Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I think its weird House suspected both you and Wake and he is dead now. Like I said, it may mean nothing that you called on Wake for the hammer on Arden-, ( it just seemed out of the blue, I was not here as all of that was going down- so I don't know you reasons) I don't think I am wrong about Wake though. Maybe I am wrong having a possible FOS read on you because of that. But, House suspecting you and Wake and House being dead now, made the scum sensors raise on the back of my neck. And you asked that we don't lynch Wake as Day 1 as well.

What is your take on Wake? Do you think his posting is off? Or am I reading all of this wrong? You said you have meta on both House and Wake from the main site. Is he town Wake or scum Wake to you?
Oh and while I am here, I apologize to those I was rude to due to my gremlin hex! Grandma I think I took it out on you the worst! SR I like your ass! :p LOL I hope you both know I did not mean any of that seriously. Gah I felt bad saying some of those things to you. My hex is now broken. I misread it and I thought it said I had to do it all game, but clarified with Aye that I read my PM wrong- it was only Day 1.

Oh and Aye, I still don't like your ass because of that gremlin hex. :p

Do you think I have read Wake's meta at the main site wrong? You seem to have played games with him there, his meta is hard to follow at times, but what is here is kinda reading scummy to me given a few scum games I read of Wake's. And, I have noted before- reading a game gives one a different feel than actually being in the game at the time- if that makes sense. I hope I am not off- especially given I am pretty sure House was far off on his read of Avatar- I think Avatar may be town and we misread what he was trying to tell us when he was seemingly against the SK plan. I just keep coming back to possible scum on Wake each time I think about it.
Well played House. He countered Arden's JoaT claim and got NK'ed for it. But he was VT so he protected a fellow PR.
I think its weird House suspected both you and Wake and he is dead now. Like I said, it may mean nothing that you called on Wake for the hammer on Arden-, ( it just seemed out of the blue, I was not here as all of that was going down- so I don't know you reasons) I don't think I am wrong about Wake though. Maybe I am wrong having a possible FOS read on you because of that. But, House suspecting you and Wake and House being dead now, made the scum sensors raise on the back of my neck. And you asked that we don't lynch Wake as Day 1 as well.

What is your take on Wake? Do you think his posting is off? Or am I reading all of this wrong? You said you have meta on both House and Wake from the main site. Is he town Wake or scum Wake to you?

First, House had me as a townread most of the game until the end. He even had me in his hard town list. Just look at his posts and reads most of the game. He got pissed at me for not following his lead on Avi. Avi was his biggest scumread most of the game and I disgaree'd. Then he tried to call me Avi's buddy after he got so mad about it he was ready to replace. I still do not understand his reaction to that............................................

Later, He sheeped Titus on Wake and later linked me to Wake as scum and used the Arden hammer as a reason. Again sheeping Titus regarding who she thought the scum were. I would recommend reading that whole interaction again. I explained in detail why I called for the hammer on Arden. It's pretty obvious I thought she was scum trying to out a PR and wanted her dead because of it. There is nothing there to indicate I did anything scummy.

I will follow up with another post on Wake and a few others because I wrote down several thoughts after looking through the game and yes, I have House and Wake meta from the other site. Titus too. I've been in games they have all been in now. I'll follow up when I can.
Hpuse, you know I am the jack. Thanks gor covering my ass.

I highly doubt you firgot a game as contested as Gundam Seed given I just referenced it in the last completed gsme we did together Wake.

Now I'm really confused.

House is the Jack, right?

This post from Wake in response to SR bothers me. To me, I read this as SR trying to confuse scum by stating she is the jack. Why would Wake call attention to that unless he is PR hunting? That makes Wake very scummy to me.

"This is some costume party!" House said to himself as he made his way to the kitchen to let the caterers in the back door. After letting them in, he headed to the basement to fetch more drinks for the crowd. It didn't seem to bother him one bit that the lock on the basement door had been cut off. Taking a few steps in, he noticed a light was on and he heard what he thought was a little "Meow".


With all the noise upstairs from the party and the caterers busy filling the bellies of the party-goers, noone noticed their host, Wolverine, had gone missing. Unfortunately for him, his nemesis, the Ghouls, happily bounded through the door with other guests all dressed up in Halloween attire. As for what's left of Wolverine, aka House, only this little fella knows:


I'm basing VT on the part of the kill scene I bolded above. And I don't see anything that would indicate a PR for House.

The sacred halls of USMB are no place to be when All Hallow's Eve rolls around. With evil lurking behind every crook and nanny, there's no telling what you'll stumble upon when using the light of the moon as your guide. Will the Serial Killer claim the night, or will the Vampire come out of hiding to drain the blood of all that stand in his/her way?

Game Mod: AyeCantSeeYou

Mod Helper: ika

Player List:

Moonglow ♂
House ♂ - Goblin
Wolfsister77 ♀
Avatar4321 ♂
ScarletRage ♀
Arden ♀ - Serial Killer
Grandma ♀
Wake ♂
CafeAuLait ♀
Shaitra ♀
FA_Q2 ♂

Vote Counts
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

I just checked page 1 to see if anything was there and Aye has him listed him as Goblin on page one. So Shai's guess is right, his is VT. He done GOOD and protected our PR!
It was a risky gambit. If Arden would of been JoaT, then he would of been lynched today for a move like that. He had no way of knowing she wasn't what she said she was. I understand it worked out well and our PR is safe and I think that is very admirable on House's part, but it really could of backfired. I think we should look for clues on who was most fooled by his move because it is obvious scum was. However, since everyone wasn't here at the time, that might not be a good tell.
BTW-The JoaT should of protected House last night and denied scum a NK. That would of made scum wonder WTF was going on and would of been a great move.

