Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

If she was town, outing the JoaT was nasty.

I'm acting like town, too bad if you don't see it.

I'm not sold on Wake scum yet.

only acting like town? Is that a scum tell?

Did you read what I was responding to? SR told me to start acting like town and I told her I have been.

No, it isn't a scumtell. Don't take my words out of context. I don't like that.
to act by definition is to pretend to be something you aren't. You may have misspoke but I didn't take anything out of context
to act by definition is to pretend to be something you aren't. You may have misspoke but I didn't take anything out of context

Yes you did because you didn't include what I was responding to. If you would have, my response makes perfect sense. You are trying to make something out of nothing and you are wasting both of our time. Don't take my words out of context. FA did that to me in game 6 and he was scum. Knock it off Avi.
I'm somewhat concerned about the fact SR doesn't want to accept the fact that Arden is likely scum. The fact she says Arden could be town is strange. Why defend her now?
Wolf, if Arden is not town she is SK if anything rather than groupscum. There was the bit about going along with plans after all.

I am saying it is not certain Arden is scum. All we know is Fonti is headstrong.
I'm somewhat concerned about the fact SR doesn't want to accept the fact that Arden is likely scum. The fact she says Arden could be town is strange. Why defend her now?

Wolf, wait for the flip. I can't see SR defending her at all- esp knowing she is going to flip soon, she is throwing out possibilities- I think you are reading too much into it. We will know soon enough.
Vote Count Incoming.

Been away from the house all day. (work)
because the vampires sole purpose is to be recruited by scum. Who are you curing if you are the psych moonglow?

Wake (1)
: ScarletRage
Wolfsister77 (1): Arden
LYNCH! Arden (6): Moonglow, Avatar4321, Grandma, House, Wolfsister77, Wake
Avatar4321 (1): FA_Q2

Not Voting: Shaitra, CafeAuLait,

With 11 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline is 11/03/14, @ 8PM central.

ScarletRage - V/LA from 11/5 to 11/10

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Last edited:

"Oh dear! I've got to find my way out of here fast before any of the others see me,"
★Arden screamed out. She just happened to be dressed as Nicki Minaj's double while trying to sharpen her Serial Killer skills, but didn't notice she had walked into Town Hall since it was all decked out for Halloween.

In her haste to leave, ★Arden ran through a crowd, where one of the townsfolk recognized her from one of the many photo line-ups the police had plastered around town in their search for her. Yelling out "Get Nicki!", other townsfolk misunderstood and thought it was the real singer.

★Arden made it to the double doors before the crowd caught up to her. Those damn electronic doors never open when you need them to. The crowd was so excited that Nicki had visited their town, they didn't notice who it was they had pushed down and trampled on their way out while looking for the famous singer.

It is now Night 1.

Night Actions Deadline is 11/04/14, @ 8PM central.

"This is some costume party!" House said to himself as he made his way to the kitchen to let the caterers in the back door. After letting them in, he headed to the basement to fetch more drinks for the crowd. It didn't seem to bother him one bit that the lock on the basement door had been cut off. Taking a few steps in, he noticed a light was on and he heard what he thought was a little "Meow".


With all the noise upstairs from the party and the caterers busy filling the bellies of the party-goers, noone noticed their host, Wolverine, had gone missing. Unfortunately for him, his nemesis, the Ghouls, happily bounded through the door with other guests all dressed up in Halloween attire. As for what's left of Wolverine, aka House, only this little fella knows:


It is now Day 2.

With 9 players, it takes 5 to lynch.

Not Voting (9)
Moonglow ♂
Wolfsister77 ♀
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀
Grandma ♀
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀
FA_Q2 ♂

Deadline is 11/11/14, @ 8PM central.
Wake your posts seem as if you are not reading the game, almost disinterested, I am getting a very bad vibe off of you. Your meta at Mafia Scum suggests someone who is chaotic in posting at times and maybe I am wrong, (I don’t think so though) I just can’t get past it. Something is niggling at me. It just seems as if you have thrown things up to look as if you are participating. I get you have to work, I don’t want to sound like I’m uncaring about your personal life. However, it is not that you are not posting, it’s almost as if you are not here when posting. Now House is dead, and you were one of those on the top on his scum list and your posts had been raising red flags with me. I think you are scum.

Grandma seems to be interested in Vampire, and Moon’s last post which seemed to come out of nowhere about Grandma’s interest in 'the Vampire knowing what scum want' just seemed totally out of place.

Wolf calling on Wake to hammer Arden can be attributed to several things I suppose, but I am keeping my eye on it. May mean nothing at all- but given my read on Wake, I have moved Wolf to FOS.

Vote: Wake



Scarlet Rage (CCed House our ccing Joat, putting herself in danger of being Nked.

on the Rest for now.

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