Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Maybe we should examine more of Wolfie's Scumreads, too. I'm not saying she must be right, but it ought to be worth a shot.
OH, and another thing.

I think some of us were given abilities during the game.

Not sure if anyone else feels comfortable, but I am in saying that I was given a powerful ability during Day 1.
OH, and another thing.

I think some of us were given abilities during the game.

Not sure if anyone else feels comfortable, but I am in saying that I was given a powerful ability during Day 1.
House and Wolf, take a break will ya?

I'll help progress the game while you two depressurize.

Go grab some Rum Chata or a Scotch on the rocks or something and relax your britches. :p
OK, I think the board's glitching a bit.

It made a Titus post that was duplicate to mine.

If the fault's on my end I apologize!
House and Wolf, take a break will ya?

I'll help progress the game while you two depressurize.

Go grab some Rum Chata or a Scotch on the rocks or something and relax your britches. :p
House, would you be willing to be nicer with Wolfie, please?

I know you're smart and can be bitingly sarcastic. While I admire that, I also admire Wolfie's character, too. Please, please both of you try to find ways to get along. You two could very well both be Town and the biggest threats to Scum.

Think of it for a minute. You have GOT to know that Scum, if they aren't among you two, are going to pit you two against one another. There's always at least one shadowy hand in the background pulling strings and pushing buttons. I implore you, for the sake of our team, to please work together and be a team with us! We've got to work as a team to find the Scum, or they win.
I... I think the board's glitching, right? Scarlet?
I am feeling confused.

Is it, is it me or the candy? THE CANDY???
I am asking for your vote Grandma and I'm not running for office.

I don't care if I remind you of my scum game. That's all the more reason to vote me out now.

I already claimed VT. I gave all my reads several times in this game. I gave my theory on the SK.

I've done all I can for D1.

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