Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I'm here.

It may be a lot to ask, but would any of you be willing to fill me in on the highlights so far?

Avatar is scum.
Wolf is probably his scum mate.
I'm not sticking around to watch such blatant scummy bullshit go unchecked and be slandered in the process.
Town is in for a glorious loss when things could have gone so differently.
Seeking a replacement for House.

If any of you know someone that would take his place, feel free to send them and have them PM me.

Thank you!
House is Town.

It's possible that Arden has a post restriction.

Your negativity has me FoS'ing you, Wolf.

Yeah OK, Grandma. House throws a hissy fit and is town. And I'm too negative. Please feel free to FoS to your heart's content. Arden only posts here, so no reason for any post restriction.

What are your reads? Who are your scum suspects?

At this point I think House and Avi are Town. I think Cafe is too. Arden's null until we get an explanation of her posting style.

House is acting much like I did right before my glorious meltdown in Game 5, so I can relate to that.

I'm reading damn near everyone as null right now, not a good thing when deadline is Monday.
Guys and gals, please stick together and play.

We've got House wanting to replace out and Wolfie voting herself again.


Scum wants this. Are you really going to let your team down this way?

I'm here. Talk to me. Bounce your ideas off me. I can help mediate this.

We're a team, and we need to stick together.
House is treating me like crap and it's not the first time he's done this to me in a game.

I'm sick of getting upset in every damn game.

I don't want to play again after this one.

Please finish me off. I'm not the SK, I'm not the vamp, I'm not a PR, I'm not scum but I will scum claim if it gets me out of this game quicker.
Arden - Null

Avatar4321 - Town

CafeAuLait - Town

Grandma - Town

House - Town

Moonglow - Null

ScarletRage - Null

Shaitra - Null

FA_Q2 - Town

Wake - Null

Wolfsister77 - Scum
Grandma, if she wants to go, you shouldn't feel compelled to do so.

This is simply a game. If Wolfie wants out she can replace out, instead of hurting the team.

I wish this weren't the case.
The way you're acting this early in the game reminds me of the game where you & Mertex were Scum.

Can't we have 1 meltdown at a time, please?

I'm gonna go make a eggamuffin sammich.
Yanno, if I were Scum I'd be doing everything I can to blow up the thin-skinned players.

Wolfsister77 , House : I think you two are being manipulated.

I for one have both of you as strong Townreads. I do know that Wolfie can be forceful, sensitive, and curious as Town. She's displaying this behavior here, and as it is now I'm not inclined to vote for her. It's far too early in the game to know for sure, but even these initial Towntells are a good start in me having her in my Townpile.
I am asking for your vote Grandma and I'm not running for office.

I don't care if I remind you of my scum game. That's all the more reason to vote me out now.

I already claimed VT. I gave all my reads several times in this game. I gave my theory on the SK.

I've done all I can for D1.
So what's it gonna take to keep you in the game, Wolfie?

You're a kind and sensitive person who more than once has been right.

I've been shat on in quite a few games on the mainsite. I try to ignore it, but it doesn't always work.

You know what you are in this game, and you know how to be well-liked and loved by people. Play to your strengths, woman. :D

Wolfsister77 , did you nose pick up on any crumbs anywhere at all? If it did, you don't have to say so, but you can keep that in mind as you continue hunting and lobbying your ideas with the rest of Town. Sometimes you just need to put the idea in a different package to sell it. :)
Question Time:

Is Avatar looking more Townish than FA_Q2?

Y/N, and why, please.
Seriously, I'd rather find the Vampire.

If you still feel this way on Day 2, I'll vote you off then.

We only have around 48-ish hours until Deadline.
Maybe we should examine more of Wolfie's Scumreads, too. I'm not saying she must be right, but it ought to be worth a shot.
House is Town.

It's possible that Arden has a post restriction.

Your negativity has me FoS'ing you, Wolf.
Seriously, I'd rather find the Vampire.

If you still feel this way on Day 2, I'll vote you off then.

We only have around 48-ish hours until Deadline.

Do you think the Vampire would crumb? Or the SK?

Part of me feels like they'd have very good reason to crumb their junk.

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