Just sayin'
Oh, and I asked for Wake not to be lynched D1 because he could kill whoever hammered him. The fact that he told us that, makes me question the scumread I had on him for most of the game and was why I was saying I didn't think he was scum. Scum would just let the townie die who hammered him unless it was his buddy. I also doubt that ability would be given to scum since it's usually a vengeful townie type ability.
I think its weird House suspected both you and Wake and he is dead now. Like I said, it may mean nothing that you called on Wake for the hammer on Arden-, ( it just seemed out of the blue, I was not here as all of that was going down- so I don't know you reasons) I don't think I am wrong about Wake though. Maybe I am wrong having a possible FOS read on you because of that. But, House suspecting you and Wake and House being dead now, made the scum sensors raise on the back of my neck. And you asked that we don't lynch Wake as Day 1 as well.

What is your take on Wake? Do you think his posting is off? Or am I reading all of this wrong? You said you have meta on both House and Wake from the main site. Is he town Wake or scum Wake to you?

First, House had me as a townread most of the game until the end. He even had me in his hard town list. Just look at his posts and reads most of the game. He got pissed at me for not following his lead on Avi. Avi was his biggest scumread most of the game and I disgaree'd. Then he tried to call me Avi's buddy after he got so mad about it he was ready to replace. I still do not understand his reaction to that............................................

Later, He sheeped Titus on Wake and later linked me to Wake as scum and used the Arden hammer as a reason. Again sheeping Titus regarding who she thought the scum were. I would recommend reading that whole interaction again. I explained in detail why I called for the hammer on Arden. It's pretty obvious I thought she was scum trying to out a PR and wanted her dead because of it. There is nothing there to indicate I did anything scummy.

I will follow up with another post on Wake and a few others because I wrote down several thoughts after looking through the game and yes, I have House and Wake meta from the other site. Titus too. I've been in games they have all been in now. I'll follow up when I can.

Okay, thanks. Let me know when you do have time. I certainty don't want to be responsible for mislynching a townie- we really can't afford it, I want to go for the same things I have last time- a scum trifecta! . I did that with Avatar one game and it has stayed with me since.
I think its weird House suspected both you and Wake and he is dead now. Like I said, it may mean nothing that you called on Wake for the hammer on Arden-, ( it just seemed out of the blue, I was not here as all of that was going down- so I don't know you reasons) I don't think I am wrong about Wake though. Maybe I am wrong having a possible FOS read on you because of that. But, House suspecting you and Wake and House being dead now, made the scum sensors raise on the back of my neck. And you asked that we don't lynch Wake as Day 1 as well.

What is your take on Wake? Do you think his posting is off? Or am I reading all of this wrong? You said you have meta on both House and Wake from the main site. Is he town Wake or scum Wake to you?

First, House had me as a townread most of the game until the end. He even had me in his hard town list. Just look at his posts and reads most of the game. He got pissed at me for not following his lead on Avi. Avi was his biggest scumread most of the game and I disgaree'd. Then he tried to call me Avi's buddy after he got so mad about it he was ready to replace. I still do not understand his reaction to that............................................

Later, He sheeped Titus on Wake and later linked me to Wake as scum and used the Arden hammer as a reason. Again sheeping Titus regarding who she thought the scum were. I would recommend reading that whole interaction again. I explained in detail why I called for the hammer on Arden. It's pretty obvious I thought she was scum trying to out a PR and wanted her dead because of it. There is nothing there to indicate I did anything scummy.

I will follow up with another post on Wake and a few others because I wrote down several thoughts after looking through the game and yes, I have House and Wake meta from the other site. Titus too. I've been in games they have all been in now. I'll follow up when I can.

Let me know when you do have time. I certainty don't want to be responsible for mislynching, I did that with Avatar one game and it has stayed with me since. I would rather go for the same thing we did last game ( or was it our last two games?)- A Scum trifecta of lynchings! One, two, three- bye bye! and we win three times in a row! Or am I miscounting how many wins we have now?

I think I also need to remind everyone. We also need to be on the lookout for anyone Vampire hunting or someone crumbing Vampire. If anyone notes it ( AND YOU ARE SURE that is what the intent is, point it out), we need to lynch him/her immediately before night comes and scum can recruit. If anyone disagrees please let me know.

Do you think I have read Wake's meta at the main site wrong? You seem to have played games with him there, his meta is hard to follow at times, but what is here is kinda reading scummy to me given a few scum games I read of Wake's. And, I have noted before- reading a game gives one a different feel than actually being in the game at the time- if that makes sense. I hope I am not off- especially given I am pretty sure House was far off on his read of Avatar- I think Avatar may be town and we misread what he was trying to tell us when he was seemingly against the SK plan. I just keep coming back to possible scum on Wake each time I think about it.

Well, even though I explained in a previous post why I thought Wake was town, I'll go ahead and explain why I think he may be scum. He buddied House almost right away as scum in a game at MS and he has been buddying the shit out of me all game. He accepted me being town almost right away with very little questioning. He not only accepted it right away but tried to convince others of it also. He has been WKing me in several instances this game. Falling for scum buddying is one of my weaknesses as town. He is aware of this I'm sure. So that level of being so sure of my alignment is something I am concerned about.
Right now I have Moonglow, Avatar, and Cafe as town.

SR is null because of her posting restriction and being V/LA. If Wake is scum, she's likely town. She might bus her buddy but I don't think she'd really need to here at this point in the game.

Shaitra, FA, Wake are all FoS. Shaitra and FA because of not very much game related content and Wake for reasons I already said.

Grandma's obsession with the vamp is concerning to me. First she dismisses it as not important, then later won't stop talking about how we need to kill it and who it might be and it just strikes me as odd enough to keep her out of my town pile right now.

I'm guessing scum + vamp is in the group above. I just haven't sorted it all out yet.

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