Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Second, you aren't my Number 1 Scumread. Maybe 2nd or 3rd. Depends on whether or not Shaitra gets more active.

You can read me pretty well in these games. The fact you have me as a scumread at all tells me you likely are one. Not to mention your angry reaction to coming out of RVS, your blatant PR/role-fishing, your manipulative behavior during the Wolf/House drama. You having me as the only person as scum on your list but not voting for me-pushing me from the sidelines so to speak.

I'm pretty sure you are one of the scum. It's possible you are the SK or Vamp since you are so obsessed with it but I think you are one of the two scum.

D2 town should get you. They can take me out today.

I'm taking a break.
The fact you have me as a scumread at all tells me you likely are one.

OMGUS much?

Not to mention your angry reaction to coming out of RVS

Except that I wasn't angry. I wanted all players to get a post in first is all. Pretty reasonable.

your blatant PR/role-fishing,

I'm not fishing for anything. It's not my fault some players cruise through the game driving a bread truck.

your manipulative behavior during the Wolf/House drama.

Damn skippy I was manipulating. Two meltdowns on the same fukkin' page is ridiculous. Only 1 person can flounce off at a time.

So there.

You having me as the only person as scum on your list but not voting for me-pushing me from the sidelines so to speak.

You were my only scumread. Then I went back and read through the whole thread. Very VERY little contributing from Arden and Shaitra. What they did post was a waste of bandwidth. Cafe and Scarlet posted lots with their restrictions, so Shaitra and Arden have no excuse.

I'm pretty sure you are one of the scum. It's possible you are the SK or Vamp since you are so obsessed with it but I think you are one of the two scum.

D2 town should get you. They can take me out today.

I'm taking a break.

No, Town should vote out Arden today.

And you're shitty at reading players. Just saying. Slow down, give yourself time to think instead of knee-jerking.
Just look at all of SR's latests posts. They are all copies of one of ours. Anything posted under her name today should not be counted.[/QUOTE]
I am not shitty at reading players Grandma. I've been right a hell of a lot in these games. Insulting me is not going to help you.

You were manipulating the Wolf/House drama and it was obvious. Your interference made it worse.

So you are telling me Cafe and SR have a post restriction because of the game and not the board-like they were cursed with a bad ability?
Great, so it's the game. I thought it was the board. It's bad enough as it is without that. But it explains a lot.

Cafe-Do you have anything to say to contribute to the conversation or are you just going to fluff post?

my qurstio. Is why is she puffing fluff? It's not like her

My apologies Cafe. I just realized you probably have no choice what you are doing.

But I just gotta ask:

Why are you puffing fluff? It's a serious qurstio...........................:banana:

I have no choice and its going to get worse and last a long time. :/
I hope they're posts she agrees with.
And I thought MY posts were going to be hard
because I have to act like a bard

I feel bad for you
because you cant do

damn you Aye
Right, so this game is completely unplayable now due to these abilities that at least 3 players have.

Can anyone tell me if their abilities last all game or just D1?

If they last the whole game, I'm voting for myself again.
Right, so this game is completely unplayable now due to these abilities that at least 3 players have.

Can anyone tell me if their abilities last all game or just D1?

If they last the whole game, I'm voting for myself again.
I am not shitty at reading players Grandma. I've been right a hell of a lot in these games. Insulting me is not going to help you.

You were manipulating the Wolf/House drama and it was obvious. Your interference made it worse.

So you are telling me Cafe and SR have a post restriction because of the game and not the board-like they were cursed with a bad ability.
moonglow might be a good sk candidate
CK is closer since I like cereal...

Psyche-Hit this N1 please.

Also, if anyone else besides myself and Grandma wants to declare you are not the SK, that would be good.

I think it's someone who wants to play and kill. If it isn't Moon, then Wake is my next choice.

Arden should probably be the lynch D1.

So, town: SR, Avi, Moon unless he's the SK-SK can play town pretty well since they need to scumhunt,

Scum: Arden, Wake, maybe House

Null: Shaitra, FA, Cafe, Grandma

I have too many nulls but that's the way this game is.

(emphasis added)

I am town, I am not the SK.

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