killed and if they are the vamp, scum will recruit them. Just NO.

OK So what do you guys think about this? IMO use of the word serial in a post means you have that word in you role PM:

Moonglow, who you think feels suspicious so far?
Myself, as usual....

But I know that it's payback time for the serial players.. So you and I have a newby status.. I know you can't trust several people,,,but I am leary of emotive attacks and will just have to say that Wolf is scum as usual...but that is homeostasis...

OK, Discuss......................................
I'm really not sure what to make of Grandma's and Wolfie's latest exchange.

House and Cafe, please weigh in.

Avatar, if you had the power to hammer a player at this very moment, who would it be and why?

first impression would be house. His game play annoys me. But that's an emotional reaction. I think he's town right now.

I don't have any scum reads yet so I wouldn't hammer anyone if I could.

Willingness to hammer a town read is scummy. Even acknowledging it is an emotional reaction, that is still undermining town's win con.

i don't know that i agree with the only scum will hunt the sk. We have a townie with a pr that specifically addresses the serial killer. He or she would need to hunt the sk in an effort to cure him or her.

Promoting hunting the SK (which is an entirely different beast from our plan of appealing to recruit the SK) is traditionally recognized as scummy behavior. Scum has a vested interest in ridding itself of the competition, because they are just as vulnerable to an SK as town (arguably moreso).

Message to the sk: If you happen to want to join town, don't use your NK because that would ultimately undermine your own win con in the long run.

I'm not sure that's true. Until the sk is cured his or her win condition is still killing anyone. And he or she could kill the scum at night.

I tend to think the serial killer outing his or herself on the hope to get cured only helps scum. Because they won't have him or her nk them and then they can kill him so we lost any advantage there is to the town

Refuses to acknowledge that cutting NK's in half is an advantage to town. This is basic strategy and I am sure Avatar is aware of how much NK's hurt town.

Okay, I get that. But the SK mission is to kill them and us. So when he or she targets their scum choices at first, but is wrong- We still take the hit until they get it right. And if I recall our psychologist only works on odd nights, this mean unless the SK hits scum or the scum hit the SK- we lose two off the bat night 1.

I'm fine with SK taking out Avatar. He might think twice about advocating SK hunting in the future.

so you want the serial killer to kill a townie? Odd considering you were asking him to confess to be cured.

maybe you are the serial killer and this is all a ruse to deflect attention

Poor attempt at deflection; zero reasoning or supporting evidence for his blatant accusation.

Oh... and he didn't even vote me after making such a serious accusation because he was hoping someone else would start the wagon. If he was town-Avatar, that post would have had a vote attached.

if I'm the doctor I'll protect the sk
if I'm the psychiatrist I'll heal the sk.

ill go along with this. Mostly because I'm curious to see if it actually works.

but what's to prevent the scum from claiming to be the sk to get us to waste a night protection and cure use?

Poor attempt at doubtcasting the plan to recruit the SK.

or what if the vampire claimed to be the serial killer to be recruited?

That's just stupid. The vampire would be more likely to fakeclaim a PR role.

@Vampire: Claim today and I will campaign to lynch you to maintain your town alignment so you can also win with town.

We are taking scum down this game, get out in front of this train.

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today

Unless it's his role to decide on, his opinion on the rationale is irrelevant. Suggests to me that he is vampire.

Also, post# 309

I'm skeptical of the "claim so we can kill you" tactic. It's not rational.

id much rather kill scum then the vampire today

I'd rather lynch the vampire before it is recruited by scum, convert the SK before he can kill anyone, and lynch scum D2 and D3 and win this thing in record time. Wouldn't any townie? Right Avi?

you seem to be sheeping house a bit this game.

I don't see how these tactics are pro town. Or how they are going to be effective. You guys are asking people to claim so they can be killed. Suicide is contrary to our win conditions in most cases.

I feel like we are wasting time with useless tactics when we could be hunting scum

Attempting to shame Wolfie for pursuing a pro-town strat, simultaneously doubtcasting the strategy itself.

occasionally we do lynch scum day one. Isn't that right moonglow?

Attempts to drag Moonglow into the discussion, hoping Moonglow will do something to attract attention (kudos to Moon).

