Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)


Also, Avatar is scum.


Where did this come from? I'm genuinely confused about why you are so angry....................

sounds like he needs to lie down and share his feelings with someone. Maybe after the psychiatrist cures the sk he can have a sit down with house

I don't like how you are taunting him. I feel kind of bad actually. His emotions feel genuine to me.

Seeing how i have been not really paying attention and now going reading some things. I am going to add in this executive rule:

You can not quote/announce the timeframe you sent your PM action (if you have one)

This is to prevent everyone from trying to use the timestamps to account for how/when actions

Doing so will result in punishment up to modkill
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum
He played the same in the last game I played with him in it. I mentioned before about pulling the rug at the last moment to trip up players..
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum
He played the same in the last game I played with him in it. I mentioned before about pulling the rug at the last moment to trip up players..

I'm starting to feel he's using emotional blackmail on me. I guess he could be scum. I didn't think so but who knows?

Also, Avatar is scum.


House - WTF? Is rage a posting restriction too?

I'm pretty sure that Avi is Town.

And I'm sure that the SK and Vampire should claim. Be heroes!

moonglow might be a good sk candidate
CK is closer since I like cereal...

Psyche-Hit this N1 please.

Also, if anyone else besides myself and Grandma wants to declare you are not the SK, that would be good.

I think it's someone who wants to play and kill. If it isn't Moon, then Wake is my next choice.

Arden should probably be the lynch D1.

So, town: SR, Avi, Moon unless he's the SK-SK can play town pretty well since they need to scumhunt,

Scum: Arden, Wake, maybe House

Null: Shaitra, FA, Cafe, Grandma

I have too many nulls but that's the way this game is.
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum
He played the same in the last game I played with him in it. I mentioned before about pulling the rug at the last moment to trip up players..

I'm starting to feel he's using emotional blackmail on me. I guess he could be scum. I didn't think so but who knows?


I asked for a rep yesterday. Pull your head out of Avatar's ass before you cost town the game. I'm not sticking around to watch it happen.

To the rest of y'all, good luck.
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum
He played the same in the last game I played with him in it. I mentioned before about pulling the rug at the last moment to trip up players..

I'm starting to feel he's using emotional blackmail on me. I guess he could be scum. I didn't think so but who knows?


I asked for a rep yesterday. Pull your head out of Avatar's ass before you cost town the game. I'm not sticking around to watch it happen.

To the rest of y'all, good luck.

Thanks a lot. Really appreciate this House.

I'm here.

It may be a lot to ask, but would any of you be willing to fill me in on the highlights so far?
House is Town.

It's possible that Arden has a post restriction.

Your negativity has me FoS'ing you, Wolf.

Yeah OK, Grandma. House throws a hissy fit and is town. And I'm too negative. Please feel free to FoS to your heart's content. Arden only posts here, so no reason for any post restriction.

What are your reads? Who are your scum suspects?
Well, I am NOT the SK. You'd be wasting a cure on me.

I am also pretty disappointed. House has decided he's done for the most part in this game and others and won't explain, Arden hasn't said anything for over 5 days that can be considered content, Wake has decided to stop posting for the most part, Shaitra is posting in her other game but can't be bothered with this one. I guess I will stop wasting my time here. I was hoping for a fun game.............................:(

gg scum

Affirming you're not the SK, while admirable, isn't vindicating.

I'm unaware of much that's transpired. What we need is a flip.

Unsure when I supposedly decided to stop posting, either. Work's been unforgiving.

One thing I see, at a glance, is that Grandma and Wolfie have differing reads on House.

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