Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

Who do you think should be scrutinized?

Tell me and I'll comb through their posts and provide a read on them.

I keep forgetting that Moonglow and FA_Q2 are in the game.
Who do you think should be scrutinized?

Tell me and I'll comb through their posts and provide a read on them.

I keep forgetting that Moonglow and FA_Q2 are in the game.

Read me, please.

This should be entertaining.
Seriously, do not hold back on interrogating me. I will not get mad or leave the game if you keep it to the game and don't get personal. I do not believe for one minute that you'd cross that line Wake.

Hi Sweetie, You should know by now, that what you think is AtE is actually my personality and is NOT alignment indicative for me.

You were right about me in ika's game when you were town but you were wrong about me in game 6 when you were scum. You are wrong about me here which makes me wonder about your alignment now. I think you are wrong about Wake also. I think scum is hiding out and we need to poke the hiders. Not the ones throwing themselves out into the limelight.
Welp, Titus seems to feel that I'm Scum, but I don't see why. I know for a damned fact I'm Town and have finally gotten some time to play. In fact, I need to get working on some reads.

What's important is that Titus doesn't look like she's agreeing with the Arden lynch, so she should try her best to communicate the message as to why.

I'm not Scum, and I can't NK players.

However, I've been given the ability to kill any player who hammers me. If I were Scum, do you really think I'd reveal that information? I sure as Hell wouldn't.

OK folks, Let's not lynch Wake today o.k?
Put Arden back at L-1 and I'll explain why she needs to die in pain words since people are too thick to figure simple clues out.
Basically I'm a Super Saint.

I say this because I don't want a Town PR to hammer, and, well, die.

As Town, I want to freaking win! :D :p

Methinks the SK/Vamp/Scum won't try to hammer me, either.

Now on to reading House. I have my eyes on you, Moonglow, and don't you dare think you'll skitter away in the background, FA. Scum, I suggest you prepare yourselves.
Scum would want to lynch or NK the Vampire. If Town hammers the Vamp, he or she would die as a member of Town.

No, scum wants to NK the Vampire, not lynch him/her.

Oh, wow, I just noticed that.

And it looks like it's II, too, like a Godfather.

Vampire always gets a town result but will suicide if the ghouls die.

It only gets recruited if NK'd by scum which is why we should not be pointing to people and saying they are the vamp unless they are up for a lynch.

Seems Grandma keeps obsessing over the vamp and it makes me wonder about her.
Put Arden back at L-1 and I'll explain why she needs to die in pain words since people are too thick to figure simple clues out.

Are you sure it's not confirmation bias?

It's dangerous, and we can't allow ourselves to be blinded by it.

Scum would want to lynch or NK the Vampire. If Town hammers the Vamp, he or she would die as a member of Town.

No, scum wants to NK the Vampire, not lynch him/her.

Oh, wow, I just noticed that.

And it looks like it's II, too, like a Godfather.

Vampire always gets a town result but will suicide if the ghouls die.

It only gets recruited if NK'd by scum which is why we should not be pointing to people and saying they are the vamp unless they are up for a lynch.

Seems Grandma keeps obsessing over the vamp and it makes me wonder about her.

Yes, because the Vampire can be recruited by Scum. If that happens, Scum's number goes up by 1 and Town's number goes down by 1.

You're now my number 2 choice for Scum, Wolf.
Hmmmm........................I think I spot some buddying going on.

I would say that Shaitra is lurking like she does as scum but with her personal issues I'd feel like a shitheel if I voted her now.

Scum would want to lynch or NK the Vampire. If Town hammers the Vamp, he or she would die as a member of Town.

No, scum wants to NK the Vampire, not lynch him/her.

Oh, wow, I just noticed that.

And it looks like it's II, too, like a Godfather.

Vampire always gets a town result but will suicide if the ghouls die.

It only gets recruited if NK'd by scum which is why we should not be pointing to people and saying they are the vamp unless they are up for a lynch.

Seems Grandma keeps obsessing over the vamp and it makes me wonder about her.

Yes, because the Vampire can be recruited by Scum. If that happens, Scum's number goes up by 1 and Town's number goes down by 1.

You're now my number 2 choice for Scum, Wolf.

I have enough of a brain to realize that if we keep talking about who we think the vampire is and they don't get lynched, we are doing scum's job for them.

I'd rather not make their job easier.

It's called common sense.

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