FA_Q2 makes a pertinent observation in post# 359

hmm FA sheeping house too. Preferring crazy schemes over genuine scum hunting. Why is that?

this whole let's convert the sk and ask the vampire to reveal his or herself is a distraction and doesn't help us find scum. Why? No one is going to volunteer to be killed

it just gives scum an excuse to avoid scum hunting.

and we still have scarlet and Arden saying next to nothing this game. No one finds that at all odd. Ardens cryptic random vote still has not been addressed.

so let's get back to scum hunting.

Further attempts to undermine the SK recruitment, playing up the possibility that the SK will be killed at every opportunity (which is a likelihood regardless of their alignment).

I still like the deal with the SK...It has a chance to work...

well he it she hasn't taken it yet. Though having them crumb might be better

Nobody is buying his undermining attempts, so he further tries to derail the recruitment by suggesting the SK crumb instead. This is stupid, because:

1) The crumb would have to be picked up on by the doctor AND shrink, yet NOT scum - and just how likely is that?
2) Scum might pick up the crumb when one of our PR's miss it - now how likely is THAT?
3) The correct answer is #2 is most likely by a long shot.

so let's get back to scum hunting.

Hollow words. If you were sincere, you would have been scum hunting, or at the very least, started.

How about being the change you want to see in the game?

I have been. I'd you haven't noticed I am voting for someone I find suspicious and who hasn't answered questions. I've been directing you to people who have been hiding, sheeping, using this tangent as cover not to hunt at all. I've also been trying to divert you away from schemes you are conceiving which are designed to fail back to the task at hand.

when you start voting again, or asking questions talk to me about my "failure" yo scum hunt. Until then your just helping the scum.

Claims the plan to recruit the SK is just helping scum; undermines everyone who supports it.

plea bargains dont usually require Simone put their head in a noose or stand in front of a firing squad

True dat, but this isn't a normal case.

(@ everyone - Is it me, or does Avi look like Vamp?)

I am not the vamp. Though I doubt if be coming forward if I was. I'd be playing the game. Half the fun would be trying to draw the recruit.

no. This time I am town. So I am going to hunt scum. Not an unexciting role. Trying to figure out how to change your minds when your wrong and figuring who is deceiving the group. The fun of playing is figuring people out

Wolfsister77: This is a dumb reason to decide somebody is probtown. Scum!Avatar or Vamp!Avatar (as he himself admits!) has every reason to say the same thing.

does voting for me make you feel better? I'm hoping it will cure your hostility for me. But you aren't going to be happy if you lynch me. Cause I'll flip town

Funny he should crumb SK after advocating for the SK to crumb instead of claim...

I'm not. Thought you might be though cafe

What's that? He wasn't crumbing, you say?

Sorry been busy. Can someone give cliff notes?

house proposed a plan to try to cure the serial killer by having him or her out themselves. Everyone has gone along with it but I've been vocal on it not being likely to work and is distracting actual scum hunting. So naturally people are mad at me

Arden hasn't said anything that is really coherent other than a weird random vote.

Just to remove doubt as to his crumbing, he posted about the plan to "cure" the SK (we've been discussing recruiting/converting them)

If he's not the SK, he's scum trying to draw out our PR's to waste their abilities on him.

Avi's the Vampire.

It's so frustrating when people don't see the simple truth.

then you can understand why I'm frustrated at the moment.

If the SK is targeted by the Psych overnight and they send in a kill, does the kill go through or not?

Which action resolves first?

That depends upon who gets the PM in first. If the Psych gets the PM in first, then assuming the player to be treated is the SK, the SK will not get a NK.
Above should read SK for t

If the SK is targeted by the Psych overnight and they send in a kill, does the kill go through or not?

Which action resolves first?

That depends upon who gets the PM in first. If the Psych gets the PM in first, then assuming the player to be treated is the SK, the SK will not get a NK.


Does this hold true if the Psyche targets the NK and scum NK the Psyche also?>

The first one should be SK.

If you see a PR crumb, or you think you see one, whether or not it is a crumb should NOT be up for discussion.

STFU about it!!

What good does it do town for you to pursue this angle? You are endangering potential PR's and HELPING SCUM.


This does not hold true for the SK as that is not a pro-town role that we want dead or converted.

I should not have to point this out!!

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