Official USMB Mafia Game #8: Gremlins, Goblins, and Ghouls! (Oh my!)

I was so mad.

As Town Tracker I wanted the damned SK lynched.

Titus and three others were Scum, and they divided the Town over the debate on whether to lynch or leash the SK.

The Town kept killing Townies over the SK.
It's going to take me forever to read through that.

You don't need to. You can. My point was I doubt WAKE forgot about that game doubly so since I recently referred to it. He should have explained rather than troll.
I was so mad.

As Town Tracker I wanted the damned SK lynched.

Titus and three others were Scum, and they divided the Town over the debate on whether to lynch or leash the SK.

The Town kept killing Townies over the SK.

I also made you into a PL as an uncced Tracker.
It's going to take me forever to read through that.


You don't need to. You can. My point was I doubt WAKE forgot about that game doubly so since I recently referred to it. He should have explained rather than troll.

I'm not sure I see Wake scum yet. I see the people not participating being ignored while the active participants go after each other.
Wow, I go to the grocery store and then clean the house while you guys are having a posting party. :lol:

I'm definitely looking forward to the flip and NK because I don't have a clue right now what's going down.
I come back and the lynch is done. You didn't have to counter claim for anyone house we could have gotten it.

anyway since we are in twilight, if I'm the psych I'll heal wake
Haha, that was fun! I'd rather die anti-town than concede to your silly plans.

Good luck, scum!
See, We got scum.

Thanks for giving up Arden!!

No. Dying anti-town does not necessarily mean Arden was scum. She could be bitter town or SK or Vampire. Anti-town just means not in the best interests of town.

Right, but it also means scum and she did say good luck scum!!

She could be the SK playing against her wincon but that wouldn't make a lot of sense.

She could be the vamp but she'd be playing against her wincon there too unless turned.

If she's town, she's downright nasty and doesn't seem likely.

The flip will tell us a lot but I think she's scum. It is in her best interest to get the JoaT outed.

Trying to tie Wake and I together as the scum team when Arden clearly wasn't town and hadn't flipped yet was a mistake and you know it. We made some damn town moves with her lynch. Too bad you have a problem with confbias yourself.
I've seen bitter townies say good luck scum. I'm waiting for the flip to draw a conclusion. That doesn't require nasty at all. Sometimes when I get heated, I have told the rest of the town to go fuck themselves yadda yadda.

Wake is scum, you should start acting like town if you want me to buy that bullshit.
See, We got scum.

Thanks for giving up Arden!!

No. Dying anti-town does not necessarily mean Arden was scum. She could be bitter town or SK or Vampire. Anti-town just means not in the best interests of town.

I don't get why anyone would do this if town. I have a question Scarlet, if she is really town- ( I thought she might be confessing to SK, given the post of mine telling her of our plan and then her post following it) isn't that against her win condition? Hurting our team by possibly forcing our Joat to cc? Why do we have win conditions if people can break them and screw up our game as possibly "bitter town"?
So, If Arden is not the SK, the psyche should look at Moonglow still IMO or possibly one of the lurkers like FA or Shaitra who both lurk as scum. They are my top choices for Arden's team mate if she is scum.

SR is probtown as well as Cafe and Avi and House and Grandma.

Wake was a scumread of mine in earlier posting but is looking more town like in his recent posts. SR's read on him is not something I won't consider however.

If anyone else has final reads and Psyche target, now is the time to say so.

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